
What is the passport replacement period? Passport replacement terms by age

Every citizen is obliged to change his passport when he is 20 and 45 years old. All issues related to the exchange of such a document must be resolved within one month. Is the procedure for replacing a passport different at 20 and 45? Let's try to find out.

Replacing a passport by age

passport replacement terms

Passport is being changed at the department of the Federal Migration Service. In order for the procedure to be started, a corresponding statement should be written to the citizen, to whom the document should be replaced. For passport exchange a citizen personally contacts the department of the migration service or through the Unified portal of state and municipal services. Replacing a passport (at 20, at 45) is a standard procedure. In addition, the timing of replacing a passport by age in both cases remains the same. Let's talk about how to exchange a passport in more detail.

What is needed to replace a passport?

Replacing a passport after reaching 20 or 45 years is an obligatory procedure for every citizen of our country. This is probably the only and indispensable condition for reissuing a document. Also, attention is required to the timing of the replacement of the passport, as they must be kept in order not to be fined.

You can change the document using two methods: personally and by electronic appeal through the website of public services. In order to exchange a passport through a personal appeal at the department of the Federal Migration Service, you will need to write the appropriate application in the prescribed form (a sample of it can be found at any department of the FMS), as well as provide a package of necessary documents. At the indicated time, you should come to the department and get a ready-made document.

Be sure to remember what the deadlines for replacing a passport are set by the state. It is not necessary that a new passport is already received during this time. The most important thing is to manage to submit documents.

passport replacement period of 45

If you order a passport using the Internet, the process will be much simpler. In online mode, the portal should leave a request. It is an electronic form to fill out, in which you must provide all the information about the applicant, parents and children, place of residence, citizenship and much more. Also, a photograph that meets the stated requirements must be uploaded to the site.

After receiving the documents by the appropriate service, an e-mail will be notified that the documents have been accepted, as well as information about which department will need to receive the finished document, and contact details for feedback. All that remains for you is to arrive on the appointed date with the original documents and get a new passport. Passport replacement period of 45 and 20 years is the same - 30 days.

What documents are required to replace a passport?

In order for the passport to be replaced, the following documents must be provided:

  1. Old passport to be changed.
  2. Documents containing information about parents and children under 14 years of age (birth certificate of children, passport of parents).
  3. Certificate from the place of registration. If the appeal is carried out at the place of permanent residence, then only an old passport with a registration mark will suffice. If there is no mark, then help will be needed. If the passport is issued in another region, then in addition to the main registration, a document on temporary registration should be presented.
  4. Photos of a fixed size.
  5. Statement of the corresponding sample.
  6. Additional documents that must be reflected in the passport (military ID, citizenship certificate and others).

Be sure to remember that these documents must be collected and filed in such a way as to meet the legal deadline for replacing a passport.

How long does it take to get a new passport?

Russian passport replacement terms

It is worth saying that the list of documents for replacing a passport is established by law, namely the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. According to this act, the list is exhaustive; employees have no right to demand additional data.

From the day that all documents are handed over to the migration service department, the deadline for the provision of public services related to the manufacture and issuance of a new passport will expire. In accordance with the above provision, the terms for replacing a passport by age are 10 days from the moment that all documents were received by the FMS employee. They do not depend on whether you personally submitted documents or left an application on the Internet.

It is also worth mentioning that this deadline for replacing a passport of 45 years will be relevant only when documents were submitted at the place of registration. If this was done in another region, then a new passport will be issued for 2 months. During the absence of the main document, you will be provided with a temporary one, which will act almost the same as the main one, but with some limitations.

So, how to change and what is the deadline for issuing a passport when replacing, we have found out. And here is how the procedure for replacing a passport is carried out, let's look further.

Replacement of a passport by validity period

To date, such a document as international passport, almost every citizen has it. Someone constantly goes on vacation abroad or studies there. Some in other countries have relatives and friends. But still the passport is not issued indefinitely. The legislation of our country established that if a document has expired, then it must be replaced.

How long is a passport issued?

passport replacement upon expiration

To change this document, you should contact the FMS department with a full package of required documents and a receipt on payment of state duty. There are two types of passports - the old and the new model. The first is valid for 5 years, and the second - 10. When the expiration date of the document approaches, then it must be changed. This can be done independently or with the help of a special agency. If in the near future you do not have plans to travel abroad, then your passport can be changed if necessary. No need to be afraid, since a fine for violating the deadline for replacing a passport of this type is not provided.

