
Sneaker Care: How to Whiten the Soles on Sneakers

Sneakers - the most famous sports shoes in the world! Probably every person - from a child to an adult - has his own, the same pair of sneakers.

how to bleach the sole on sneakers

There are many different styles of sneakers: low, medium, high. Sneakers are branded, and are made underground.

But they are all united by one sign: a white sole and a white rubber toe.

However, few people know how to properly care for them, how to whiten the sole on sneakers, so that your favorite shoes will please their owners for a long time.

Proper Sneaker Care

In order for your favorite shoes to be worn for a long time and not to lose their original appearance, you must be able to properly care for it and know how to bleach the sole on the sneakers.

All care for them is to clean the fabric top and bleach the rubber elements.

Quality sneakers can be washed in a washing machine, but for this they need to go through initial training.

If it’s time to clean the sneakers, then first you need to unlift them. Shoelaces can be washed separately, but it is better to buy new ones.

Then with the help of a sponge and water it is necessary to clean the sole from dust and dirt. Perhaps, at this stage, the sole and the upper will become clean, if this did not happen, then the shoes are ready for washing in the machine. It is better to turn it on to a gentle mode and use, in addition to powder, an air conditioner-rinse aid. It will keep the colors of the sneakers saturated and prevent them from fading.

how to whiten the sole on sneakers at home

The main problem with this versatile shoe is that over time, the rubber sole and toe begin to turn yellow.

How to whiten the sole on sneakers at home

Sneakers can be worn for a long time, and branded sneakers do not wear at all. One problem is that the snow-white sole has a yellowing property.

In addition, there are all-white sneakers, even a fabric upper. These quickly become dirty.

Question "How to whiten the sole on sneakers?" Excites every owner of this wonderful shoe.

Of course, you can use the services of dry cleaning, but not everyone is available. But there are home remedies for whitening.

Let's consider in more detail how to whiten the sole on the sneakers from yellowness.

At home, there are several proven methods for whitening.

  • Toothpaste;
  • detergents for washing;
  • laundry soap;
  • kerosene;
  • chlorine-free bleach;
  • White paint;
  • eraser;
  • soda.

Let us consider in more detail each method of bleaching the soles.


A mixture of toothpaste and dishwashing liquid should be applied to a clothes brush or just an old toothbrush. This solution should be thoroughly rubbed into the fabric top and clean the sole with a rubber toe. Leave it for half an hour. After that, rinse the sneakers. The result is amazing.

how to whiten the sole on sneakers from yellowness

Laundry soap

Old grandmother's proven method: you need to take a brush, apply soap foam on it and rub the sole for about 20 minutes, and the longer, the better. If the sneakers are still new, then whiteness can be achieved, but getting rid of old dirt will be more difficult.


It’s hard to believe, but kerosene is a fairly effective way to give the sole a whiteness. Put a small amount of kerosene on a cotton pad and wipe the dirt. Sneakers will be like new.

Laundry Detergents

This refers to washing powder. It should be taken 2 tablespoons and mixed with a glass of water, in which a teaspoon of vinegar is added. This solution must be carefully rubbed into the sole so that it thoroughly corroded the dirt. Leave on for 15 minutes. After that, you can simply rinse the sneakers, or you can send them to the washing machine. Recall that sneakers are washed at 30 degrees on a delicate wash without spin.

Chlorine-free bleach

Bleach without chlorine must be diluted according to the instructions and soak your favorite shoes in it. After soaking, the sneakers can be washed.

White paint

Naturally, this is a special paint, before using which the sneakers should be washed under running water and dried thoroughly.


Or just an eraser. This is perhaps the fastest way to give a rubber sole whiteness. You need to understand that it is not particularly effective, but it can easily cope with black stripes.

Bleaching sneakers with soda

How to whiten the sole on soda sneakers? Very simple, you need to put a small amount of soda on a cloth and rub a slightly damp sole. The result will be great.

how to whiten the sole on soda sneakers

If the sneakers are well looked after, they will delight their master for a long time.

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