
Find out what laser tag is.

It’s good to be strong and agile. And for this it is necessary to maintain physical fitness at a decent level. It is not necessary for this to play sports in the fitness room, you can participate in outdoor games that will help develop stamina, strengthen the spirit and will to win. There are many of them. But for those who do not just want to move in the company of like-minded people, for example, throwing a ball to each other, but strive to participate in modern competitions, it will be interesting to know what a laser tag is.

what is laser tag

What is required

Anyone who is interested in a new word, it will be enough to find out that this is a team game. Anyone who is going to participate in this event should be prepared for the fact that in order to play laser tag, equipment is required. But this is the concern of the one who organizes this type of leisure related to war games. The main subject is a laptop, from which monitoring and control of all actions are carried out. But also something that no laser tag can do without is a weapon. It is different. The more natural it looks and closer to reality, the more expensive it will cost. There are simplified models that are redesigned airsoft rifles. For a sophisticated laser tag player, weapons should be more interesting. This is a machine gun or rifle that fully matches the original in appearance and imitates the sound of a shot. Although it may be a gun with a silencer or a space blaster.

laser tag weapon

What do you need besides weapons

But in the game laser tag equipment is also a special suit. The main thing in it is the vest, on which the sensors reacting to contact are located. As well as dressings through which the connection between weapons and clothing. It is best when the equipment is wireless, but then you need to use high-quality batteries. The laser tag game is interesting in that, unlike paintball, it is possible to use additional equipment that makes everything happening richer and more diverse. Vests are equipped with additional sensors for hitting. Mines are set to defeat the enemy in a large radius. Health can be restored using the "first-aid kit", there is even a device that allows you to "resurrect" those who have left the game. Modules are also needed to connect weapons to the laptop, and control "points", for the installation of which they use a special training ground. Laser tag is a game that needs a lot of space.

laser tag equipment

Where is held

Those who often take part in such events know that they can take place both indoors and outdoors. This game is no exception. What is a laser tag? These are competitions that take place in specially equipped halls, as well as in the field or in the forest. To make the process more fun, they build mazes and artificially complicate the terrain. For example, they dig ditches, build defensive points, fortresses. The more players have the opportunity to hide and defend undercover, the more interesting the competition will be. There are many abandoned buildings in our country, such as factories, which are suitable for participants to understand what laser tag is in the full sense of the word. You can use the same room several times, even cleaning is not needed, because the laser beams do not leave marks.

laser tag range

How organized

Competition organizers offer players several scenarios to choose from. In military competitions, they often use the option of protecting something. For example, a captured building or elevation.In this case, the members of one team must repel the attack of the members of another group and defend the protected object. Or invite them to capture a special “flag” from the territory of their rivals, and then move to their base. And you can fight alone. Then the game goes to the last person left alive. He becomes the winner of the battle. If you show imagination, then there will be many options.

Positive sides

Should I strive to find out what a laser tag is? Yes, of course. And it’s best to do this by participating in a game with undeniable advantages, one of which is the possibility of organizing leisure activities for children and youth, due to the fact that the laser tag is completely safe. From the rays that a weapon emits, there is not even a bruise left, as is often the case in paintball. You can even play with the whole family. In addition, you do not need to wear a heavy suit, protective equipment, glasses. An entrepreneur who wishes to organize this type of business will also understand the advantages of laser tag: no consumables are needed, no need to hire a lot of staff, because all processes are automated, including counting hits by computer, which allows you to save on wages and increase profits.

Rules of the game

The laser tag, for all its simplicity, requires compliance with certain instructions. Even if the participant first appeared in the territory where the competition is held, an experienced instructor will tell him everything. It is very important to adhere to his instructions and not to challenge decisions during the game. Players must remember that if the event takes place in an open, fenced area, contacts with random people are possible, which must be treated calmly and respectfully to prevent conflicts. Due to the fact that the weapon is indistinguishable from the original, one must be prepared for questions from the police. Team members are required to study the territory in which they have to act, and to know its boundaries.

laser tag game

Carried away by the game, we must try not to harm ourselves and others. It is important to be honest and obey the general rules. Then others will certainly want to know what a laser tag is, from their own experience.

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