
In what cases is a police officer entitled to use a firearm?

Policemen are people whose duties include controlling order in society. They are everywhere. With their help, you can avoid an unpleasant situation at a holiday or a large event. For citizens who live without breaking the law, the police are a kind of guarantee of their protection. As for violators, such a person is a threat to them. Although physical force can only be used by a policeman as a last resort, there are other ways to reassure a person.

What are the responsibilities?

A policeman is obliged to promptly respond to crimes already committed and to carry out preventive measures aimed at ensuring that the level of crime falls. This is the most important thing in his work. He holds various lectures and talks with civilians, for example, minors registered. In addition, he constantly patrols city streets and conducts activities related to the investigation of crimes already committed.

Why do cops use weapons?

The right to use firearms is primarily associated with the obstruction of the commission of a crime. When the vested powers are exercised, only the police and other law enforcement officers have the right to arms. This preventive measure is associated with certain administrative and legal norms. The use of weapons is considered a measure of administrative restraint. So, let's figure out when a police officer has the right to use firearms.

When can weapons be used?

police officer has the right to use firearms

The legislation defines all possible situations when a police officer has the right to use firearms.

It says that the object to which weapons can be used is a person who intentionally performs actions that threaten the lives of others.
Any that is permitted by law, manipulations with weapons, for example, a demonstration, pointing at a person in order to frighten him in order to stop a crime, delivering blows without shots with weapons, as a rule, are not recognized as their use.

Can weapons be used illegally?

There are times when police officers use weapons improperly, but this rarely happens. In any case, a serious punishment is foreseen for this. Be sure that after the use of weapons by the police, an official investigation is carried out, which shows the legitimacy of the actions.

When can a police officer use a weapon?

a police officer has the right to use firearms in case of

Police officers have the right to use firearms in the following cases:

  1. Protect a civilian in an attack that poses a threat to his life. This is considered an action that, without preventing it, leads to the occurrence of serious injuries or death.
  2. When attacking a policeman, if there is a threat to his life or if someone is trying to take away his weapon.
  3. When an attacker tries to take possession of official police vehicles or other equipment that is in the possession of law enforcement agencies.
  4. A police officer has the right to use firearms if a person does not want to surrender weapons or other things dangerous to others according to the lawful requirement of the police, and also exerts active resistance (swings ammunition, scatters poisonous substances).
  5. To free the hostages.A police officer has the right to use firearms only against people who cause physical harm or cause hostage death. Weapons are not used against individuals involved in the crime who do not harm others.
  6. When it is required to detain an attacker when he commits a crime that inflicts grievous harm to health, life and property of others. In addition, when a potential criminal tries to escape from the scene of the crime.
  7. The policeman must personally see that acts contrary to the law are being committed, as well as that the crime can continue, and that the attacker is hiding or resisting. If witnesses turn to the policeman and claim that a crime is being committed, the use of weapons is unacceptable, as the person may be innocent.
  8. A police officer has the right to use firearms to repel attacks on people with the use of weapons, and in attacks of a group of people on public premises, various public institutions, as well as organizations and private houses.
  9. To prevent the escape of a detained citizen.
  10. Against persons in custody.
  11. Against citizens who are sentenced to a specific term of imprisonment.
  12. To stop attempts of liberation by force.

When can a police officer use a weapon?

a police officer has the right to use firearms to

A police officer has the right to use firearms in the following cases:

  1. If it is necessary to stop a moving car with the help of its damage, if the offender leads to a life-threatening situation for people and does not respond to a stop request.
  2. A police officer has the use of firearms to neutralize an animal or vehicle as necessary.
  3. To signal an imminent danger. He can make a warning signal to call someone for help.
  4. A police officer has the right to use firearms to destroy all kinds of structures, which are an obstacle for a police officer to enter a residential or any other premises.
  5. Also, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can enter all rooms owned by citizens at any time. In addition, it is not even necessary for homeowners to be present in it.

