
Safety measures when working with a computer. The effect of computers on human health

Not a single public organization can do without computer technology. When studying or working with electronic computers, you need to remember that all of it works from the mains. That is why safety precautions when working with a computer must be strictly observed.

It must be remembered that a computer is a device that has a serious impact on the human body, and it is primarily eyes that are not intended for working with a computer monitor that suffer from it. Computer and vision are practically incompatible things, because our eyes are adapted to distinguish between objects of observation in reflected light, and the monitor gives an image that does not have phases of relaxation, as a result of which the visual organ receives excessive tension, thereby reducing the overall performance of the body. Repeated daily stresses lead to complete wear and tear of the body. In this case, decay products accumulate in muscle fibers, causing severe pain in them. In addition, the monotonous work at the computer becomes the cause of emotional overload and strong mental strain. That is why it is so important to comply with computer standards.

the impact of computers on human health

If you feel tired, then rest should begin with proper breathing, which should be strong and deep enough. It is necessary to periodically strain and relax tired parts of the body. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale while completely relaxing your muscles. In the event that you are tired of the long work at the computer, concentrate your eyes on distant objects for a while. Even thanks to these minor exercises, you will partially reduce the load on your body.

Radiation generated by a computer

Despite the fact that the computer is a powerful source of radiation, the main impact of the computer on human health comes from the monitor. During the operation of the computer, its beam tube generates ionizing (x-ray) radiation, the effect of which from modern monitors is much lower due to reliable screening, reducing its effect to natural radiation background. It is he who creates:

  • electrostatic field;
  • electromagnetic, ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

Such radiation extremely negatively affects the human body, causing not only a decrease in performance, but also severe headaches. For this reason, the distance from the person’s face to the monitor should be at least 60 cm.

In addition, the electrostatic field directly affects the formation of dust and aerosol particles on the user's body, as a result of which people who are sensitive to their effects manifest serious negative reactions, from dry skin to allergies.

Safety precautions when working with a computer released before 1996 include much more restrictions than when working with modern computers equipped with LCD monitors that practically do not reproduce radiation. Both women and children can work behind them without much concern.

Computer Rules

When working at a computer, you must first pay attention to proper posture. A stationary posture at a computer for a long time leads to fatigue, pain in the spine and shoulder joints.

eye drops when working with a computer

A computer chair should provide an even distribution of body weight on supporting surfaces so that the load on muscle groups and the spine is most insignificant. In addition, it is important to observe the correct position of the hands during prolonged work on the keyboard, placing them at an angle of 90 degrees to avoid pain in the elbow joints, forearms and hands.

In addition, the room in which the computer is located should be well lit both naturally - with the help of daylight, and artificial - with electrical lighting devices. In this case, the workplace should be located in relation to the window opening so that natural light falls on it from the left side.

Computer Standards for Students

Safety when working with a computer includes three main options for safe operation. The first option includes work on computers manufactured before 1996, the second is necessary when working with more modern models equipped with high-contrast displays, and the third option includes not only a properly prepared workstation, but also computer equipment with a liquid crystal monitor.

How long can I work on a computer?
Student class Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
1 Work on the computer to first-graders in this case is strictly prohibited 30 minutes a week 45 minutes a week
2-3 30 minutes a week 45 minutes a week 45 minutes a week
4-6 1 hour per week 1.5 hours a week 2 hours a week
7-9 2 hours a week 2.5 hours a week 2.5 hours a week
10-11 4 hours a week 6 hours a week 7 hours a week

Parents should carefully monitor the time their children use the computer.


Computer operation is always accompanied by acoustic noise, including a minor effect on the eardrum of ultrasound. In order to avoid serious auditory injury, it is necessary to reduce the noise level in the room due to high-quality sound-absorbing materials. In the event that you do not have enough funds and time for the conversion of the premises, you can provide yourself with a certain degree of protection by hanging curtains from thick fabric in the room.

The effect of the computer on the normal course of pregnancy

Statistics show that working at a computer has a serious impact on the normal course of pregnancy, not only increasing the likelihood of miscarriage, but also causing children with congenital malformations, the most common of which is a brain defect.

The main conditions for working at a computer are not only to comply with all safety standards described in this article, but also to reduce the time that pregnant women use the computer to 2-3 hours without a break. This is due to the fact that the first symptoms of computer stress begin to appear in this period. With less susceptibility to radiation, these symptoms appear after 6 hours of continuous operation, expressed in headache, irritability, lethargy, depression, fatigue. Such symptoms do not disappear even after a long rest and are significant violations of the body.

glasses for working at a computer

In order to avoid such an impact, it is recommended to take small breaks at least every hour, during which at least minimal sets of physical exercises should be performed.

It is noteworthy that it is categorically not recommended to start working at a computer for people with poor health, especially if this period falls on evening or night time. This not only destroys the nervous system, but can also cause serious sleep disturbances.

Choosing a computer chair

When choosing a chair or chair for working at a computer, you should remember that the correct position of the body when working at a computer can not only prevent muscle strain, but also improves breathing and blood flow. It is necessary to sit upright, without slouching, leaning your back on the back of a chair or chair.

