
The technical inventory of real estate is ... The basics of the technical inventory of real estate

The word "inventory" has Latin roots. In translation, it means "inventory of existing property." The procedure for the technical inventory of real estate involves their identification in kind and design in accordance with the established rules. This procedure can be performed in respect of property in private, municipal or state ownership. We further consider the basics of the technical inventory of real estate. technical inventory of real estate

General information

All objects of non-residential and housing stock are subject to mandatory inventory and accounting. They must be included in the relevant state registers. State technical inventory and registration of real estate are aimed at establishing their ownership. They involve the commission of systematic actions to collect, generalize, and store information about the state, composition, value of property and its owner. Carrying out a technical inventory of real estate is the responsibility of specialized institutions or unitary enterprises. In the inventory, a separately located main building, home ownership, is used as a unit. The basis of the current technical inventory is the survey of structures and a continuous tour.

technical inventory and accounting of real estate


There are the following types of technical inventory of real estate:

  1. Unscheduled.
  2. Planned
  3. Primary

The latter is carried out in relation to all structures, an inventory of which has not previously been carried out. According to the results of the procedure, a registration certificate is issued for each object. Its form and composition of the information present in it is determined by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Important point

The registration certificate acts as a documentary basis for maintaining the Unified State Register. However, it is not title paper. To obtain a certificate confirming the occurrence, termination, transfer or restriction of the right to property, you must contact the authorized body - the Registration Service.


Based on the results of the primary measures, each building / home ownership is assigned a number. Such a technical inventory of real estate is performed when:

  1. Change in quality characteristics. This can be redevelopment, reconstruction, demolition, refurbishment, construction, etc.
  2. Conclusion of transactions subject to state registration.

organization of a technical inventory of real estate

A planned technical inventory of real estate is carried out if there are changes that appeared after the initial procedure to reflect them in the documentation. It is carried out at least 1 time in 5 years. Technical inventory of real estate, as well as the issuance of relevant documents is made to legal entities and citizens for a fee. She is not a state duty. These are, for example, customs fees for customs clearance. This is a payment for the direct services of cadastral engineers. However, its size and collection rules are determined by law.

Organization of technical inventory of real estate

The procedure involves the departure of specialists (cadastral engineers) at the location of the property. On-site inspection and measurements are made. The instruction on the technical inventory of real estate provides for the inspection of all structural elements of the structure / premises.In the building, for example, cellars, elevator shafts, attics, rooms are examined. Technical floors are also subject to inspection. In the course of events, the exact area of ​​all rooms is established. Inventory objects can also be roads. Passports are also compiled on them, and information about them is included in the Unified State Register.  types of technical inventory of real estate

Normative base

In order to form common principles for accounting for objects, relevant laws and guidelines were adopted. The key regulatory acts include:

  1. Federal Law No. 122, which regulates the rules for registering property and transactions with it.
  2. Regulation on state registration of the housing stock of the Russian Federation. It was approved by government decree No. 1301 of October 13, 1997.
  3. Rules for maintaining the USR.

Direct activities related to the inspection of buildings / premises are determined by the instructions for the technical inventory of real estate.

Rules for the formation of the USR

In accordance with the information obtained after the technical inventory, the Unified State Register is compiled. It is conducted on electronic and paper media. In case of discrepancies between the data, the information present in the papers is used. For each object accounting technical documentation is compiled. She is grouped into business. Original documents stored in archives are not provided, unless otherwise provided by law. Information on the availability, location, purpose, actual use, condition, composition and value of the object on a specific date (last inspection) is entered in the Unified State Register.

