
Own business: sale and production of ceramic tiles. Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile production

Any production will bring substantial income to the owner only if entry into the market is well thought out and the necessary business rules are observed in working with partners and customers.

In the supermarket of building materials or in the online store of tiles you can see a fairly wide range of this material for flooring, and for walls, and facade tiles, and porcelain tiles, as well as much more. Demand for such goods is always high enough, since they do not stop building and repairing in any economic conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you are interested in the production of ceramic tiles as an idea for a business, then its mobility is a big plus. The volume of production depending on demand can be quickly reduced without any losses, as well as quickly increased if necessary.

Such flexibility allows you to easily overcome seasonal fluctuations in demand, as well as to survive the waves of excitement without stress. Another advantage that reflects the business plan for the production of ceramic tiles is a high level of profit. Even a very modest production is able to bring 200-300 thousand rubles in the first month.

The production of ceramic tiles has certain disadvantages. The main disadvantage here can be called quite high financial costs at the start of the rental of premises or its purchase, equipment, transportation. In addition, you will need to attract specialists and experts to organize a high-quality technological process, purchase the best mixes for tile production, and establish sales without loss of money and time.

Each of these steps will require good specialists. Before deciding to start the production of ceramic tiles, it is necessary to study the competitors' offers and market demand, find the weak links, that is, some kind of “hole” in the market presentation, and fill this missing puzzle with your business. Typically, high prices for ceramic tiles do not allow demand to be very large, so in a tight market you can find your niche by offering a real price.

Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles

The main methods of production

There are currently four main types of tile production. It is worth considering each of them:

  • The casting method can be called the most ancient, while the clay mass is poured into molds and burned. Such a tile may turn out to be uneven, have uneven edges, its appearance is more like a decorative one. Its production is very expensive, so at the moment almost never occurs.
  • The extrusion method involves stretching the clay mass through a special machine with its subsequent cutting to size.
  • The cutting method can be called the most expensive. With this production method, natural stone is cut into tiles. The yield of finished products in this case is very small, so it is more often used in the manufacture of mosaics.
  • The pressing method can be called the main method for the production of ceramic tiles at the moment. Thus, it is possible to obtain products with high strength and excellent aesthetic appearance. It is on this option that it is worth stopping for a more detailed consideration.


The manufacture of ceramic tiles by extrusion can be carried out using technologies such as monocottura, bicotture and porcelain stoneware.

  • Monocottura suggests that the product is fired only once. The pressed mixture dries, after which it is covered with glaze, and then burned. The result is products characterized by durability, low water absorption, a matte surface and high wear resistance. Such porcelain tiles and tiles are actively used to cover floors, walls, as well as facades.
  • The bicotura method involves the double firing of the tile - after pressing, and then after applying the glaze. The result of this is to obtain an enameled tile, which is characterized by an excellent aesthetic appearance, matte or glossy surface (depending on the enamel). But the porosity of such a material is quite high, which indicates a low strength in comparison with products manufactured by other technologies. This tile is well suited for use in interior decoration. It is quite resistant to household hygiene and cleaning products.
  • The technology of manufacturing ceramic tiles called "porcelain tiles" allows you to get products with the highest levels of wear resistance and strength, easy to care for. By technology, the production process of such tiles has much in common with monocottura, but it has its own characteristics: clay of the highest quality is mixed with quartz, feldspar is added to the mixture, and the necessary color is obtained by adding natural pigments. Pressing is performed under high pressure, and after drying, the products are fired at a temperature significantly exceeding the conditions of other methods.

Production Features

In the case of organizing a small business, an entrepreneur has certain advantages. The first of them is due to the fact that small enterprises are quite capable of allowing themselves to manufacture a wide range of products. At the moment, the manufacturers have played into the hands of the depreciation of the domestic currency, as the cost of imported materials has become quite high. Small production has one significant advantage - the ability to manufacture high quality products at low prices.

Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles is necessary to a minimum. This kit can cost an entrepreneur about $ 10,000. Here we are talking about the purchase of a concrete mixer, a vibrating machine, a chamber for spraying patterns, a drying oven and molds for tiles. This equipment for the production of ceramic tiles can be purchased separately, which is often quite profitable. However, when organizing the production of some unique products, it will be necessary to purchase additional tools.

So, when all the necessary equipment for the production of ceramic tiles will be purchased, we can talk about the process itself. The class of products directly depends on how high quality materials you use. For these purposes, cement and granite screenings are best suited. In addition, you will need a plasticizer, dyes and glaze.

Idea for business

At the moment, in large cities of Russia, a lot of outlets are engaged in earnings on the sale of ceramic tiles. With the increase in sales profitability, the pace of production of domestic products also increases. If you organize your own production of ceramic tiles, you need to take care of many important points.

Where to trade?

It is best to open a new outlet in the vicinity of new residential buildings, where most residents have the main concern - carrying out repairs. Visitors to the outlet and its potential customers will be residents of nearby areas, since now they will no longer need to deliver products from the opposite end of the city.

Before you open a store of ceramic tiles, you should decide what kind of products will be presented to you. If we are talking about the sale of high-end products, then it is better to position the outlet as close to the center of the district as possible. To open a store you will need to contact the State Sanitary Inspection for a certificate.

Ceramic Tile Making

Choice of premises

To organize sales, the area must be 50 square meters, not less. However, the footage is directly dependent on the number of products offered. The store should have a warehouse, the area of ​​which should not be less than 20 square meters. The room must pass the test of various authorities. The rent for it will depend on a number of factors.

Assortment of goods

The consumer will be most in demand products that are designed for the bathroom and the bathroom. The decoration of these rooms can be carried out using conventional ceramic products, or you can use tiles that mimic natural stone.

Products for walls differ from flooring in that their thickness is less. In addition, the floor tiles must not slip. The store should consist of at least 20 items, varieties and different color schemes of tiles. Closer to spring, shades such as pink and beige are becoming increasingly relevant.


At the point of sale, it is impossible to do without personnel in the following composition:

  • store administrator who is responsible for personnel management, procurement and warehouse operations, cooperation with consumers and suppliers;
  • cashier employee;
  • manager-consultant who should cooperate with visitors, help them and conduct consultations if necessary.

The consultant should be well-versed in possible shortcomings and various flaws in the material, as well as difficulties encountered when working with ceramics. He must be able to calculate the required number of tiles depending on the needs of the client, advise on the manufacture of the adhesive mixture, and also give certain recommendations for laying. When the store is fully operational, the number of employees can gradually increase, reaching five people.

Range of products sold

It should be noted that certain gamut of colors can be in demand at one time of the year and completely unclaimed in another, in the same way textures and other characteristics of the tile. In the cold season, the client is more interested in the color of the sea wave, and with the onset of spring, many want to buy something bright, reminiscent of the approaching summer. Different shades are in demand depending on the location, area and other parameters.

All these nuances should be taken into account if you do not just sell products, but also do their own production, since many tile manufacturers simply forget about them. You may well organize your own company and open your own store under your brand. And the demand for ceramic tiles will show you which products will sell better. Thanks to this, you can instantly adjust your production plans.

Ceramic tile manufacturing technology


Achieving good results will be guaranteed when you follow certain principles, among which are the following:

  • high speed of execution of orders;
  • professionalism of a manager, consultant, provision of high quality services;
  • personal approach to each customer;
  • orientation in customer needs;
  • advice from professionals regarding working with products;
  • availability of quality knowledge in the field of ceramic tiles.

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I will buy a line for the production of ceramic plates with a productivity of 300 square meters per day


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