
Business plan - children's cafe: equipment and documents. How to open a children's cafe from scratch

business plan kids cafeThe restaurant business is rightfully considered one of the most promising areas. Each case has its own subtleties and features that must be taken into account.

This is necessary in order for a well-organized cafe to actively develop and bring a stable income.

Visitors can get real pleasure from seeing a cozy room with comfortable tables, polite waiters and cheerful children!

But initially it is necessary to develop a business plan, a children's cafe should be properly equipped, meet the necessary sanitary requirements. Of course, this will require serious financial investments.

Financial expenses

The catering industry brings substantial income. However, cash injections at first will require tangible. It is necessary to purchase a room or rent it out, purchase the necessary equipment for cooking and design a common hall for visitors.

Investments will be required for the ongoing and overhaul of the premises, the purchase of furniture. Be sure to invite a designer who will help to think through the design of the cafe in detail so that it attracts children. But before you seriously engage in the development of a business idea, think: how do you feel about the younger generation? If you really love children and cannot remain indifferent to business with a long-term perspective, then this is an occupation for you.

To find out how much it costs to open a children's cafe, you need to add up all the necessary and the above costs. So, for the rental of premises will have to pay from three hundred and fifty to four hundred thousand rubles. The purchase of products will cost eighteen thousand rubles. We must not forget about advertising - it will require from sixty five to seventy thousand rubles.

In general, opening a business can result in the amount of one million two hundred to one and a half million rubles. The pricing of the dishes offered in the cafe will be based on all fixed costs: rental premises, employee salaries and utility bills. Variable expenses are added here - for the purchase of raw materials.

Successful business in a small town

Before you open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to think about its location, especially if you intend to expand your business in a small city. It is important that there are no competing establishments nearby. The most advantageous place is near children's institutions: schools, kindergartens, and gymnasiums. It is very convenient if there is a leisure park with attractions nearby, where there are families with children, houses of children's creativity, playgrounds.

Required documents

To open a children's cafe in a small city (and in a big one too), the necessary documents will be required. For the rental of premises, a contract is concluded, technological and architectural projects are drawn up.

Then, the institution is registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, registration with the tax authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, obtaining permission to operate in the field of public catering from SES, fire protection. It is also necessary to obtain a work permit from the district administration. In total, the processing of all necessary papers will take about three months.


Since each business has its own subtleties, before opening a children's cafe, it is necessary to research the market and study the state of affairs of competitors.When choosing a room, one must take into account its location so that visitors can easily get to it. Under the cafe, you need to choose a spacious room with large windows (it can be rented or redeemed).

It will need to arrange a kitchen where food will be prepared, a hall with tables and chairs, where visitors can try all the most delicious dishes from your menu. If your cafe is intended for young children, then it is necessary to provide a play area. A trampoline, a Swedish wall can be placed in it, a flat-screen TV screen can be mounted on the wall, on which animated and feature films for children will be shown.

This corner will be decorated with images of popular movie heroes. Addition will be board games, karaoke. The total area of ​​the premises can be from seventy to one hundred and fifty square meters. In order to calculate its exact dimensions, it is necessary to follow the SES standards: for one person in the hall, five square meters are required. A cafe may include not one, but two halls for visitors, a game zone, a cinema hall and a stage.

Cafe Equipment

kids cafe restaurantWhen thinking about how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to understand that it is necessary not only to choose and design a room correctly, but also to purchase equipment.

It should be not only beautiful, but also ergonomic. To order furniture, you can contact the specialized websites of manufacturers. The room must have air conditioning.

The cafe needs to be well ventilated. The design should always take into account the characteristics of the psychology of young visitors. As equipment for the common room, tables and chairs for children and adults are used. In addition, bright soft sofas are useful. The kitchen needs to be equipped with the most modern equipment so that the food is tasty, and at the same time it does not consume too much electricity: these are ceramic glass stoves, ovens, microwave ovens.

Staff recruitment and cafe organization

One of the important points that must necessarily take into account the institution’s business plan is staffing. People must be recruited not only experienced, but also with special education. It will take cooks, waitresses, cleaning staff, an administrator, an animator and an accountant. Attendants must be polite and love children. An important point is the institution’s operating mode, it is also laid down in the business plan. Children's cafe should function from 9.00 to 21.00 hours.

