
Important questions: what documents are needed for a passport? How to pay state duty? How much to wait for the readiness of the document?

Many people are puzzled by the question regarding what documents are needed for a passport. Because this document is really necessary for the majority today. So, it should be noted with special attention the process of collecting documents, registration and receipt in order to permanently resolve issues related to this topic.

What documents are needed for a passport

Full list of papers for adults

So, the first thing is to talk about what documents are needed for a passport for a person who is already 18 years old. In other words, for an adult. So, the first is an application form, which is considered an official appeal, a request from a person. The second is the general civil passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and copies of all completed pages. For men of military age (from 18 to 27 years old), a separate condition is that a military ID must be provided.

You also need to show the receipt confirming the payment of the state duty, and the passport that the person already had before. If this will be his first document - nothing needs to be provided in this case.


Now it’s worth clarifying a few important nuances regarding what documents are needed for a passport. So, in addition to the passport, you still need to bring a statement on the change of name. Most often, of course, this is relevant for girls, but men also sometimes decide to part with an unfavorable name. As for the military ticket - it must be marked. It indicates either the end of military service (or alternative civilian service), or that the man was not suitable for this. But a military card must be brought. There is also a special requirement for pensioners - they need to bring their own ID. In addition to the pension, you must also prepare all the other documents listed above.

By the way, many people think that a military card must be brought to all men. But no, only if age falls under the condition of “from 18 to 27 years.”

documents for a passport for a child under 14 for 5 years

Documents for a passport for a child under 14 years old

For 5 years now, foreign identification cards are not issued. Since 2015, you can only get a new biometric - and it is for 10 years. This causes parents who want to arrange it for their children, a lot of questions. And the most popular of them is the following: "How can a primary school student go abroad if, for example, a photograph of his passport made 5 years ago shows a three-year-old kid?" Or even a one-year-old child? So far, this question remains open, since no one gives a clear answer to it. Apparently, such cases will be considered separately.

So, documents for a passport for a child under 14 years old are somewhat different from those that need to be submitted to adults. Firstly, either the parent or guardian must fill out the questionnaire. Secondly, it is necessary to provide a birth certificate, which will make it clear that the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Still need a civil passport of one of the parents. And finally, also a receipt for payment.

documents for a passport for a child under 14 years old


One of the most exciting questions concerns paying state fees. Well, speaking about what documents are needed for a passport, it is necessary to note this topic as well. So earlier international passport It cost one and a half thousand rubles.But that was an old-style document. Now biometric passports are issued, and they cost 3,500 rubles. For children under 14 years of age, the cost will be lower - 1500 p.

You can pay for the service at Sberbank - it’s most convenient there. You only need to have the details with you, which are usually taken at the Department of the FMS, and the required amount. Everything else is extremely simple. You need to go to a bank employee and ask him to do everything. It will take a couple of minutes, because the operation is carried out through the payment terminal. After that, it will be necessary to take the receipt and take it along with the passport, application form and other documents to the department of the FMS.

What documents are needed for a passport for a child

Waiting time

So, it’s already clear what documents are needed for a passport for a child and an adult, and now a few words should be said about how long it will take to wait until the biometric passport is ready. Well, if you had to wait about a month before, now this period has increased by another two weeks. Everything is connected with the use of new technologies in manufacturing. And people who came to the FMS for registration outside the place of registration will have to wait even longer - about 4 months. Although they do it faster. It all depends on how far the person’s hometown (i.e. where it is registered) from the place where it (the person) is now located. If a couple of hundred kilometers is not scary, they will do it faster. But a person who came from Vladivostok to Rostov-on-Don will have to wait a full 4 months. These are the new conditions.

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