
Equipment for the production of melange. Justification and technical features

Equipment for the production of egg melange, in light of the rapid pace of food production, is not a whim, but a necessity.

The good old principle of "broke an egg - leaked an egg - shaken an egg" on a conveyor scale is at least inappropriate. In this article, we will consider the principle of operation of technology in stages.

What? What for?

The first step is to figure out what is egg melange. Behind the pathos name lies the most ordinary egg mixture, which includes proteins with yolks. Why such difficulties if getting eggs in principle is not a problem?

equipment for the production of melange

Consider the situation more broadly, going beyond the kitchen or a small home business.

So, a fully automated pastry shop. Hourly dozens, hundreds of biscuits and cookies go onto the conveyor. It is even difficult to imagine how many hands will be needed in order to pre-break the eggs for such production volumes.

Plus, it is a fragile product due to its thin shell, which is why moving whole eggs from point to point in industrial volumes is fraught with a lot of battle. And this is an additional cost, because you pay the eggs on the bill, and in the end you get slurry. In order to optimize the work process of such enterprises and minimize the amount of expenses, the equipment for the production of egg melange comes into play.

Production stages

In order to preserve melange for as long as possible, they try to minimize contacts with the outside world in general and with human hands in particular during egg processing. By and large, the path from the egg to the finished packaged mixture is carried out using the following steps:

  • egg cleaning;
  • separation of eggs from the shell;
  • machining melange;
  • pasteurization of the mixture;
  • packing and freezing (optional).

And, of course, equipment for the production of melange fully meets the needs of the manufacturer at each stage.

melange production technology

Egg cleaning

The product is first placed in an automatic washing machine, in which the eggs under high pressure are subsequently exposed to a first disinfectant solution, and then a detergent. This measure is aimed at clearing the shell of feathers, dirt and droppings, thereby minimizing the likelihood of them falling into the finished melange.

Separation of eggs from the shell

This process is carried out in the next fully automated for the above reasons mechanism, which includes equipment for the production of melange. The peeled product gets rid of the shell by external pressure and rotation.

Mechanical restoration

Next, the resulting melange goes into a common mixer, which brings the mass to a homogeneous consistency. In the process, it is necessary to ensure that foam does not form. After that, the melange is run through a filter system to identify unnecessary impurities.

Pasteurization of the mixture

The resulting uniform pure melange is subjected to heat preventive treatment in a plate pasteurizer. Within three minutes, the mass is heated to 65.5 degrees in order to minimize the number of microorganisms in the mixture.

This melange production technology is equipped with a thermal sensor, which will emit a sound signal as soon as the temperature inside the pasteurizer begins to decrease.Also, the equipment has the ability to record temperature fluctuations every minute so that it is possible to track the correctness of the pasteurization process.


equipment for the production of egg melange

The disinfected melange enters the next common vessel from which it is already bottled (its volume is prescribed by the production regulations). Finished packaging with melange or frozen to a temperature of -18 aboutWith, or remain as is, it all depends on what is the specificity of its further use and at what distances it is planned to transport the product.

In the first case, the shelf life is on average about 15 months, while in the second - 28 calendar days from the date of packaging. In other words, equipment for the production of melange delivers the same product in quality, but the type and duration of its storage are determined solely by practical needs at a given time. After defrosting, the melange does not lose its qualities.

The technology of production of egg melange in some cases involves the use of stabilizers. Their appearance is due to the specifics of further use of the product, as the need for it has increased. For example, salt is added to the mixture before being sent to the production of mayonnaise or other salty products, sugar is added to the confectionery field for biscuits and cakes, and melange with glycerin is in demand in the distillery.

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