The work of the maintenance staff will be in shift, administrator and accountant - according to the schedule: five working days and two days off. So that the chef has mastered the ways of preparing dishes for children, he can be sent to special courses. Children are very fond of sweets. These products are not very useful for the young body, but the real master will be able to cook them so that the food is tasty and healthy. Saving on top-notch employees is not worth it. The success of the institution depends on their work.

Interesting business ideas for a cafe

Undoubtedly, a very bold and original business idea is a children's cafe in a small town. It is necessary to approach its embodiment creatively. When designing a room, you must first decide for which target audience your institution will be intended: for preschool children, elementary school students, and teenagers. Accordingly, it is necessary to take this into account.

But the best and win-win option is to develop the design of the institution so that it is interesting for children of all ages. Here's what you need to open a children's cafe: pick up a building that will look attractive on the outside, and inside delight you with bright colors and a cozy atmosphere. Children, once having visited your institution, should again strive to get there. This requires a unique individual design of the room.

For example, you can decorate the hall and the play area with images of cartoon characters, create a “jungle” with lianas and monkeys on palm trees, a town upside down on the ceiling. It all depends on your imagination. You can use the services of a novice designer who can offer the most interesting, non-template approach to the design of the room. Successfully brought business plan will bring success to the enterprise.

A children's cafe will be complemented by a library, a corner with board games, sheets of paper and pencils for drawing. Original ideas for the design of the cafe can be found in specialized magazines. It is very important that the atmosphere of happiness, fairy tales and comfort reigned in the cafe. Then the children will strive here.

Additional cafe services and its advertising

A showcase that encourages you to taste delicious ice cream and spend a fun and unusual birthday will serve as a good advertisement for the establishment. Not the least role will be played by the original name of the cafe. Visitors will be attracted not only by the bright, beautiful design of the institution, its delicious menu, but also various holidays, quizzes with the presentation of prizes, contests.

The best approach is to develop in advance, a month in advance, an action plan to be held in the cafe. They can be thematic, dedicated to the holidays, dedicated to cartoon characters, fairy tales. It is possible to conduct events with visits to kindergartens, schools, and to private addresses.

If you have a good cook who can turn any dish into a real masterpiece, then you can expand the range of services. To better familiarize customers with the assortment of cafe dishes, you can arrange home delivery of cakes, pastries, desserts and other prepared meals.

Menu for cafe

Of the classic dishes offered by the children's cafe-restaurant, you can include french fries, various soups with crackers or meatballs, pizza, cereals and pasta. Since your cafe is aimed at a children's audience, it is worth considering the most detailed assortment of desserts and drinks.

It is these dishes that most often attract the younger generation. They will order pancakes, cakes, milkshakes and juices with pleasure and appetite. Serve them better with fiction, imagination, they should look very appetizing and beautiful.

For example, you can turn ice cream into a funny snowman, and a simple vegetable salad into a laughing man or a jungle with a monkey. There are many options. It will be not only tasty for the child, but also interesting to enjoy such a dish. The menu should be equally suitable for all visitors, so that not only children but also their parents can choose something for themselves.

how to open a children's cafe from scratch

Grocery shopping

Since it is necessary to organize a children's cafe competently (the matter is quite responsible, because the health of young visitors depends on your actions), it is better to buy products from wholesale suppliers who can present a certificate of compliance of their goods with sanitary standards.

Monthly purchases of products may require financial costs of up to thirty-five thousand rubles. It is necessary to monitor that expired products or those that have lost their presentation and may be spoiled in the kitchen of your cafe. They must be only the freshest and highest quality. In order not to depend on the delivery schedule of products, you can make a stock of semi-finished products in the cafe.

open a children's cafe in a small town


Opening a children's cafe is a bold move. But at the same time, the risk justifies itself. This market segment in our country is still not well developed, so it is considered promising. The food business pays off quickly enough and brings tangible income in just one year. The key to success is a well-designed business plan. Children's cafe can bring a monthly income of about three hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Therefore, this type of business is very reliable.

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Thanks for the information. It really helped. My husband and I live in a small town, there are very few rooms for a children's cafe. We can not get enough fun at starting our own business. But the husband really wants, for a long time. wants to work for herself for her children.


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