
Types of interviews. Interview Questions

Types of interviews are not limited only to articles familiar to us in newspapers and television programs. This technique can be used for a variety of business purposes.

types of interviews

What is an interview

An interview is a type of conversation involving two or more people. This process implies that one side asks questions, and the other gives them short or detailed answers.

The essence of the interview can be displayed as follows:

  • first of all, this is a conversation, which implies answers to previously prepared questions (most often conducted with the participation of famous people);
  • demonstration of the result of the conversation on television or its printing in the press;
  • spontaneous survey of untrained people on some socially important topics;
  • also an interview is one of the effective methods of selecting employees during the competition for the position.

interview method

Interview types

Conducting a conversation can have completely different goals. This may be the collection of information, analysis of opinions and the like. Thus, the following main types of interviews can be distinguished:

  • Informational. This variation involves the receipt of certain data and facts from a particular person during an interview. An example is a conversation with public figures, as well as political figures and so on.
  • Interview This is one of the forms of passing the competition when applying for a job. In a hot conversation, pre-prepared questions are asked of the applicant for the position, and the verdict is issued after evaluating and analyzing the answers.
  • Analytical. It is aimed at collecting information on a specific issue. Most often, we can talk about sociological surveys during which the data obtained are analyzed and based on which certain conclusions are formulated.

interview questions

Analytical interview

The types of interviews related to analytics can also be broken down into narrower concepts, such as:

  • research - most often carried out to be included in the list of results on scientific work;
  • Clinical - used by psychologists and doctors of other specializations to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment;
  • survey - is massive and aims to collect certain information.

Competency Interview

The job interview is aimed at identifying certain characteristics of the interlocutor, called competencies. Their presence is simply necessary for the applicant for the post in order to perform their duties in a high-quality manner. It is generally accepted that education, qualifications and experience play a decisive role in hiring, but the modern system is gradually moving away from these stereotypes. For each position, there are about 10 competencies that a potential employee of the company must possess.

The interview method is slightly different from the standard interview. Here, there is a certain list of pre-prepared questions that are designed to determine the presence or absence of a number of competencies in the subject. The rating system can be completely different. It is allowed to set points on a certain scale, in accordance with which as a result, a conclusion will be made about the applicant's compliance with a particular position. It is worth noting that such a system allows you to identify not only professional, but also the psychological qualities of the interlocutor.

interview example

Interview Features

The interview method has some features, among which the main ones can be distinguished:

  • Evaluation of interview results cannot be objective, since everyone is inclined to judge questions and answers from their own subjective point of view (this applies not only to direct participants in the process, but also to outsiders);
  • not only the interviewer, but also the interviewee evaluates his interlocutor, and therefore both sides for one reason or another can refuse to communicate;
  • if we are talking about an interview, the main thing is to constantly ask questions, without giving the interlocutor the opportunity to think about the answer in a direction that is beneficial for themselves;
  • an interview will really be successful only if the interviewer is clearly aware of his purpose and thoroughly familiar with the technique.

interview with a journalist

Questions for an interview with a famous person

The key to a successful interview is correctly posed questions, as well as their arrangement in a clear logical sequence. At the same time, they can be informed in advance to the interlocutor or be a surprise for him. A media interview may contain the following features:

  • if you are communicating with a famous person, then you should start with biographical data;
  • It is certainly worth paying great attention to issues related to the profession;
  • when a confidential atmosphere is established with the interviewee, you can proceed to the moments concerning the nature and worldviews;
  • It is certainly worth touching on everyday issues;
  • when the interlocutor has talked enough, it’s worth moving on to the most sensitive issues regarding personal life (if you feel that the interviewee is not disposed to such a conversation, it’s better to omit this moment).

If your interview is related to business and political issues, strictly adhere to the topic of discussion, without being distracted by personal issues.

What to ask for an interview

Questions for interviews related to hiring should be of the following nature:

  • to start, it is certainly worth it with simple questions about age, marital status and other personal information with which to establish a trusting atmosphere;
  • speaking of education, one should not limit oneself to specifying qualifications and specialties, but also talk about the learning process itself, favorite subjects, and so on;
  • Be sure to ask the interviewee about previous work experience (try to find out not only positive, but also negative points);
  • try to determine the attitude of the applicant for the position to your company.