When can weapons be used when entering a room?

police officer has the right to use firearms to destroy

According to the law, a police officer has the right to use firearms when trying to enter the premises in several cases:

  1. To save people or their property if a dangerous situation arises, and during mass riots - to ensure and control the safety of ordinary citizens.
  2. In order to detain citizens who, according to the police, have committed criminal acts.
  3. To suppress impending crimes.
  4. To clarify the circumstances of the accident.

What is the guarantee that law enforcement will be preserved for law enforcement?

police officer has the right to use firearms when trying

The law provides for guarantees that the personal security of police officers will be respected. A police officer has the right to use firearms or to bring them into full readiness if, in his opinion, at least one of the above reasons occurs.

When a person has a weapon in his hands and makes an attempt to approach him, very quickly covering the distance, or tries to touch a service weapon, then law enforcement officers are allowed to use their weapons.

It is forbidden to use weapons against people with disabilities, if this is clearly visible, women and minors (if the policeman knows how old or clearly visible). But with the resistance of these groups of citizens, an attack of several people or with weapons, or with the admission of dangerous actions that threaten health and life, you can use weapons.

The use of weapons is considered to be the most serious measure of crime suppression, since serious bodily harm can be caused, and sometimes death can occur. In this case, the policeman should have an additional guarantee of legal protection of his actions. A report must be written in writing about each case of the shot during the day, it is also necessary to inform the head of the police department at the place of work.

In addition, the report can be filed at the current location of the policeman. If there is a need, then the chief appoints an official audit, after which the legality of the use of weapons will be determined.
If, after using the weapon, the offender was injured or killed, then the prosecutor must be notified urgently.

On what basis can physical force or special equipment be used?

police officer has the right to use firearms to repel

Everything that a policeman has or does not have the right to do is prescribed in federal law. What special means a policeman should have is established only by the government, and it is impossible to use such means that can seriously injure or become sources of completely unjustified risks.

Each employee must undergo preliminary training, as well as tests of his suitability in terms of actions that require the use of force or weapons.

When is physical force used?

a police officer has the right to use firearms in the following cases

According to the law, police officers are allowed to use physical force in the following situations:

  1. To prevent a crime.
  2. To deliver to the office building (department) of the criminal who committed the crime and for his detention.
  3. In order to overcome resistance to the actions of a policeman.

When can special products be used?

  1. To repel an attack on another person or police officer.
  2. To stop an administrative crime.
  3. To overcome the resistance that has been provided to the employee.
  4. To detain a person who was caught while committing an illegal act and tried to hide.
  5. To detain the criminal in case of his resistance.
  6. To deliver to the police, to act as a convoy and to protect the detained, imprisoned, convicted, and so on.
  7. To eliminate mass disorder or other similar actions that impede the movement of cars, the work of people or means of communication.
  8. To stop a car whose driver does not comply with the stop requirement.
  9. To identify a crime.
  10. To protect the protected objects, prevent the movement of a group of people who commit criminal acts.

What else can cops do?

In addition to the right to use weapons, police can also:

  • Check documents if a citizen is in doubt.
  • Call for interrogation.
  • Visit crime scene when providing ID.
  • Engage in protocol writing.
  • Observe those who have recently arrived from prison.
  • Deliver citizens to departments, including forced.
  • Deliver citizens for a medical examination in case of intoxication.
  • Search if there is a reason.
  • Stop transport and check documents.


In conclusion, we can say that a policeman is allowed to use weapons only in the event of a life-threatening situation, as well as property. In addition, it can be used to stabilize the situation or prevent a crime.

It is also worth saying that it is advisable for every citizen to know about these rules when a policeman can use weapons. Of course, it all depends on the situation. But we all know that sometimes the guardians of order use weapons illegally, that is, for no particular reason.If you do not want to be in a similar situation and not provoke a policeman, be sure to remember these rules.

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