
Abolition is ... Synonyms and antonyms for the word

Russian speech is rich in various words and concepts, therefore it is called one of the most complex languages ​​that exist on planet Earth. The meaning of all the terms that are present in Russian is difficult to remember. For example, few people know the meaning of the word "abolition." Different dictionaries give different interpretations of this concept. However, in the general sense of the word, abolition is the abolition or liquidation of something. Usually abstract terms are used with this word, for example, such terms as “rule”, “restriction” and so on.

Interpretation of the word

Abolition is

There were many scholars of the Russian language, and most of them released their explanatory dictionaries. In many of them, the interpretations of the words vary, but not much. Compare:

  • Ozhegov is more inclined to a general explanation of the term. According to his explanatory dictionary, abolition is a word denoting the elimination or abolition of something abstract. For example: “The rule has been abolished”, “Politicians have abolished restrictions.”
  • According to Efremova’s explanatory dictionary, abolition is a noun denoting a process of action from the verb “abolish”. It means the recognition or invalidation of something.
  • According to Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary, abolition is the cessation of the existence of something. So, with this word various political concepts are connected, as well as rules, restrictions and the like. For example: "The government approved the abolition of ten deferments out of twenty-four on the draft in the army."

As we see, the opinions of linguists do not differ much.

Synonyms and antonyms for the word

Meaning of the word abolition

To better understand what the term means, we consider synonyms and antonyms for this concept.

Synonyms: liquidation, cancellation, dissolution, invalidation, termination.

Antonyms: approval, erection, construction, organization, formation, introduction, creation.

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