
Driving License: Validity. What to do if your driver’s license has expired

Sooner or later, the driver’s license expires, and a reasonable question arises as to what to do next. Of course, the rights must be changed, and it is better to carry out all the necessary measures in advance.

By the way, this must be done not only at the end of the validity period, but also when changing the last name or first name. Also, a driver’s license must be replaced if it has become unusable. For example, a document is wide, burnt, torn, or the data on it cannot be read. If you received your valid driver’s license, which expired in the countries of the former CIS, it must also be replaced.driver's license expiration date

When to start the process of replacing rights?

Often the question arises whether it is possible to change the identity if the old rights are still valid. Not only possible, but necessary. It is preferable to start measures for the replacement of rights in advance, without waiting for the moment when the driver’s license expires.

There are no time limits on the receipt of an application in the traffic police, and you will avoid an unpleasant situation by being left without a valid certificate. In addition, driving without an appropriate document today is punishable by a rather noticeable fine in the amount of 5 to 15 thousand rubles, and your car will most likely go to a fine parking lot.driver's license expires

If the rights were still expired, but during this period you did not get behind the wheel of a car, no additional sanctions will be imposed on you.

Although you can exchange a driver’s license, which expired, in just an hour, there are often situations when the necessary package of documents is not assembled correctly or does not meet the requirements applicable in a particular region. Therefore, it is better to start the replacement procedure shortly before the expiration of the previous certificate, having previously learned the conditions of admission.

Where to change a driver’s license?

Due to the fact that the state today is trying to simplify and facilitate the bureaucratic workflow as much as possible, there are a lot of options where to get a driver’s license. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, you can go through the procedure in any region of the Russian Federation.

The easiest way to change the right of residence. In this case, you must contact the district traffic police, from the documents confirming your whereabouts, you only need a passport with a stamp on registration.

What to do if you are not at the place of registration?

If you live for a long time and, for example, study or work in another city, you should definitely have a temporary registration. With such a document it is also possible to contact the traffic police at the place of temporary registration. Or return to your hometown and get a driver’s license there.

If you do not have any registration, but there is no way to get it in the near future, you can apply at the place of actual residence. In this case, the legality of your stay in Russia will undergo the most thorough verification, after which a decision will be made to extend the driver’s license.

How to facilitate the procedure for obtaining?

You can significantly reduce the procedure for obtaining a new certificate if you pre-register on the site gosuslugi.ru.The only thing that needs to be done in advance is that after registration you will have to wait 5 to 14 days until the password for access to the system arrives by Russian mail. By the way, subsequently registration on the site will come in handy more than once for other operations.

Through the site, you can apply for new rights if the driver’s license has expired and send your photo and electronic signature. After that, you are assigned the date and time of obtaining a driver’s license and a receipt is sent to pay the state fee and a sample application.Replacing a driver’s license due to expiration [1]

If the registration procedure on the state website Gosuslugi.ru seems too complicated and lengthy for you, there is another option to make your life easier. Go to Gibdd.ru website, where you can select the necessary inspection department and print the required receipt for payment with all the necessary details.

Basic documents for replacing a driver’s license

According to the law, for the extension of rights, when the validity of a driver’s license has expired, the following required package of documents will be required:

  • Application (form, as a rule, issued in the traffic police department) to replace the certificate.
  • A document proving your identity (passport) and a photocopy of it.
  • Registration (stamp in the passport) or certificate of temporary registration for at least six months.
  • Also, before submitting the documents required for the replacement of rights, first you need to get help in the same department, only in a different window.
  • Do not forget to pay the state fee for changing a driver’s license. Since the beginning of 2015, the amount payable is 2,000 rubles. The receipt of payment is attached to the general package of documents.
  • A medical certificate that is valid for exactly 1 year, so you will have to undergo a medical examination without fail.
  • Old driver’s license expired.

In some regions, there are additional requirements for the submission of documents, so before you start collecting them, take an interest in the rules directly in the traffic police department.

Medical Commission

This procedure is perhaps the most difficult of all stages of obtaining a driver’s license, respectively, and takes the most time. Basically, the medical board takes place in the clinic at the place of residence, where certain days are allocated for it. Most often, all doctors fail at one time, so the whole procedure can take several days. Be sure to consider this moment when planning the date of submission of documents for registration. Depending on the region, the service is provided free of charge or for a nominal amount.driver's license has expired

Another important point: if you were registered with a psychiatrist, at least 3 years must elapse from the time the dispensary is removed, for a narcological examination, the period is 5 years.

Commission in private centers

If you pass the commission in a private institution, then you will definitely save time by spending a tangible amount on obtaining certificates. At the same time, several important points should be considered:

  • The commercial institution must have the appropriate permission and license to provide this service. Be sure to check the availability of this document, otherwise it is likely to throw money away.
  • Each private organization sets its own tariffs for its work, so it makes sense to first familiarize yourself with the prices of the clinic.
  • In any case, it will be necessary to undergo a psychiatric and narcological examination at a public institution.

After receiving a medical card with notes on the passage of the commission, be sure to remove a photocopy from it, it will also be needed for submission to the traffic police.

Take the opportunity to get a new category

Since the replacement of a driver’s license due to expiration is in any case connected with passing a medical commission and paying a state fee, why not get an additional category for your rights. To do this, you must pass all the necessary exams in advance and submit documents to the traffic police.driver's license expired

If you already have several categories, you can combine them into one identity. This will save on paying state fees, and one document for all occasions is definitely more convenient than several.

Replacement of international rights

An international driver’s license, valid for only 3 years, is also subject to periodic replacement. Replacement will require almost the same documents as with the extension of national rights. Only the Russian certificate will be added, which will be the basis for the issuance of international rights.

In addition, the size of the photograph is different. For certification, you need a photo of 35x45 mm, and it is mandatory on matte paper.Validity of an International Driving License

The state duty for this document for 2015 is 1600 rubles. and paid in the same ways as in the case of customary rights. It should be borne in mind that the validity of an international driver’s license cannot exceed the term of the license on the basis of which it was issued. Simply put, if only 2 years are left before the expiration of your national certificate, then international will be issued for the same period of time.

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