
How to get a license for traumatic weapons? How long is the license valid for?

The federal law details how to obtain a license for traumatic weapons. Based on this normative act, firearms are divided into three groups depending on the purpose of its use: military, service and civilian.

What is a traumatic weapon?

Civilian weapons include a large list of models designed for sports, hunting. We are also talking about cold bladed, signal weapons, including specimens intended for self-defense. In the same list is a traumatic weapon (traumatic). What it is?

Traumatic weapons are designed for non-fatal damage to biological targets, which can be both humans and animals. Its purpose is to prevent the commission of aggressive or unlawful acts.

The following items belong to traumatic weapons.

  1. Civil weapons for self-defense.
  2. Revolvers and gas pistols with the ability to shoot rubber bullets.
  3. Firearms civilian barrelless weapons.
  4. Firearm with limited damage.
  5. Limited-engagement firearms with traumatic ammunition.how to get a license for traumatic weapons

Citizens entitled to receive traumatic weapons

Before understanding the issue of how to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon, a citizen must determine whether he has the right to possess it. The onset of such a right is twenty-one years. The condition for the acquisition of weapons is compliance with the following standards:

  1. Lack of mental illness.
  2. Fulfillment of the requirements for the storage of weapons established by law to prevent unauthorized persons or children from accessing it.
  3. in extreme situations, the manifestation of psychological stability (so that a citizen can control and evaluate all the actions performed).
  4. Providing the necessary documents for obtaining a license.obtaining a license for traumatic weapons

How to use a traumatic weapon?

From a traumatic weapon intended for self-defense, before use it is necessary to shoot up into the air with a high raising of the hand. This is a warning signal. A shot up will express the seriousness of intent and provide an opportunity for the perpetrators to leave the scene. Also, this signal will protect the citizen from accusations of attack first, which is prohibited by law.

Trauma Training

Citizens who wish to obtain a license to use injuries are required to undergo special training. Its purpose is to acquire the skills of safe handling of firearms with limited defeat. Citizens who are active military personnel or police officers are not required to undergo training. It is enough for them to provide information about the service weapons assigned to them at the place of service.help license for traumatic weapons

How to get a license for traumatic weapons?

The process of obtaining a license for injuries can be divided into stages. The first point is to obtain a certificate from a medical institution of the form "046-1" with a mark of all the necessary doctors. This is a narcologist, psychiatrist, therapist, ophthalmologist. If all of these specialists have been completed, the next step is courses on safety rules for wearing, using and storing injuries.Training is conducted on a paid basis by special institutions, information about which officers of the police department can provide to a citizen, providing him with consulting assistance. A license for traumatic weapons will not be obtained by a person without special training. During this process, trauma management skills are developed. Necessary legal norms are also studied, firing is carried out in practice. Training ends with passing standards. After that, the citizen receives a certificate of completion.

You can obtain a license for traumatic weapons by moving to the third stage. That is, upon successful passing of standards, a citizen will need to submit a statement to the ATS with the documents attached to it:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. Two 3x4 photos.
  3. Certificate of medical commission.
  4. Receipt of payment of state duty for the production of certificates and licensing services.
  5. Certificate of completion.
  6. Report on the verification (from the district) of the correct storage of weapons, during which the presence of a safe, the reliability of the fastening and the level of its protection are examined.renewal of license for traumatic weapons

Duration of consideration of documents

After receiving the necessary documents, the police officer must issue a notice of their acceptance. It must have the date of the decision. The review takes place within ten days. When making a positive decision after a month, the citizen receives the necessary permits.

The license for a traumatic weapon granting the right to purchase a unit of this type is six months. After the purchase, the owner will need to register it.

The procedure for registering traumatic weapons

Obtaining a license for traumatic weapons is not the final step. Why? The owner must register any acquired traumatic weapons. The storage, carrying and use of unregistered weapons is prohibited by law. Registration of injuries occurs in the licensing department. In the same body, an experimental shooting of your model is performed. In order to avoid a fine for violating the rules of wearing, the owner must provide a traumatic weapon in a holster. After a month after the registration of the model in question in the FRA, the owner receives permission to store and carry it.

What do each owner need to know?

The license to carry traumatic weapons, their storage and use requires the owner to know certain legal norms. Consider them. These normative legal acts include the following decrees:

  • Article 24 of the Federal Law "On Weapons". It indicates the possibility of the use of weapons by individuals and under what circumstances its use is prohibited.
  • Article 14 of the Civil Code regulates the degree of self-defense. It must be tantamount to a violation and not exceed the limits of action designed to prevent the violation.
  • Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” describes storage rules for the model itself and its cartridges.

How to renew the license for traumatic weapons?

Legislation regulates the period for wearing injuries. He is five years old. That is, after the specified period the license must be renewed. However, this will already be easier to do than get it. Renewal of a license for traumatic weapons does not imply re-training. One visit to the courses on wearing and using injuries is enough.

license term for traumatic weapons

Persons for whom a license is not issued

The legislation prohibits obtaining a license for traumatic weapons to certain categories of citizens:

  1. Persons under the age specified by law.
  2. Citizens with an outstanding or unexpunged criminal record for a deliberate criminal act or for a crime of special gravity or grave (committed with the use of weapons).
  3. Persons serving a sentence for committing a criminal offense.
  4. Citizens who did not provide a medical certificate.
  5. Persons who have committed an administrative offense, encroaching on public safety and order, twice a year. Misconduct that violates hunting rules is also taken into account.
  6. Citizens participating in the illicit trafficking of psychotropic and narcotic drugs.
  7. Persons who do not have a permanent place of residence.
  8. To people who did not provide the necessary documents to the police department.
  9. Citizens deprived of the right by a court decision to purchase weapons.
  10. Persons registered in special institutions due to mental illness, drug addiction and alcoholism.license to carry traumatic weapons

Possible reasons for refusal to obtain a medical license

There are some medical conditions that prevent you from obtaining a license. Even knowing the entire regulatory framework on how to obtain a license for traumatic weapons, this will not help in resolving the issue when the following factors are detected:

  1. Alcohol addiction.
  2. The use of antidepressants.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Substance abuse or addiction.
  5. Physical disabilities, such as the absence of one hand, as well as the index or thumb.
  6. Mental illness.
  7. A decrease in visual acuity with a correction of 0.5 in one eye and in the other below 0.2 or 0.7 in the absence of vision in the other.

So, in the article we examined the conditions for obtaining permission, acquisition and storage of injuries. At first glance, the procedure may seem laborious. However, do not neglect it and use unregistered weapons. This will lead to legal issues. Remember this!

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