
Who has the highest salary: list, rating, size and reviews. The biggest salary in the world

There are people in the world who receive indecent payments. As for the professions, which representatives have the highest incomes? The biggest salary may seem to the average man simply unimaginable. Who has a bank account, the amount of which monthly passes for eight-digit?

Rating of the largest salaries according to Forbes

We will tell you who has the highest salary and whose career should equal any graduate of a school or college.

who has the highest salary

So, we present the rating of the highest paid posts.

  • The largest salaries in the world are among the leaders of oil and gas corporations and companies that receive over 150 thousand dollars a month for their "hard work". They are in the first place.
  • The second place was shared by the top executives (all the same leadership positions) in the heavy industry and bankers of investment banks. Each of them receives about 100 thousand dollars a month.
  • In third place are the leaders of commercial banks, who are not far behind their colleagues. Their salary is 70-80 thousand dollars.
  • Further, the list of employees with the highest income is continued by the directors of telecommunication companies with a salary of 55 thousand dollars.
  • Then - the leadership of insurance and construction companies with a monthly income of up to 50 thousand dollars.
  • Trade managers receive about $ 40,000.
  • Remuneration in the amount of 35 thousand dollars. receive solid top managers of pharmaceutical companies and manufacturing enterprises.

Thus, the largest salaries in the world are among the leaders of the oil and gas industry, heavy industry, insurance and banking. Employees of investment funds, construction business, trade and pharmaceuticals can also boast significant income.

Political Revenues

Who has the highest salary in politics?

It is difficult to establish a fixed salary level for statesmen, since the bulk of their income is various bonuses, allowances, and bonuses. With small errors in the amounts, we determined which representatives had the highest salary in politics.

1. In Singapore, government officials are not just prestigious and highly paid. The official salary of the prime minister - two million US dollars - is the largest in the world. The country's leadership thus ensures the absence of corruption in government. And, I must say, this works, since the southeastern country is in first place among developed countries, where there is virtually no corruption.

2. In second place is Barack Obama with a salary of 400 thousand dollars.

the biggest salary in the world

3. Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel closes the top three, who receives 242 thousand euros a year, and this after paying all taxes.

Income in sports

Who has the highest salary in sports?

As a rule, advertising contracts and cooperation with branded manufacturers of sportswear and equipment bring income in this area. Professional golfer Tiger Woods has held the bar for the highest-paid golfer with a monthly salary of $ 6.2 million for many years. Although he has been failing one after another since 2009 (he was involved in a sex scandal and has gone bust with his own business involved in designing golf courses), his financial well-being is ensured by sponsors: Nike, a golf accessories company, and Electronic Arts, releasing a video game.

which position has the highest salary

In second and third place are basketball players Kobe Bryan with an annual income of 53 million US dollars and LeBron James with a salary of 48 million dollars.

Income of football players

What is the biggest salary for football players?

  1. In 2014 and 2015, leadership is stubbornly held by fan favorite Cristiano Ronaldo. Leading Real Madrid footballer earns $ 52.2 million annually along with bonuses and bonuses. Add another 30 million revenue from working with sports brands and get the most successful soccer player in the history of this sport.
  2. Lionel Messi took second place in the ranking with a salary of about $ 40 million. The reviews show that such an income was provided to him by the contract concluded in 2014 with Barcelona.
  3. In third place with a small margin is the player of the French PSG Zlatan Ibrahimovic. 35.8 million is just a salary, excluding advertising revenue from Volvo’s automotive products and vitamins.

what is the biggest salary

Business income

Who has the highest salary in the business?

1. She can boast of Apple CEO Tim Cook. $ 380 million per month is a good reward for conscientious performance of duties.

which representatives have the highest salary

2. In second place with a salary of 76 million dollars is Oracle IT Director Lawrence Ellison, who has a specialty in software development.

3. In third place in the category of the most successful businessmen is the president of the CBS media corporation, Sumner Rodstone, with an “only” $ 70 million in annual revenue.

Golden parachute

Although we tell which position has the highest salary, and golden parachute it is not, however, it refers to the production total payments of pensions, bonuses and shares.

which representatives have the highest salary

At one time, Eugene Eisenberg, CEO of Nabors drilling rig manufacturing company, decided to abandon the amount of $ 107 million that the company was supposed to pay after resignation. This was due to protests by company employees against such squandering. Whatever the motives, Eisenberg voluntarily lost a significant golden parachute for America’s corporate history. However, not the largest: the amount that Eisenberg relied on does not even fall into the top ten largest dismissals paid to CEOs.

The largest gold parachute in the amount of 417 million US dollars is the payment to John Welch, who left General Electric in 2001 with the status of "Best Manager of the Century" (according to Fortune magazine). According to reviews, over twenty years of work, Welch raised the company's revenue from $ 25 billion to $ 130 billion, turning it into the largest capitalization in the world.

Billionaires without paycheck

But where is Microsoft founder Bill Gates or Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, the undisputed leaders in terms of income? By the way, this year, Bill Gates for the seventeenth time in the last twenty years has become the most rich man with an annual income of 75 billion US dollars.

Zuckerberg earns three billion dollars annually on his brainchild. This is 250 million per month.

But they were not included in the ranking of employees with the highest salaries, since they are not hired workers at all and do not occupy highly paid positions. To Bill Gates, the lion's share of the largest revenue comes from just 3% of the company. BUT Mark Zuckerberg makes a profit from his own project.

How much do you think Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, received? Millions? Billions? 1 US dollar, although it was included in the list of the richest people on the planet.

who has the highest salary

Now you know the representatives of which position has the highest salary and what professional activities can bring huge income. It doesn’t matter if you are a student or an established employee in any industry. We all have something to strive for and on whom to align.

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