
The duties of a security guard. Instructions

The profession of a security guard involves the implementation of actions that are regulated by law and the job description of a security guard of a private security company. Their list is determined by many factors that we will consider in this article. Not a single security guard can work without a certificate of training and passing an exam for the relevant qualifications. The watchman or the watchman is not one of them; these are completely different positions.

Who can become a guard

The law No. 2487-1 of 03/11/1992, which is called "On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation," regulates the activities of representatives of this profession. Article 1.1 states that it is possible to acquire this profession by reaching the age of 18 and passing an exam, which confirms the qualification of a security guard.

The concept of a private security guard does not apply to representatives of private security (belonging to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) or VOKhR (militarized security). By law, private security guards can work either in ChOP (private security company), or in the private security service of a non-state structure. Of course, departmental security is far from everywhere. If necessary, any organization has the opportunity to resort to the services of a private security company.

guard duties

The law restricts individuals from becoming a private security guard. This profession will not be allowed to a person who has a number of certain diseases (associated with poor eyesight or mental disorders) or an outstanding criminal record for a crime of a deliberate nature.

Chop guards

The duties and rights of a security guard are determined by his rank indicated in the certificate. Examination tickets for a security guard when passing a qualification exam vary depending on what rank you pass. Similarly, powers differ.

If the guard has IV category, he is allowed to use special means that are not legally related to weapons. We are talking about a protective helmet and vest, handcuffs, rubber batons.

Guards of the V category have the right to use traumatic weapons. And those with the VI category, in addition to all of the above, acquire the right to use firearms. They are mainly instructed to guard and escort especially important objects.

The duties of the security guard

A number of circumstances affect the content of such a document as the job description of a security guard. These include the type and structure of a private security organization or its own unit of the enterprise, direction, as well as the types of objects to be protected. At the same time, the law limits the list of duties of any private security guard, which exists in the form of a list of its main functions.

job description security guard chop

According to him, a security officer of an organization or enterprise or a representative of a private security company is obliged to protect the health and life of individuals, ensure the safety of entrusted property (including during transportation), and protect public order in the process of mass events, provide access mode at important sites, advise on legal methods of physical and legal self-defense. In short, his main tasks are to ensure order and security and prevent theft at the facility.

What else applies to them

In addition, the duties of a security guard may include work related to the installation and maintenance of alarm devices (for example, an emergency button).Mobile outfits are engaged in this, the task of which is to arrive at the object with a special signal in order to counter violators up to direct detention.

It is important to note that the rights of a PSC guard are quite limited. Official duties allow him only to detain the violator, but they are not allowed to search or seize any objects. In the case of, for example, suspicion of theft in a store, a security officer has the right only to transfer the alleged offender to the police along.

The limits of his responsibility are also regulated by the job description of the security officer of the PSC. In addition, the relevant information is contained in the collective liability agreement. Usually a guard is not considered financially responsible person and is obliged to answer only for values ​​damaged by him.

 departmental security

What the guard is responsible for

Disciplinary responsibility departmental protection bears on an equal basis with others in accordance with labor legislation. But a number of misconduct of a disciplinary nature can interrupt his career as a professional. For example, going to work in a state of drug intoxication is fraught with disqualification - the identity card of a security guard can be canceled.

If a private security guard exceeds his own authority, he may be liable both administrative and criminal. The latter option is possible for the use of weapons or special means without good reason or in excess of the measures necessary to detain.

Weekday security worker

Now consider in more detail the typical duties of a security guard. What exactly is he doing on duty?

security guard

According to the job description, he:

  • Checks the inventory, availability and completeness of available security equipment;
  • It monitors the performance of the control system and receives a report on the work of the previous shift;
  • Responsible for maintaining access control at the enterprise;
  • Patrols the territory according to the bypass schedule;
  • In the event of intruders entering the guarded facility or violation of the serviceability of the security system or regime, they urgently inform the authorities who head the security service;
  • Provides reference services to visitors as needed;
  • It complies with the completeness and cleanliness of its own guard uniform;
  • Contains weapons and ammunition in order, familiar with the procedure for its inspection and operation;
  • Able to use the means of protection entrusted to him. Having discovered suspicious objects (bags, boxes) left unattended, it informs the immediate authorities;
  • In case of fire, it provides an urgent call to the fire department and eliminates the source of ignition with available improvised means.
  • Familiar with communication devices and able to work on the air;
  • It monitors equipment requiring regular recharging (radio stations, flashlights, stun guns, etc.);
  • If necessary, provides first aid, owns the necessary skills for this;
  • It does not allow safety violations at the facility.

ranks of guards chop


What exactly should a security officer who has entered upon duty do to fulfill all of these duties? He will have to verify the availability and serviceability of the equipment entrusted to him. The latter includes a device that registers events in the Dispatcher system.

The device is received at the beginning of the duty according to the instructions. Then - the available lighting (lamps, lights, spotlights). Fire-fighting equipment. It should be noted that a thorough knowledge of the operation of equipment, communications, weapons, first-aid kits, etc. is a direct responsibility of this official.

If the post is located outside the building, the guard must keep it clean and tidy, remove garbage, leaves and snow. If necessary, he is able to provide the necessary medical care before calling a doctor.

security guard chop

His actions in various situations

Starting on duty, the security representative takes the territory from the technician, locks, window panes, doors and seals, which is being replaced with checking the integrity. In the case of the arrival of strangers, he clarifies the purpose of the visit and, if necessary, draws up passes with the mandatory requirement of an identity document.

In case of fire, he calls the guard by phone 01 and independently proceeds to evacuate people and material assets from the premises. Having discovered the act of opening a room or warehouse, as well as violation of seals, takes all measures to strengthen the protection of the facility before the arrival of the police, notifying the authorities.

A security guard monitors the removal of bulky goods (boxes, packages, large boxes and containers) from the site and does not allow this without the written permission of the security chief. He maintains a laced and numbered register of acceptance of duty. Carefully monitors the penetration of outsiders into the territory. Regularly bypasses the object, being noted at control points by the "Dispatcher" device.

 security guard qualifications

Be vigilant!

It monitors the actions of employees with access to material assets in order to preserve the latter. Using communication facilities (telephones, radio stations), transmits information concisely and concisely, without clogging the air. The alarm control panel constantly monitors, if necessary, it is always ready to respond to an alarm.

The guard is obliged to handle the weapons entrusted to him carefully and carefully, he is responsible for his safety and integrity. The same applies to all special equipment. Entering duty, the guard must be dressed in uniform according to the established model, have an official insignia. He should be aware of the contents of the orders for the enterprise, directly related to his activities, service instructions and safety regulations.

And other points ...

In his spare time from duty, the guard is obliged to attend theoretical classes and the basics of self-defense a certain number of times a month. While in office, he does not have the right to drink alcohol, be distracted from his immediate duties and transfer his functions to third parties without coordination with the management.

If it is impossible to enter the service, he must notify about this no later than 18 hours before the start of the shift. Reports all incidents and violations to the authorities in the form of an airport. If the duties of a security guard are violated by him intentionally and systematically, he may be subject to administrative punishment.

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