
At what age do Russian citizens change their passports and what is needed for this?

A passport is something that in the Middle Ages served as a permit for passing through the gates of the city, and in the 21st century it is an identity document with a very large amount of information in the form of a photo of the owner and his signature.

A little about the passport of the Russian Federation

The Regulation on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation clearly states that this document is the main one on the territory of the state for identification of its owner. Citizens who have reached the age of 14 are entitled to obtain a Russian passport. Replacement by age will be the next step after receiving it. In our country, this document is very powerful in many situations, and sometimes there is an urgent need for it, which is why Russians are so reverent about their main certifying document.

passport of the russian federation

The internal passport of the Russian Federation can be described as a small book containing 20 pages, each of which is intended for entering information about the owner. In the document, you can also notice a code of free-standing 4 and 6 more characters, which mean its series and number:

  • 1st page - state emblem and title of the document;
  • 2nd page - data on the division that issued the passport;
  • 3rd page - main, contains full name owner, year and date of birth, place of birth, gender, in the left corner - photo of the owner of the document;
  • 4th page is blank;
  • 5 - 12 pages are necessary for the content of information on registration and deregistration at the citizen's place of residence;
  • The 13th page contains information on the military duty of the owner;
  • The 14th and 15th will talk about the marital status of the owner of the document;
  • The 16th and 17th contain information about the children of the owner, their names, date of birth and gender;
  • 18th - for those who decided to enter data on the blood group and Rhesus, as well as about their TIN;
  • The 19th page is intended for entering data on passports received outside the Russian Federation;
  • The 20th page contains excerpts from the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

age of passport

Certification document Russian citizen issued for a certain period, so it is so important to know at what age a passport is changed.

When is the time to change?

From the above information, the age of obtaining the passport is already known, but when to contact the FMS department next time? The law states that a citizen must also change this personal document at the age of 20 and 45. In addition, there are several more cases when it becomes necessary to change the internal passport:

  • changing any data from personal information on page 3;
  • unsuitability of the document due to damage or wear;
  • detection of errors in passport data;
  • strongly changed appearance of the owner;
  • replacement of a passport of a citizen of the USSR.

What documents are needed for this?

Having figured out at what age they change their passport and in what situations, you need to start preparing the necessary documents. You will need the following:

  • statement in the established form;
  • two photographs are color, the size of which is 35x45 mm;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth certificate of minor children;
  • duty receipt.

at what age do they change their passport

Depending on the reason that prompted the need to change the document, the following is also attached:

  • passport to be replaced;
  • document confirming the change of certain data.

From all of the above, it is clear that you need not only to know at what age a passport is changed, but also under what other circumstances this need arises.

What should I do if my passport has been lost?

The loss of a document is a very vital situation, despite the reverent attitude of the owners. The law states that first of all you need to apply to the nearest ATS, and then you can deal with the restoration of the document. In the latter case, a statement is attached to the list of required securities, stating the date and place, as well as the circumstances of the loss. Citizens of our country should understand that the passport of the Russian Federation is what they should protect like the apple of an eye.

How to get a passport if I am a new citizen?

Increasingly, Russia is invaded by visitors who dream of becoming citizens of this great country. After becoming a citizen, they need to receive a document that will confirm such affiliation. To do this, you need to contact the Department of the FMS at the place of registration with the above list of documents, in addition, you must provide a translation of the national passport into Russian, verified and confirmed by the notary's office, as well as the national document itself in the original.

Russian passport replacement by age

Newly made citizens of the Russian Federation should study information about at what age they change their passport and under what circumstances, so as not to miss the next appearance at the passport office.

How do you get a passport through a public services website?

The service for issuing a passport on the Internet has become popular. To do this, there is a Unified portal of public services, which contains a large list of operations available online. Here you can obtain a new passport, as well as change the passport by age. An application for issuing a certificate is filled out on the Internet resource, photographs of the applicant will also need to be attached here. A queue is formed on the site and information is given on when the applicant needs to personally contact the Department of the FMS for further processing of the document. The meaning of the service is that the presence of large lines leading to great confusion is almost completely eliminated.

change of passport by age

As you can see, this is a very important document, therefore the approach to everything connected with it should be well thought out and legally certified. When the documents are in order, the citizen sleeps calmly!

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