
How to organize a courier service. Find out where to start a courier business

Courier delivery service is a growing area of ​​activity. Within the framework of such a business, correspondence, various cargoes or gifts are transported. Moreover, this happens in a fairly short time.

how to organize a courier service

The organization of the courier business is interesting in that for the provision of such services you can attract people with low qualifications or without them at all. There are not so many companies of this kind at present. In this regard, the shipping cost is high. How to organize a courier service? The nuances of the development of this case should be reflected in a pre-compiled business plan.

Service market

The most powerful structure in our country delivering correspondence and goods is Russian post. However, it is slow and unreliable. In this regard, most firms and companies try not to resort to its services.

how to organize a courier

A business plan that discusses how to organize a courier service should contain information about the work of competitors. Existing postal services adhere to the rules approved by the International Postal Convention. They provide for the weight of the shipment. It should not exceed thirty two kilograms. If the order value does not exceed one hundred dollars, no fee will be charged.

When organizing a courier service, express delivery can be carried out with a cargo weight of up to several tons. In this case, a duty is charged on all items. The bulk of courier services would like to have a license for postal transportation.

However, the Convention clearly defines the national operator. In Russia, it is the service "Grandpost", which operates in all towns and cities. This company is beyond any competition. In this regard, for the stable development of your own business, you can master the courier market within only one city.

Prospects for starting a business

If you are thinking about how to organize a courier service, then keep in mind that the business you open will compete only with small similar companies within a region or city.

In the event that the goods delivered by your service are larger in mass than CDs or books, you will need from ten to forty cars, a garage, an office and a warehouse to open your business. Some courier companies deliver only magazines and correspondence. In this case, it is enough to purchase one car and rent an office from two rooms.

where to start a courier business

It should be remembered that this business is able to bring its owner a stable profit. That is why a novice entrepreneur should pay special attention to this business. In addition, the organization of a courier delivery service is not a very complicated process. This is due to the fact that this case does not require special education and professional skills. Significant starting capital will not be needed here either.

The first steps

How to start a courier business? First of all, you will need to determine the place of activity. It should be borne in mind that it is most beneficial to engage in delivery in large cities. Small settlements do not need large volumes of services, which will negatively affect the amount of income.

After this, it is important to decide what mass and dimensions of cargo your courier service will take for transportation. This is due to different delivery conditions. If the goods are classified as dangerous, a special certificate is required.Only in this case, the transportation process will be possible.

courier delivery service

At the initial stage of development of the courier business, there will be a need to attract customers. To do this, refer to various ways of advertising and promoting the company.

Staff recruitment

How to organize a courier service so that the business brings the desired income? You will need to invite a certain number of employees to work. Minimum delivery service staff should include a dispatcher, as well as an accountant and a driver. If you plan to transport heavy packages, then a loader is also needed.

courier business organization

To select employees, it will be possible to resort to one of two options. In the first of these, people with low wages are recruited (from two hundred to three hundred dollars a month). In this case, you will encounter a constant turnover of frames. However, the recruitment problem will be easily solved due to the large number of people wishing to take a vacant position.

But it is worth keeping in mind that the quality of the services provided, and therefore the company's reputation, will depend on the level of remuneration. In this case, you can resort to the second option. How to organize the work of a courier at the highest level? It is necessary to ensure a tight binding of decent wages to certain rules and requirements.

check in

How to organize a courier service in your city? You will need to choose the legal form of the company (usually an LLC), and then register it with the IMNS in your area. This will allow you to conclude long-term contracts with customers without any problems. You will need to resort to the services of a lawyer. He will help in the development of a contract template.

Choice of premises

The next step is to rent a room. It is necessary for basing the delivery service. Such a room can serve as a small office. For this purpose, some use the warehouse. It will be equipped with office rooms. There should be parking nearby. There is no need for an expensive and vibrant sign. The delivery service should look for the customer, and not wait for his arrival. It will take only a few signs for the building where the courier service is located.

Seed capital

This business will not require large investments. However, some funding for the budding organization will still be necessary. You will need money for a car. A vehicle will be needed if it is not planned to hire employees with a personal car.

In the summer, you can attract schoolchildren and students who have a motorcycle or scooter to provide services. So, you will save a significant amount of money. However do not forget about employment rules minors.

how to organize a courier service in your city

A business delivery plan should include promotion and advertising costs. To disseminate information about opening a company, you can use the services of the media. This will require a fairly large financial investment. Do not forget about the capabilities of the Internet. Advertising is relevant in social networks or in any specialized forums. To promote the business, it is advisable to create your own website.

Service Profitability

Before starting his own business, an entrepreneur should calculate its effectiveness. As a rule, courier services quickly pay off. Moreover, profit from deliveries can reach ninety percent. The cost of one service ranges from five to fifty dollars. The price will be affected by a number of factors (value of the cargo, its weight, etc.).

As a rule, large companies use courier delivery services. Usually they conclude long-term contracts. That is why the entrepreneur must find such customers and interest them in cooperation. You will need to create a system of discounts.An effective method is to send out booklets with courier company news, provide credit services, etc.

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