
Own business: ice cream production. Technology and equipment for ice cream production, payback calculation and SES requirements for production

ice cream productionBefore choosing a direction for your own business, you need to carefully study the market. Food production is, of course, troublesome, but also profitable if everything is well thought out in advance.

Consumer Goods

First you need to decide on the product. Currently, one of the most profitable areas is ice cream production. This delicacy can be safely attributed to the category of consumer goods. Any doubts? They are easy to dispel.

You just have to go outside and carefully look at people passing by. Among them, there are certainly a few people with a pack of ice cream in their hands. Moreover, adults sometimes even more often than children buy this gentle refreshing dessert.

According to statistics, 1 Russian annually eats about 10 kilograms of ice cream. Moreover, in winter, product consumption is not much lower than in summer. This fact makes you think. It turns out that the production of ice cream is a fairly reliable business that can be profitable all year round. And with a good leader and skillful organization of work, he can become a source of significant income.

The beginning of a difficult journey

To deal with it closely, you need to clearly imagine all the steps that you need to go through before you start work. The sequence of actions may be as follows:

  1. The choice of premises (in accordance with the requirements of SES).
  2. Paperwork.
  3. Acquisition of equipment.
  4. Recruitment.
  5. Purchase of raw materials.
  6. Definition of markets.

At the first stage, you need to make a choice: buy a room or rent it. The second stage is related to obtaining a permit for food production and obtaining a license. It will take a lot of time, since for coordination it will be necessary to bypass more than one instance. Here we must remember that the documents will be considered only if a ready-made room is already available.

Moreover, it must comply with all the requirements of SES. The third stage is associated with serious financial investments. Ice cream production is a rather complex and multi-stage process. The equipment for each stage is quite specific, therefore, its purchase should be treated with due attention. Here you should definitely consider the range of future products. Next is the selection of staff. This question seems simple only at first glance. It is best to recruit a team of specialists and people who previously worked in similar enterprises.

The fifth stage directly depends on the planned production volumes and, of course, the range of products. The production of ice cream, like any other product, is closely related to the marketing of products. In principle, this issue is probably worth considering at the very beginning. After all, profit directly depends on the sale of the product, and work "in the warehouse" will not bring the expected result.

The difficulties of the Soviet economy

In our country, ice cream since the distant Soviet times was the main treat for children. In the postwar years, the assortment of confectionery was, to put it mildly, not rich. This is understandable. At that time, ice cream was the only sweetness available to everyone.Many people from confectionery knew only lollipops, and even then on holidays. There was not enough money for the surplus. Yes, many of them did not know about such a product as ice cream.

Over time, the situation in the country improved, and the ice cream market in Russia has changed markedly. On each corner one could meet a small tray where the product could be bought and eaten on site. There were no thoughts about any fillers. The saleswoman simply manually laid the frozen product with a spoon between two waffle circles. In this form, it was not very convenient to eat, but tasty. Over time, cups for packaging and wooden chopsticks appeared. Of particular interest to children and adults was the appearance on the market of popsicle ice cream.

Features of the Russian market

ice cream market in Russia

A number of indicators affect the volume of consumption and the range of products manufactured today. Firstly, more and more people try to lead a healthy lifestyle every year. Those who prefer to use exclusively natural products include ice cream in their diet.

In this case, a “cold dessert” is ideal. Manufacturers meet customers and develop the production of new types of goods with various food additives and fillers. On the other hand, the ice cream market in Russia has another feature. Over time, people developed certain taste preferences and priorities.

Citizens of our country prefer to buy already known varieties of ice cream, such as “creamy” or “ice cream”, packaged in waffle cups or in the form of “popsicle”. The craving for classics and dairy looks takes precedence over new products and experimental samples. There is another difference between Russians and residents of Western countries. Our people eat ice cream immediately after purchase, so they prefer to buy goods in small packages.

Otherwise, such a purchase is also called “impulse”. At that time in the West they prefer to buy cold delicacy in large packages to eat it at home. There, products are often packaged in plastic buckets weighing 1 kilogram or more.

Necessary equipment and production lines

Good products can only be produced on quality equipment. There are several countries in the world that specialize in the production of not only individual units, but also entire integrated lines for the dairy industry. Among them: Russia, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark and Ukraine. Each stage of the production of frozen dairy product has its own machines and mechanisms. The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Acceptance of raw materials.
  2. Cooking the mixture.
  3. Filtration, pasteurization and homogenization of dairy products.
  4. Product ripening.
  5. Storage of the semi-finished product (mixture).
  6. Milling.
  7. Tempering blanks.
  8. Storage of finished products.

ice cream making equipment

Each of these stages uses its own “ice cream production equipment”. At the first stage, the main product (milk and cream) is weighed on milk meters and is cleaned using separators. For the next stage, special baths with steam heating are used. The product matures and is stored in special containers called tanks. Next, pasteurizers, homogenizers and freezers come into operation.

A variety of specific equipment must be selected and installed in the working room. Some Western European enterprises produce whole lines that assembled all the equipment necessary to convert the semi-finished “mix” into real ice cream. The task of mechanics is to assemble an integral production line from separate units for the production of the finished product without violating the technological regime in compliance with all technical standards.