In order to determine the nature and psychological characteristics of the interviewee, it is worth asking probing questions, which imply a detailed and detailed answer.

the essence of the interview

How to successfully pass an interview at employment

If you want to get this or that position, then you just need to observe a number of mandatory conditions:

  • To get started, find out as many facts as possible about your employer. On the one hand, this will help you understand who you are going to work with, as well as finally establish yourself in your intention to get a position. On the other hand, an undoubted advantage during the interview will be your awareness of the company, which will show your respect and interest.
  • Prepare a self-presentation. You will certainly be asked to tell about yourself. Many fail the interview already at this stage, because they do not know what is worth saying. Therefore, you should carefully think about the story about yourself, including facts reflecting your qualities as a person and as a valuable employee. Be short. Do not exaggerate, but do not understate your merits.
  • Follow the dress code. You should be dressed in strict business style. At the same time, show good taste. Clothing should emphasize your personality, as well as be comfortable so that you can feel at ease.
  • Prepare your list of questions. Concluding the interview, the interviewer will certainly offer you to ask him something.Many are not ready for such a turn of events, but you must show your interest. In addition to questions regarding your personal interests, ask something about the work of the company itself.
  • Behave naturally and confidently. Do not pretend to try to embellish your personality, because deception can soon open. Let your behavior be as close to natural conditions as possible. At the same time, adhere to politeness and tact. Stay confident, not showing your fear and doubt.
  • Ask about the results. Saying goodbye to the interviewer, be sure to ask about when the results of the interview will be known (moreover, an answer like "we will call you back" should not suit you). Show that you value yourself and your time.

hiring interviews

What mistakes should not be made

Interviewing is a stressful situation for both the interviewer and the interviewee. That is why both the first and second should avoid a number of common mistakes:

  • Excessive excitement. Remember that both sides of the interview are absolutely equal. The recruiter needs an employee, and the applicant needs a position. Think of the interview as a win-win process.
  • Do not come to the interview unprepared. The interviewer must have with him a complete list of questions that he plans to ask the interlocutor. The interviewee, in turn, must think in advance of the possible course of the conversation and prepare answers.
  • Excessive familiarity. It often happens that during an interview the conversation goes away from the main topic, turning to personal questions. In no case can this be done, since the interview will lose its meaning, and in the eyes of the opponent you may not appear in the best light.
  • Do not come for an interview when you feel unwell or after extreme stress. Try to reschedule the event. If this does not succeed, it is better to cancel it altogether, since you, in any case, will not be able to recommend yourself well.
  • Do not skirmish. If your opinion differs from the point of view of the opponent, this is not a reason to argue and interrupt each other. Show restraint and tact.

Media Interview

An interview with a journalist is somewhat different from a job interview. A more relaxed and friendly atmosphere will prevail here than in the office. Nevertheless, you can use a number of tips:

  • try to get a list of questions or find out the topic of conversation in order to be as prepared as possible;
  • keep calm, because for a journalist an interview is a job, and its success depends on you;
  • insist that you choose a place for a conversation where you will feel comfortable and at ease;
  • remember that you are not required to answer provocative or obscene questions;
  • speak briefly but succinctly.

How to interview

Journalists take hundreds of interviews daily. You can see an example of them in newspapers, magazines or on television. To make the material really interesting, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • When composing questions, consider what information will be of interest to the audience;
  • since there are certain values ​​in society, try not to go beyond the bounds of decency and not to touch on forbidden topics;
  • be sure to take into account the fact that the results of the interview give a certain opinion not only about the interviewee, but also about the journalist;
  • your role in the process of conversation should be minimal and consist only in raising questions, and the rest should be given complete freedom to the interlocutor, so that the public gets the most objective picture of him.

Every journalist should remember that the main rule in dealing with the interviewee is respect. Then any kind of interview will become part of a pleasant pastime.

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