
Business idea: Production of soles for shoes

soles for shoesWhen starting a business, you need to find the right niche. Every novice entrepreneur must know exactly why, who, when will buy his goods. From this point of view, manufacturing and selling shoe soles is a lucrative undertaking.

As everyone knows, Chinese products of low quality are hard to imagine that the toy did not break in the hands of a child in a few days. Many people think that in China they simply don’t know better. I have to share my opinion, it is simply not profitable to produce a very good product, having bought a good thing that will work for a long time a person will not go buy a new one and the profit from the company will drop.

There are niches in business where it is simply impossible to do once and for a long time. I propose to do just such a business as the production of soles for shoes. Each season, new and new copies are required.

Ways to sell soles for shoes:

  1. Manufacturers
  2. Shoe repair points in your area
  3. Government orders

Production is a quarter of the business, the rest is sales. It is very good if you have, perhaps, to sign a contract with a shoe manufacturer and start production under its needs.

The first option is very promising and gives a constant profit, but do not forget about the market for shoe repair services. Finding a few points and negotiating with them by offering a lower price than competitors will earn the first customers. After that you can focus on finding large customers.

The most tidbit of this business is government procurement, but there is a minus to win the tender. But still, do not miss this opportunity, having received, for example, an order for a military unit, you can provide your workshop with work for the months ahead.

A bit about production.

To make a sole for shoes, a machine is needed, such a miracle of technology costs $ 20,000 plus a customs clearance, since there are no machines in Russia, you have to buy Chinese in the country with an overpayment to an intermediary or buy directly from the manufacturer.

There are pitfalls here, you need to require state-owned documents from the seller or intermediary and check the series so that they do not push the fake.

To summarize, business is promising and profitable, the product is in demand and benefits people. It remains to competently implement the concept of production to establish a business process and make money. There are also disadvantages, to enter the business you need a certain amount of money, a business from the category of serious ones, this is not for you to deal with rabbit breeding. But if there is an opportunity it is better to use it.

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