
Own business: production of fridge magnets. Fridge Magnet Making Equipment

magnetic board manufacturing

To date, there are a fairly large number of entrepreneurial ideas. The production of fridge magnets is one of the most inexpensive and easiest to plan ways to open your small home business.

Why exactly magnets? Decorating kitchen surfaces with souvenirs brought from any place as a souvenir or simply magnets interesting from a designer point of view is a very popular, if not universal, hobby. In some families, it even takes the form of collecting. Without a doubt, this product is in demand and will be in demand.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that the production of fridge magnets can bring a fairly good profit. Let's figure out some of the features of this case.

Photomagnet production is the most profitable activity

The most common today are photomagnets. Their whole idea is that on the surface of such products you can place almost any image, starting with a beautiful landscape and ending with photographs of various events. In addition, it is precisely such a production of fridge magnets that is most simple to implement. You will not need any special knowledge and skills. In addition, it should be noted the factor that an entrepreneur can easily provide such a service as the creation of custom magnets.

What could be magnetic vinyl?

Photomagnets owe their appearance to special vinyl (magnetic paper). This is a rubber-like elastic material that combines the qualities of both elastic rubber and a permanent magnet. It possesses these properties due to its main components - magnetic powder and polymeric substances. The basis for fridge magnets can be:

1. Self-adhesive, i.e. with an adhesive layer.

2. Without an adhesive layer.

3. With a special coating for high-quality inkjet printing.

4. With a special coating for printing with UV-curable inks and solvent inks

The process of manufacturing photomagnets is simplified

Not sure how to make a fridge magnet? With the advent of this product on the free market, the production of decorative magnets at home, namely photomagnets, has become a very simple process, involving only two operations.

1. Search and print on the printer the desired image (future front part of the magnet).

2. Glue a printout or finished drawing onto self-adhesive vinyl paper.

On this, the entire production of fridge magnets ends. Products are ready, it remains to find a consumer.

What will be required to organize a more serious business?

Of course, the simplest and budget option is presented. If you are aimed at creating a more serious business at home, generating substantial income, and not at entertainment with a nice bonus in the form of payment for your work, you will need to buy some tools. For example, a plotter for cutting the desired shapes from a roll of vinyl is not superfluous, and a professional printer designed to apply a picture directly to vinyl is absolutely necessary.

What is needed to start a magnet business?

The following list shows everything, including equipment for making fridge magnets, which will be required for a novice entrepreneur:

1. A small office in which orders will be accepted.

2. A printer for printing (regular inkjet or professional, depending on the scale of the proposed activity).

3. Printing supplies (paper, toner, color, cartridge, etc.).

4. Tools for image processing (scissors, stationery knives).

5. Plotter - if possible, as it will simplify and speed up the process of cutting molds for magnets.

6. A personal computer with image processing and editing programs installed on it. This will greatly simplify the process of finding and processing images that interest you or the customer.

7. Books, magazines, design blogs - in general, everything that will help you in creating your own style and artistic taste.

8. Other consumables, such as vinyl paper itself.

A creative approach to business is the first step to success.

Problems with the purchase of blanks should not arise. And the manufacturing itself usually does not raise questions. All problems arise at a time when it is necessary to sell manufactured products. Most people who want to engage in entrepreneurial activity, primarily rely on the production of large products, believing that the profit from this will be higher. However, do not forget about the amount of initial capital. You should talk in more detail on this topic.

how to make a fridge magnetThe experience of most entrepreneurs shows that a creative approach and a well-built sales system can minimize advertising costs. In addition, this same experience shows that the production and sale of smaller products is the most profitable business.

Magnets with funny inscriptions and messages for loved ones will always delight people. But you should understand that anything can be used to create images.

When designing, you need to consider a factor such as seasonality. During the holidays, those elements that correspond to a certain topic will become especially popular.

For example, during the winter holidays, you can start manufacturing magnetic boards that have Christmas calendars on them. Recently, they have become very popular.

Need to find professionals

A business with magnets will be most successful when hiring professionals. The moment the idea is picked up, you need a designer who is able to realize it. The cost of professional services starts from a thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the complexity of the idea. After a professional is found, it will be necessary to determine the shape of the future product. For example, inscriptions will look great on flat magnets.

When everything is ready, you need to find a manufacturer. For the manufacture of, for example, advertising magnets, you will need to contact the appropriate agency or some wide-format printing house. It should be understood that the work will become more profitable if the contacts are carried out directly with the manufacturer.

You also need to consider that, in addition to magnets, you will need to make packaging for them. It is worth typing on it the name and address of the company. After that, its popularity will only increase. You can even release a package in which several magnets will be placed. There are a large number of options, you just have to show your imagination.

Also, to improve the reputation and increase the popularity of the enterprise, you will need to create your own Internet resource. A simple business card site will do. To do this, you need to hire a professional. Resource design will cost about one and a half thousand rubles.

What costs do you have to face?

It is best to order production immediately in bulk. Its cost will cost about 15 thousand rubles per thousand pieces of magnets.But in this case, everything will depend on the type and circulation of products. About 4 thousand rubles will be required for packaging. But this is only if the magnets are packed by professionals.

Over time, production may be expanded. Accordingly, expenses will also increase. However, the company's profitability will be higher. Summing up under all of the above, it should be noted that about thirty thousand rubles will be needed to start an entrepreneurial activity. But this amount will pay off in about three months at a cost of one magnet of 15 rubles.

Unoriginal but profitable venture

equipment for making fridge magnetsOf course, this idea cannot be called original, and there is no shortage of such products on the market - the same private owners and large (mainly, of course, Chinese) manufacturers compete. Nevertheless, this business idea has its obvious advantages.

Being a home manufacturer, you are not limited by any framework, or rather, you can do exactly what you want, exactly what is currently fashionable and popular.

By monitoring current trends, analyzing public opinion (well, or at least the opinion of your relatives and friends), you can create exactly the product that will be in demand on the market.

For example, any more or less massive event, such as a city holiday, can significantly affect your business - just create a batch of magnets with the appropriate symbols or other image, place your offer and wait for customers. We hope that this article will help to answer the question of how to make fridge magnets and establish entrepreneurial activities.

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