The type of work chair you need to choose based on how much time a person is going to spend at the computer and how tall he is. It should be not only comfortable enough, but also due to its design to ensure proper posture. It is desirable that you can adjust not only the height of the seat, but also the inclination of the back. Recommended Options:

  • The width and depth of the seat must be at least 40 cm;
  • The height of the supporting surface of the back is about 30 cm;
  • The length of the armrests is at least 25 cm with a width of not more than 7 cm;
  • Seat height about 23 cm.computer safety

In order to feel most comfortable even after a long work at the computer, the back of the chair must exactly correspond to the bends of your spine, serving as a reliable support for the lower back. At the same time, the structure of the chair should be rigid enough to improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

If the seat is slightly inclined forward, then the pressure from the spine will be partially transferred to the hips and legs, and if its edges are slightly bent, the pressure exerted on the hips will also be reduced.

Selection of computer glasses

Choosing the right glasses for working at the computer must be extremely careful. If you purchase glasses that are not suitable for you, the body will begin to adapt to them, thereby not only not improving, but significantly impairing your vision.

In order to protect your eyes as best as possible from the radiation that comes from the monitor, it is recommended to wear special glasses, the lenses of which are coated with a special coating, the main role of which is to neutralize electromagnetic radiation and help protect the eyes from regular glare of the screen.

Choose glasses for working at the computer, depending on how much time you spend on it. If it exceeds most of the day and you are forced to re-read a lot of text documents, then you need glasses that significantly enhance the contrast and remove half-tones. In the same case, if your work is related to graphic editors, buy glasses that improve color reproduction. If you often sit at the computer, mastering various games, then you need glasses with enlightened lenses that do not reflect glare.
Remember that in order to find those glasses that fit your type of work, you probably have to look at more than one store.

Drops for eyes when working on a computer

Despite the fact that any work at the computer causes extreme overstrain of the body, the eyes suffer from it in the first place. The main symptoms of their overwork:

  • dryness;
  • itching
  • burning.

In the most serious cases, even vascular problems may occur. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to purchase special drops for the eyes when working with a computer in a pharmacy, but it must be remembered that their range is very wide. The medicine you bought can temporarily relieve the main symptoms of eye fatigue, but then it may turn out that the drops you acquired only eliminated the symptoms without affecting the root cause.

computer work eyes

The composition of eye drops, which have the most effective effect on relieving eye fatigue, must necessarily include tetrizoline hydrochloride. It helps to completely get rid of the main symptoms of eye strain. It must be remembered that its side properties can do much more harm than good.And if the dosage is significantly exceeded, then the vessels of the eyes will begin to actively narrow, preventing the penetration of the required amount of oxygen, as a result of its lack of redness will become even more pronounced. An overdose can also lead to obvious violations in the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, before you start using any eye drops, you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the contraindications, because some drops are not recommended even when driving a car, not to mention people suffering from serious chronic diseases.

Some eye drops when working with a computer can have a serious effect both on the developing fetus and on the nursing mother herself. It is also necessary to know that some drops can significantly damage contact lenses, so people who wear them should pause for a while and don’t wear them immediately after applying the drops.

Despite the abundance of various drops, the most popular of them are drops of Russian production - Vizin, Vidisik, and Inoksa. Although their composition is different, they all have the ability to cover the eyeball with a protective film that prevents drying of the eyes. You need to apply them, following the instructions, trying to prevent overdose.

computer chair

If you wear lenses, then before applying eye drops, you must consult a doctor. He will advise which drops to apply in each case, because some components cannot be combined with lenses for some time. There are situations when eye drops cause an allergic reaction, and only an experienced doctor can determine this, because the allergy is not always manifested by external signs. In order to protect yourself in the future, you need to see a doctor two to three weeks after the start of the use of eye drops. This period will show how the body reacts to the components of the drug.

Labor protection when working on a personal computer

Most modern computers have only two potential areas that can shock the user if used improperly. One of them is in the monitor, and the second is inside the power supply. These areas are highly hazardous modules, each with a separate enclosure.

To avoid damage, do not carry out independent repairs. Safety when working with a computer is based on the fact that most of the circuits inside the power supply are under very high voltage, which can amaze the user in case of any careless movement on his part.

Before you do wet cleaning around your computer, be sure to disconnect the power system from the device. When cleaning the exterior of computer equipment externally, be careful not to let any cleaning solution drop into the equipment. In addition, it must be borne in mind that wearing jewelry significantly increases the risk of electric shock, even if the voltage in the power supply is negligible.

In addition, safety rules when working with a computer include regular checking of the condition in which the power cords of the computer and peripheral devices are located. If worn or damaged, the power cords should be replaced immediately. In addition, no objects should be placed on power cords. When laying the power cords and connecting cables, be sure to ensure that they cannot be accidentally caught.

computer safety

It will also be useful to disconnect the computer from power during a thunderstorm, the powerful discharge of which can significantly increase the voltage in the system and not only disable the computer itself, but also cause serious injury, even death.


Despite the fact that the impact of a computer on human health is mostly negative, it must be remembered that irreversible consequences occur only if the safety and hygiene measures are completely ignored during prolonged use of the computer.

In addition, preventive techniques, combined with the technologies of modern manufacturers, help to minimize the risk of such an impact, making working on a computer a pleasant and exciting experience.

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