
Own business: production of brooms. Costing and equipment for the production of brooms

The demand for household goods in the domestic market is constantly growing. And this is due to high consumer demand. Consequently, the profit from the production of such products at enterprises also increases significantly. And today we will consider how you can make money from producing such a primitive household item as brooms (brooms).

We make a business plan

Production of brooms seems at first glance a primitive affair. But you can really get benefits from it only if the business plan is created correctly. So, what points should you pay attention to when planning such a business?

Firstly, you should take care of renting several hectares of land on which raw materials for your products will be grown. Secondly, you need to find a permanent supplier of knitting threads. Thirdly, for all this work, a small working staff is needed who will be engaged in sowing, harvesting grain crops (sorghum is the main raw material for making brooms), as well as knitting and supplying them.

production of plastic brooms

And finally - for such a business, you should rent not only land, but also a warehouse where equipment for the production of brooms and finished products will be stored until the time of sale. Below we will consider all these nuances separately.

About household equipment

For sowing and harvesting, of course, you need at least one piece of equipment. Yes, for such a thing as the production of brooms, it makes no sense to purchase an expensive tractor. A more reasonable solution would be to rent it, and already with the employee together.

Almost every small village has its own farm. You ask: “And what does it have to do with brooms?” The answer is very simple - instead of buying special equipment in your own fleet, you can borrow it from a local farmer. At the same time, you need to take care of the work team. It can also be assembled in a short time, because the work will not go year-round, but seasonally.

broom production

By the way, if this is the production of plastic brooms, you don’t even have to grow sorghum. But at the same time you can not do with one machine. Raw materials for their production will have to be purchased from larger manufacturers, and this is much more expensive than growing your own raw materials.

Talnik broom - production and collection of sorghum

Now in more detail about the manufacture. As we said earlier, the main raw material for their production is sorghum. This grain crop is planted in the spring, sifting seeds before it. The latter are pre-soaked in water for 30-35 minutes (this is necessary in order to extract low-quality seeds that have surfaced). The planting of sorghum itself is made in mid-May, in a continuous row. The distance between the rows should be about 25-30 centimeters. The sowing depth of grain crops is 5 centimeters.

broom polypropylene production

The first weeding is done around the beginning of June. Here you should thin out the rows so that the distance between the plants is about 10 centimeters. The next weeding and loosening of the soil is done after 10-14 days. Sorghum ripens in August, and already in September you can start general cleaning.

Knitting and manufacturing equipment

Next is the knitting and production of finished products from raw materials. It is worth noting that the production of brooms can be either manual or mechanized. In the first case, you will have to hire labor. As practice shows, one worker can bind about 15 brooms per day.

broom making equipment

However, large enterprises have long trusted this business with specialized equipment.Broom knitting machines are capable of producing up to 15 brooms per hour, that is, up to 120-150 units of the finished product per day. The cost of such tools is about 300 thousand rubles.

machines for knitting brooms

The machines operate from a 220 Volt network, so the warehouse you rent must be connected to the mains.


Now consider the production of brooms from a financial point of view. Land lease is the main expense item. In order to collect a normal crop of sorghum, you need about 20 hectares. If this is a lease from the state, then on average it will cost about 3 thousand rubles (for 1 year).

It is worth noting that leasing land from private firms will be much more expensive. Taking land from the state is much more profitable. Next comes the purchase of grain. One kilogram of sorghum costs about 35 rubles. At least 1.5 centners of sorghum will have to be procured for the entire rented area. For finance, it will come out at 5-5.5 thousand rubles.

Rent of agricultural equipment for weeding, sowing and harvesting will cost 20 thousand rubles (for 1 year). Well, the storage room plays an important role. This is perhaps the most expensive “pleasure” for such a business. In a month, his rent will be 30 thousand rubles (if you take an area of ​​500 square meters). It will cost 360 thousand rubles a year. For the purchase of threads for the first batch of brooms (5 thousand units) will have to pay another 10 thousand rubles.

broom making equipment

As for the manufacturing itself, acquiring machines instead of the usual workforce at first glance seems like an expensive pleasure. But on the other hand, up to 100 thousand rubles will have to be paid for labor, that is, the machine will pay off its cost in about 3-6 months of first work (if you take into account its 10-fold productivity). With the manual work of such volumes of production, and, accordingly, you will never achieve profit. The very last moment is transportation costs, which will cost you 150-200 thousand rubles.


Now about income. To date, the cost of a broom can reach 150-200 rubles per unit. A little more expensive is a polypropylene broom. Its production, of course, is more expensive. Therefore, the price for them is appropriate. The production of plastic brooms does not require the cultivation of sorghum, but the cost of polyurethane and machine tools will be even greater. Classic brooms are much more primitive in manufacturing, and besides, they are always relevant in our markets and household stores.

Price policy

Yes, asking for their products for 200 rubles is simply pointless. First you need to recommend it in the market and crowd out competitors. To do this, reduce the price to 60 rubles per unit. The cost of making a broom is 10-20 rubles, so the benefit is obvious. The first batch of 5 thousand pieces made on the machine in a month will cost 300 thousand rubles. The net profit from sales is up to 250 thousand per month! This more than covers all the expenses that went into growing, weeding sorghum, renting a warehouse and land.

Sales market

The most difficult part in the production of brooms is to find buyers who will be interested in buying such large quantities of goods. Indeed, at retail you can sell such a large number of brooms forever. In this regard, even during weeding and collecting sorghum, you need to find wholesalers who will buy your products in batches. Otherwise, the entire warehouse will be filled with unsold brooms, and the business will lose.

broom talnik production

That is why in the price category we reduced the price of products by more than 3 times. If this is not done, then in the pursuit of big money you will be left without profit. Therefore, as they say, a bird in the hand is better than a crane in the sky (all the more so since the annual net profit even with 60-ruble brooms will amount to several hundred thousand rubles, and sometimes a million).

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(ړ ײ) * ANTON☜ ♡ ☞ LELYUKHIN * (ړ ײ)
And where to buy a machine. Or at least a brand of machine
Victor. Where can I buy a machine?
Good afternoon, I really liked the article, do not tell me where you can buy machines for the production of brooms. Thanks in advance


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