
Passport for a child under 14 years: registration and receipt

Nowadays, a passport for a child under 14 will not surprise anyone. Previously, this document was not necessary, but now without it it is without hands.

When to get a passport?

passport for a child under 14 years old

Over the years, everyone is accustomed to having a passport issued to a person upon reaching the age of sixteen. At this time, yesterday's teenager becomes not just an adult, but also a full-fledged citizen of his state. He can freely move around the country and be responsible for his actions. These days, things have changed a bit. There were circumstances due to which it became simply necessary to issue a passport for a child under 14 years old. The main reason is going abroad. Previously, parents could go abroad with a minor, having in their passport a note that he is their child.

Since March 1, 2010, the situation has changed dramatically. Now each child must have his own passport to cross the border of the state. It is drawn up according to all the rules and is no different from a regular document. The same parents who received a foreign passport Until the specified date, they may not worry. Their document has not lost its power. On it you can safely travel to another country with your children before the expiration of its validity. In this case, you do not need to have an international passport for a child under 14 years old. It is enough that there is a document on hand that confirms the identity of an adult with a photograph of a child glued into it according to all the rules.

Who needs a passport?

According to new standards, a passport for a child under 14 can be issued at any age. You should not establish your own rules and think that, for example, a one-year-old baby does not need any papers. Even a birth certificate will not help in this case. When crossing the border, there will certainly be problems. Then the vacation or the desired trip will have to be postponed, and this will negatively affect not only the child, but also the whole family. In the Russian Federation, a passport can now be obtained almost from birth. It is often issued from the first days of a baby’s life. After all, the need for departure can arise at any time, and such prudent actions by parents are justified. Of course, a child even of school age will not be able to cross the border himself. For this, parents should be next to him. In extreme cases, this may be an accompanying person. True, then in his hands at the time of departure must have the consent of the parents themselves, notarized. Such a document must indicate the time of departure and the state that the child intends to visit with adults.

Beginning of registration

application form passport up to 14 years old

The first document, which begins the process of registration, is a questionnaire. A child receives a passport up to 14 years old together with his parents or other legal representatives (trustees, guardians, adoptive parents). The questionnaire is drawn up on a special form and filled out in the presence of the child himself. For this, adults must have with them a personal passport and a birth certificate of their child. The questionnaire is filled out with a black ink pen, and the entries are made not in lowercase, but in block letters.

Alternatively, you can type it on a computer. In this case, the text is printed on one sheet on both sides. Various corrections and additions are strictly prohibited. If the child's last name, first name or patronymic has changed since birth, then this information must be indicated. Otherwise, the mark “did not change” is made.A separate item in the questionnaire is the “purpose of obtaining a document”. It should be written here why the child goes abroad: “for temporary travel” or “for living”. In addition, there is a column that indicates the type of document. This means that the passport is issued “primarily” or “in exchange for the lost”. The remaining items, as a rule, do not cause problems.

Package of documents

passport up to 14 years old documents

In order to get a child a passport up to 14 years old, documents must be prepared in advance. There are several of them, so you need to be extremely careful and not forget anything. At the time of filing, the following must be available:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of one of the parents (original and full copy).
  2. Document confirming citizenship of the child (the original is taken to check and make a copy).
  3. Application form (original).
  4. In the absence of parents, legal representatives must carry documents proving their rights.
  5. To issue a new one, an original old-style passport is provided.
  6. Four photographs with a standard size of 35 x 45 millimeters. In this case, it does not matter if they are colored or black and white.
  7. The original birth certificate of a minor child to make a copy of it.
  8. Receipt of payment of mandatory state duty.

Having all the above documents in hand, we can hope for an early resolution of the issue.

The financial side of the issue

state duty passport up to 14 years

When applying for a foreign passport for a child, you can not do without cash investments. Any service provided by the state must be paid. In this case, the state duty is meant. A passport up to 14 years old is received by children who do not manage money on their own. These responsibilities are carried out by parents. The sizes of all duties are strictly regulated depending on the type and characteristics of the service provided. Upon receipt of a passport for a child under the age of fourteen, adults will need to pay:

  • for an old-style document - 1000 (one thousand) rubles;
  • for a new type of document - 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles.

A receipt confirming payment must be submitted along with the rest of the documents. Without it, they would not even be considered. It is not worth it to engage in falsification, because the applicant is legally liable for the accuracy of each of the submitted papers. But the truth, as you know, sooner or later always comes out.

Salient features

registration of a passport up to 14 years

Previously, children did not receive an individual passport. This was not necessary, because the documents of the parents had a corresponding entry, which was fully consistent with Annex 9 to the Chicago Convention. However, it later turned out that registering a child at the airport with the parent's passport took longer than with their own document. This led to the fact that the Russian Government made some changes to the rules of the migration procedure in order to maximally comply with international standards in this matter. And it was planned to issue new biometric passports without a mark on the presence of children. At the same time, old documents also remained valid. At any airport, parents could leave with their children according to both documents. In addition, the registration of a passport up to 14 years in some cases leads to additional costs. So, in some countries, an entry visa is paid not by the number of people, but by the number of passports provided. In this case, those who did not draw up individual documents have the opportunity to save a little.

Who gets the document?

getting a passport up to 14 years old

Before coming of age, the child does not have the necessary freedom and is not entitled to make responsible decisions independently. Therefore, obtaining a passport up to 14 years old is carried out with the participation of parents or legal authorized representatives. But there is a slight clarification.Documents for registration are provided at the place of residence of adults, despite the registration of children. And if the parents are registered in different settlements, then one of them may deal with this issue. He should receive the finished document.

Moreover, the presence of the child in this case is not required. Although the solemn procedure itself may give him pleasure. Everything goes to the fact that in the near future, without exception, everyone will have their own passports. This will significantly facilitate the work of customs and provide additional freedom for citizens themselves. For example, a parent, being with a child abroad, is forced to return home for a while. According to the old rules, they will be forced to ride together, and in the new conditions, the baby can avoid additional unplanned movements.

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