
"Abolish" is a multi-valued word

The Russian language is not in vain considered one of the richest and most beautiful languages. It is not pronunciation that makes it that way (after all, it is a little rude, and sometimes so much so that it seems to foreigners that it’s not a person speaking, but a tractor rattling). A huge vocabulary is the main tool with which we can decorate our speech, make it more melodic and interesting. Russian explanatory dictionaries are considered almost the most voluminous, since one word can sometimes have up to twelve meanings! The word “abolish” is also ambiguous.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

To abolish is to cancel, prohibit or interrupt the activity of something. But this is only the first, most common and official meaning of the word. In another meaning, “abolish” symbolizes the surplus, the uselessness of something. Abolish isConsequently, figurative book meaning tells us that with the help of this word you can express your opinion about the disappearance, cancellation of something. There are a lot of examples of using this unit in Russian classics, but most often you can find it in Pushkin's works.

Explanatory Dictionary Ozhegova

The first meanings in all dictionaries are the same, as they are commonly used, the second and third ones set the framework for the dynamics of the change in the meaning of the word. In the vocabulary of Ozhegov and Shvedova, “to abolish” means to “beg,” that is, to petition, to ask. As you can see, this example is completely different from the usual meanings and is used only in the artistic style.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

This dictionary is one of the most accurate and popular among educated Russians, because it was created long ago, which means it went through fire and water. To “abolish” is to “empty, to be freed from something,” for example, from luggage. Most commonly used in figurative meaning.Word abolish

Thus, we can say that each researcher saw the meaning of this strange word in different ways, but nevertheless the first option will be the most common and understandable: “abolish” means “abolish, exclude”.

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