Cooking sequence

Ice cream production at any enterprise is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The main product (cream or milk) enters the preparatory workshop, where it is weighed and cleaned of possible impurities.
  2. Then it enters the brewhouse, where, together with other components (sugar, milk powder, butter and others), it is boiled until a semi-finished product (mixture) is obtained.
  3. Now it must be filtered to exclude the presence of undissolved lumps in the finished product.
  4. Next, the necessary temperature treatment of the mixture (pasteurization) is performed. She has her own special temporary and temperature conditions.
  5. To make the ice cream soft and airy, the mixture should have the most uniform consistency. This can be achieved through a homogenization process.
  6. Then the product is pumped into special tanks for ripening, cooling and intermediate storage at a temperature of no higher than 6-8 degrees. Now it can be put into production.
  7. The chilled composition is sent to the freezer, where it is thoroughly whipped. As a result, the mixture is saturated with oxygen as much as possible.
  8. The whipped mass is packed and partially hardened.
  9. After that, the product is packaged and sent to refrigerators, where at a temperature of minus 27 degrees the final hardening takes place within 1.5-2 days. Now it can be safely sent to the distribution network.

ice cream making

Variety of products

In order to approve your assortment, you need to know what types of ice cream in stores are currently sold. This product is divided into different groups according to:

  1. From the type of packaging. Distinguish: weight, small and large packaged ice cream.
  2. From the way of packing. There are products in waffle cups, horns, briquettes or popsicle.
  3. From the method of production. Produce soft and seasoned ice cream. "Soft" is usually made in cafes and restaurants. It passes only through the freezer and has a delicate creamy consistency. "Tempered" can be found in any grocery store.
  4. From the type of the main component (milk, cream or ice cream).
  5. From introduced additional ingredients and fillers. Here, the fantasy of technologists knows no bounds. Known options for the preparation of ice cream on a dairy, vegetable and fruit and berry basis with the addition of flavorings, food colors and natural ingredients (jam, raisins, nuts and others).

Implementation Issues

Before you prepare the product, you need to carefully study the issue of its marketing. Selling ice cream is one of the main components of the business. If you do not think it over in advance, then you can lose everything. There are several important aspects to consider in this matter:

  1. Trademark (it must be officially registered). If you choose a good name for your product, then sales will go much faster. People always respond to sonorous names. They are remembered and try to advise friends.
  2. You can purchase your own vehicles to deliver products on request or use the services of specialized enterprises.
  3. Marketing research will not only allow you to get acquainted with the products manufactured by competitors, but also provide an opportunity to create your own customer base. When concluding agreements, you can use all kinds of discounts and bonuses.
  4. Using advertising, various promotions will attract additional potential buyers.

Additional product implementation

Any manufacturing enterprise supplies its products mainly to wholesale bases and stores. But there is another way of selling, which will not only provide additional implementation, but also allow you to give the product additional advertising. In this case, referring to branded trade. It may be a small cafe.

It will require a small cozy room, furniture, dishes, commercial equipment and an ice cream making machine.This will make it possible to offer visitors various options for soft, non-hardened ice cream with all kinds of fillers. The ice cream machine has a dual function. It is a kind of mixer and device for packaging.

As fillers, you can use various syrups, preserves, jams, chocolate, fruits and much more. Additionally, if you wish, you can also purchase an apparatus for the production of cocktails, and thereby expand the assortment list of cafes.

Getting the most profit

When developing a business plan, one of the main indicators is profit. In order to plan it, it is necessary to thoroughly study all possible costs, that is, carefully calculate the cost of ice cream. As you know, it includes the costs of:

  • raw materials;
  • equipment;
  • wages;
  • rent, advertising and other additional investments;
  • profitability;
  • taxes.

Each of these indicators needs to be well analyzed. Ill-considered expenses will lead to a reduction in possible profits, and this is clearly not in the interests of the manufacturer. For example, advertising is, of course, the engine of commerce. But if you spend too much money on it, then it will turn into unnecessary ballast.

Everything should have a certain framework and acceptable boundaries. Equipment must also be chosen wisely. If the company is limited in funds, then perhaps you should not chase well-known brands. Good offers can be found at domestic manufacturers. And the benefits will be there.

Extensive network of manufacturers

ice cream sale

About three hundred enterprises of Russia are engaged in the manufacture of various types of ice cream. If we take into account that 10-15 years ago there were no more than a hundred of them, then the growth is clearly evident. Among them, Inmarko ice cream company, as well as Russky Kholod, Talosto, Uniliver and others, are considered the most successful. A total of about fourteen leading enterprises.

They account for more than 50 percent of all ice cream produced in the country. Interestingly, many of them came to this business only in recent years. This rise can be explained by the fact that the management of these companies in time understood one truth: the key to success is a clearly organized connection between production and marketing.

Indeed, if a company manufactures products in large volumes on the most modern equipment, but does not have a sufficient number of partners for marketing, then it is not destined to live long. After some time working “at the warehouse”, she will be forced to suspend her activities. That is why, before starting your business, you need to think in advance to whom and where you will supply the manufactured products.

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