What documents are needed to replace a passport?

So, a passport also requires a certain package of documents, but it will differ from the list of papers to replace the Russian one.

For replacement, you will need: a two-copy application form, three photographs, a Russian passport, men under 28 years old must submit a certificate from the military enlistment office about military service, you will also need to give the old passport, you will also need a receipt for the payment of the state duty.

Document Replacement Procedure

change of surname

Everyone knows that replacing a passport to travel abroad is a very long and complicated process. In addition, you have to be pretty nervous. In some cases, due to incorrect filling out the form, an expired certificate or the absence of any important data, a new passport may be refused. In addition, no corrections are allowed in the questionnaire or other documents. In this situation, you have to do everything anew.

In general, the replacement procedure is practically no different from the registration of a new passport. If it seems to you that replacing this document will be easier, we dare to disappoint you. Both procedures have a similar scheme. The only difference will be that you will also need to attach the old passport.But the timing of the replacement of the passport of the Russian Federation and foreign will be very different, this should also not be forgotten.

What other reasons can there be for replacing a document?

It is worth saying that there are some other cases when a passport is subject to replacement. According to the law, if a citizen changed last name or other data, then all documents, including a passport, must be replaced. Documents should be collected all the same.

If you do not change the foreign document, it will automatically become invalid; crossing the border along it will not work. If there is a change of surname, the terms for replacing the passport will be exactly the same, so do not rely on any discounts.

After obtaining a marriage certificate in which a new surname is registered, you should first change your Russian passport and only then change your foreign one. A marriage certificate should also be attached to the standard package of documents. Not necessarily the original, you can also photocopy.

terms of replacing a Russian passport

Also, the replacement of passports is carried out when changing sex, loss or theft of a document, when the pages for marks have ended, etc. If the document was lost, then first you need to contact the police department and only then to the FMS. Without a proper police certificate, obtaining a new document will be impossible.

Country Rules

Along with this, if the surname was changed due to marriage, then, for example, you can go to Egypt or Turkey according to the old model, where the maiden name is indicated. But if you need to visit countries that are parties to the Schengen agreement, then you will definitely need a new passport. After the deadline for replacing the passport comes out, you can also apply for a visa to another country. Otherwise, a visa will not work.

What features does the Schengen zone have?

TO Schengen area include countries that have signed an agreement to remove border controls. If you decide to go to one of these countries, then it should be borne in mind that a foreign passport must last longer than the estimated travel time for three months. This means that after the passport expires a couple of months after arriving from the country, you are required to replace the document, as it will no longer be valid.

A special visa is also required for entry. Do not forget that if you need a replacement passport - the period is one month. It is better to change your passport in advance. Moreover, while the old document will be valid, they will already draw up a new one for you. Until the expiration date, you can use your passport.

Urgent replacement of a passport

There are also situations where replacement is required very urgently. In a short time it will be very difficult to carry out such a procedure. As a rule, when applying at the place of residence, a new document is prepared within a month. If the procedure is performed at the place of temporary residence, then it takes twice as much time.

In addition, when an urgent change of passport is needed, the timing of the replacement may not always be respected. To help with such a problem can only contact a special organization where you can sign an agreement on paperwork for departure and discuss the necessary time. Such agencies have the opportunity to help in the preparation of the document precisely at the agreed replacement dates. A photo in the passport should also be taken in advance so that later there will be no problems.

passport replacement dates by age

general information

The passport is changing differently than the Russian one. In particular, replacing a passport at the expiration of the period does not impose any fines, you simply cannot visit other countries. Some states have certain rules for crossing the border. It is worth saying that the initial registration of the passport and its replacement, in principle, are no different. Accordingly, it is necessary to collect all the same documents.

It is also worth saying that the deadlines for replacing a Russian passport and a foreign one, defined by law, may not always be met. Therefore, if in the near future the validity of your passport expires, and you intend to travel abroad, it is best to collect the documents and give them for a new document. Do not forget that the terms for replacing a Russian passport are different; if you violate them, you can earn a fine for untimely treatment.

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Reason for complaint
The compilers of the rules for replacing a passport probably forgot that 20 years for young men is very often performed during military service. It seems that they themselves did not serve. And what, they first pay back the debt to the Motherland, and then also pay the motherland a late fee ??? !!!
Hello. When replacing a passport at 45, can I provide a photocopy of my son’s birth certificate or do I need the original ??? (with a former wife in a terrible relationship, I'm afraid there will be problems if I ask the original) thanks


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