
Own business: acrylic production. Acrylic Production Technology

acrylic production

Acrylic is a polymer and polymeric materials that contain acrylic acid. It is a colorless, transparent liquid that is highly soluble in water, ethanol, diethyl ether and chloroform.

When interacting with monomers, it forms copolymers. The production of acrylic allows you to use it in the manufacture of not only very popular varnishes and paints, but also furniture. Distinctive characteristics of this material are excellent mechanical properties, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, the action of heat treatment and low specific gravity, which is combined with high strength.

Ways to get acrylic

Depending on how the production of acrylic is carried out, two of its varieties are distinguished - extrusion and cast. It should be noted that their physical characteristics differ slightly.

Cast type of acrylic has a more glossy surface and greater resistance to shock.

As for the extrusion variety, it has a lower viscosity at elevated temperature, which allows you to freely give any shape. Be that as it may, in the vast majority of cases, both options are completely interchangeable.

Benefits from the production of acrylic countertops

Recently, the production of kitchen furniture using this material is a fairly profitable type of entrepreneurial activity. The explanation for this is quite simple. The fact is that acrylic countertops in most cases are manufactured by third-party companies, since it is much more profitable for small furniture manufacturers to order them, rather than invest in the necessary equipment.

In addition, a significant part of the time the equipment will be idle, because constant orders for this type of furniture will not always be. To organize a business, you need to register yourself as a private entrepreneur.

What is necessary for the manufacture of acrylic countertops

The production of acrylic, or rather countertops from it, requires a suitable room. A small workshop with an area of ​​about 50 m may play its role2. As for the staff, due to the high cost of the material, it’s better to attract experienced professionals to carry out the work, setting up a piece-wage form for them (in the absence of constant orders at the initial stage of business development, this will save a lot).

Due to the fact that the order is usually carried out according to the individual project of the client, it is recommended to use manual equipment. To make acrylic countertops, you will need a high-quality milling cutter, an eccentric grinding machine, as well as an electric jigsaw without a pendulum stroke. For all this, you will have to pay out approximately 25 thousand rubles. This does not include the cost of assembly tables, additional equipment and supplies, which also need to be purchased.

The specifics of running this business

The main feature of this type of entrepreneurial activity is that it is hardly necessary to work directly with a customer. In the vast majority of cases, small furniture companies will use these services. It is they who bear all the responsibility for installation and delivery. On the other hand, usually, this feature forces firms to set fairly tight deadlines for the manufacture of the necessary elements.It is very important to ensure that acrylic for countertops is always available, and its delivery time is not violated.

The concept of acrylic stone

In general, the production of acrylic stone is quite time-consuming and complicated. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is impossible without the use of specialized equipment. Almost 80% of this material consists of natural raw materials, which, most often, are marble chips. Everything else is acrylic resin, the main polymer filler. It should be noted that since this substance is a binder, the quality of the final product largely depends on it. In this regard, saving on filler is not recommended.

Acrylic Stone Production

acrylic stone manufacturing technology

For a material such as acrylic stone, manufacturing technology is not complicated. Initially, the filler undergoes a series of laboratory analyzes and tests, after which, in the absence of any flaws, it is sent to the production workshop.

Further, all constituent components must be mixed so that the resulting substance becomes completely homogeneous. This is one of the most difficult stages of production. In order to get high-quality acrylic stone, you must adhere to all proportions.

The next step is the casting of sheets. Most modern manufacturers use vacuum processing of finished products. This production of acrylic allows the result to prevent the porous structure of the material. The stone is characterized by increased strength and is less subject to pollution.

The appearance of acrylic paints

Another area of ​​application of acrylic is the production of paints and varnishes. They first appeared in Mexico in the middle of the last century, after which they began to be actively produced in the United States and Europe. It should be noted that initially the technology provided for the use of alcohol, and paints were used exclusively in painting. However, over time, the alcohol was replaced by ordinary water, and the scope of application has expanded significantly.

acrylic production technology

Acrylic based paints and varnishes production technology

The technology for the production of acrylic paints is quite simple. It boils down to the fact that in a dissolver (a mixer specially designed for these purposes) in a certain mode all the necessary components are mixed. Then they just need to be poured into the appropriate container. We must not forget about certain nuances that follow.

First of all, you need to remember about security. The fact is that in the manufacture of paint elements are mixed that ignite and disperse (we are talking about pigments). In this regard, it is necessary to use a mixer equipped with a mill without a frame stirrer and a central shaft.

Acrylic based paints and varnishes, even despite their environmental friendliness, are a rather aggressive environment with a high acidity index. Based on this, absolutely all communications, pipes and containers that are used for mixing should be made of stainless steel. The pumping of finished varnishes and paints should be carried out by a screw pump, the diameter of which is about 100 mm.

Manufacturers of acrylic paints usually adhere to the following sequence of actions in the manufacture of their products. Water is first poured into the mixer (dissolver). Then the device starts up, after which all other components are added to it, the volume of which is determined based on the technology and the amount of paint required.

In order to prevent the formation of lumps, mixing is carried out for two hours. At the final stage of manufacture, dispersion is added, after which the resulting paint is again thoroughly mixed and poured into a container. Finished products are stored at a temperature that does not exceed +2 aboutWITH.

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