
Own business: selling ice cream on the street. How to organize "ice cream on wheels": the necessary equipment and the requirements of SES

business selling ice cream on the streetSummer! How much positive and sun there is in this word! Three hot months is the favorite time of many residents of our not the warmest country.

But, starting in June, it also warms up, delighting everyone and everyone with the warmth and sun. For some, summer is a long-awaited vacation with trips to the sea and to the country, vacations and walks with friends from dawn to dusk.

And those who are deprived of rest in this wonderful period do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the delights of hot and sunny pores. But this is not all that can please the warm months. Some entrepreneurial businessmen in this season begin their active work. There are many ideas for profitable summer activities. The most obvious and at the same time the most positive business is selling ice cream on the street.

Even the most serious adult will not refuse a portion of such a cooling delicacy, especially if there is heat and sunshine in the yard. Entrepreneur such weather is only at hand. Effective ice cream business it’s not so difficult to build, but it’s worth taking care of the organization of the matter in advance. Let’s see what issues need to be solved in order to launch a successful project with the beginning of summer.

Options for organizing an "ice cream business"

Immediately worth considering at least two options on how to build this business. Selling ice cream can be carried out:

  • stationary - from the refrigerator, hidden under a wide-umbrella;
  • “dynamically” - from a van traveling around the city in search of those who want to try ice treats.

In addition to the actual trading method, there are various options for the offer itself. What ice cream to sell - packaged or soft. However, some do not want to make a choice and combine both options, which is justified - there is a wider offer, more buyers. Each of the methods has nuances. Let's put the pros and cons for all the options in order. Let's start with the classics.

Stationary point under an umbrella

What makes this kind of business attractive? Selling ice cream on the street from the refrigerator is the least expensive choice of all the above ideas. The main expenses are reduced to the purchase of the refrigerator itself and the goods. At the same time, many entrepreneurs manage to save money here, not buying equipment, but taking it for free use from the manufacturer. But!

Firstly, in this case you will have to trade only products exclusively from this particular supplier. Secondly, many of them do not miss the opportunity to raise prices for the range by 10-15% (several times a season). On the other hand, buying a brand new refrigerator will cost $ 450-500. And if you stay on a used model, then the cost will be reduced by half.

But it will be where to “go for a walk”, providing its customers with ice cream from different manufacturers, and possibly soft drinks (which will positively affect demand and profit). The "danger" of this method lies in the wrong place, which can directly affect sales and revenue.

Van Ice Cream

In the countries of Western Europe and in America, the so-called ice cream on wheels has long appeared. A small bright van travels around the city and invites passersby to enjoy cold treats. The advantages of this method are in mobility. There is no need to puzzle over the choice of a suitable place, which will be successful in terms of demand.You can stand "here", then go "there", and after that - somewhere else.

There are no people in the sleeping area, there are in an amusement park or near a large shopping center, stop or metro station. After several days of trips, you can try to make your own plan with a schedule of visits, then people will get used to that, at a certain time, you will be in a particular place and will "pull yourself" there in anticipation of an ice cream van.

Naturally, this version of the business is more expensive, because you have to buy transport and convert it to a stall. However, it is able to bring much greater profits, attract more buyers, not only due to a constant change of place, but also due to the "exotic" supply - from the wheels. In order to visually affect your potential audience, you need to take care of the design of the van. If possible, order a figure in the form of ice cream on the roof, and paint the car itself in bright colors and glue it in the appropriate theme.

ice cream making machine

Packed or soft ice cream: what to choose

In the case of the sale of hard ice cream (in packages), you will need to find suppliers, or better, several. Then you simply conclude an agreement, receive product certificates and trade. To do this is quite simple, but there are plenty of such points throughout the city, and in every store there is a refrigerator with packaged ice cream.

If you want to stand out, you should pay attention to the independent production of soft goodies. However, in this case, you will need an apparatus for ice cream production, called a freezer. It costs about 45-60 thousand rubles. In addition to equipment, you will need special raw materials.

The basis is dry ice cream mixes that are mixed with water or milk and loaded into the freezer to get a soft treat. They come in different tastes and, accordingly, colors. For a good assortment you need to stock up with at least 15 varieties. You will also need waffle cones (usually purchased separately), cups of different sizes and ice cream spoons.

Additional questions

In addition to the equipment itself, it is necessary to think over such things as electricity, night storage, etc. If you plan to put a stationary refrigerator, you can negotiate with neighboring stores and carry out an extension cord, or you can get a small portable electric generator.

Leaving the refrigerator overnight under lock and key is not a good idea. Special "enthusiasts" can easily drag him away. It is advisable to negotiate with the nearest store, shopping center and leave your equipment along with the products there.

With the van, things are more complicated, because it will have to be completely refurbished under a mobile stall. It is necessary to install refrigerators inside, as well as a freezer (if you plan to produce soft ice cream), fit additional accessories (utensils, raw materials). Also, for its night parking you will need a special place, ideally - your own garage.

dry mixes for ice cream

Registration and obtaining permissions

Selling ice cream is usually a small and not very expensive business. For his organization it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. As for the necessary documentation, it is different depending on the chosen type of trade. If you install a refrigerator with packaged products (in factory packaging), then permission from the SES is not required.

It is only necessary to get "good" from the district authorities for trade in a particular place. They have a list of seasonal retailers that you need to get into. In addition, you need a medical book for the seller - this is standard. If you decide to engage in independent production of ice cream, you will have to interact with the bodies of the SES.

So, it is necessary to have documents on the sale of the freezer, certificates for compliance of the apparatus itself, mixtures, horns and water. It is necessary to store raw materials in appropriate conditions - in refrigerated cabinets. Ready-made ice cream should be made immediately before its release.There are also requirements for disposable tableware and its use. More details can be found in chap. 11 SP dated 1.02.2002

ice cream on wheels

Is it profitable?

No wonder many entrepreneurs are attracted to this summer business. Selling ice cream on the street is a very profitable business, especially if there are several points. In the hottest days, the markup can reach 200%, which allows you to recoup the initial investment in just a few fruitful, truly summer days. To organize one stationary point, an average of 30-40 thousand rubles will be needed, which include:

  • rental space - 12-15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a used refrigerator - about 8-10 thousand rubles;
  • initial purchase of products - about 10 thousand rubles.

The seller can be hired by giving him a small salary and% of the proceeds, or you can use one of your friends, relatives (high school students, students) vacationing in the summer months.

The organization of the mobile business will require more investment, which is associated with the need to purchase a vehicle and its re-equipment. In addition, if you plan to produce your own ice cream, you need to buy a freezer - about 45-60 thousand, dry mixes, horns and dishes (from 30 thousand rubles). But the profit will be higher.

One ball (100 grams) costs about 50 rubles. About 50 balls are obtained from a kilogram of a mixture worth 300-400 rubles. As a result, the profit will be about 2000 per package. On hot days you can sell both 200 and 300 servings of soft ice cream, so you won’t be at a loss.

business selling ice cream


If in the summer you plan not only to relax, but also to earn money, you should now think about how to organize a business. Selling ice cream on the street is a common but good choice. It is this delicacy that we most associate with the sun and relaxation, and both children and adults are not averse to tasting it. Take note of the ideas suggested in the article and think about becoming a summer “wizard” yourself, giving people joy on a stick or in a horn.

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The article is excellent, everything is intelligible, do I need a cash register?
Hello, I wanted to open a small business selling ice cream, I really liked the article, I will start building a business.


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