State Technical Accounting

It is mandatory for residential and specialized houses (hostels, hotels, shelters, boarding schools, etc.), apartments, office and other (non-residential including) premises located in other buildings, regardless of their form of ownership. It involves operational, statistical and accounting procedures. The basis of accounting is formed by technical measures. They are carried out regardless of the ownership of structures / premises, according to a single system for the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Technical accounting includes a technical inventory and registration of documentation on the obligations of owners (tenants, users) for the maintenance of objects. procedure for technical inventory of real estate


The registration of immovable objects is assigned to specialized structures (municipal / state). As one of these bodies acts BTI. This is a separate division of the office for accounting, inventory and valuation of real estate. BTI implements the relevant functions within the specific administrative-territorial units. In its activities, the Technical Inventory Bureau is guided by constitutional provisions, industry regulations and guidelines. BTI carries out its work in collaboration with state bodies and local authorities:

  1. Institutions authorized to register property and transactions with it.
  2. Land Use and Land Management Committees.
  3. Housing and communal services.
  4. Courts, notaries, banks.
  5. Bodies of urban planning and architecture.
  6. Insurance and fire services.

The BTI, in accordance with the technical accounting of immovable objects, compiles and submits statistical observation forms to the territorial bodies of state statistics within the time frame and according to the rules established by the Goskomstat in coordination with the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation. the basics of the technical inventory of real estate

Key Tasks

Technical accounting and inventory are aimed at:

  1. Providing objective and complete information to government agencies that oversee urban planning.
  2. Creation of a generalized database of relevant objects and their distribution over the territory. The implementation of this task is aimed at improving the planning of the area.
  3. Ensuring the reliability and completeness of information on the tax base.
  4. Collection and provision of data on objects for conducting statistical accounting.
  5. Information support of the state registration system.

BTI Functions

The bureau carries out:

  1. Technical inventory followed by certification of housing stock and other immovable objects.
  2. Monitoring the condition of rooms and structures.
  3. Assessment, revaluation of objects (including for tax purposes).
  4. Consulting and information services.
  5. Other activities related to the technical accounting of real estate.


The technical passport is the result of technical inventory. It is compiled for each building / room undergoing examination. It fixes the presence of the inspected object, its actual location, owner, cost, technical characteristics, composition, borders, condition, cadastral, registry and inventory numbers. In addition, the passport is marked with the inclusion of information in the USR. A case must be opened for each object under the corresponding number. It is a data sheet with documents attached to it, which are compiled according to the results of the survey. As checks are completed, the case is replenished with relevant acts. All documentation on the facility is transferred to the BTI archive for storage. The subject of the right to hand is issued a copy of the passport, certified by the seal of the Bureau and the signature of its head.

 customs fees for customs clearance is

History reference

BTI began its existence after the adoption of the decree regulating the inventory of property of the Soviets. In 1930, another document was approved, according to which the housing stock of state budget structures, cooperative associations and private individuals was subject to inventory. According to these documents, a technical inventory of real estate was aimed at:

  1. Obtaining information for compiling balances of the national economic complex.
  2. Providing performance indicators for the correct reproduction of existing fixed assets through depreciation savings.
  3. The use of estimates and inventory data of buildings and land.

The publication of special normative acts made it possible to extend the activity of BTI to all cities, resort, summer cottages and workers' villages, to form a financial base, and to ensure the application of uniform methods. The main drawback of the estimated data obtained at that time is the lack of a system of prices and norms. Tax and insurance authorities in certain areas conducted operations on a different market basis. The estimated cost of structures is often greatly underestimated. This, in turn, reduced insurance payments and compensation for damage caused by natural disasters.

Accordingly, smaller amounts of taxes were received in the state budget. The depreciation charges and the amount of funds allocated for the overhaul were underestimated in the balances of the house administrations. As a result, in 1939 a new decree was issued providing for a general revaluation of structures throughout the country. This made it possible to bring the data of different settlements to uniform norms and prices. Subsequently, changes to the inventory system were made in the postwar period. As part of this work, the activity of BTI was restored and expanded. In 1960-1972 a new reassessment was carried out with the definition of depreciation of existing fixed assets of the state. The final stage in the formation of the inventory system is considered to be 1982. Then a complete reassessment of the housing stock, land zones, communications for state insurance was carried out.

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