
The choice of equipment for the production of cement. Wet cement technology

Each of us is well aware that one of the most promising sectors of our time is construction. It is for this reason that many decide to start their business with the production of cement.

But immediately you will encounter a number of difficulties. One of these problems is the choice of equipment for cement production since the quality of the finished product will directly depend on this. Of course, another important point is the selected technology.

general information

It will not be superfluous to note that the profitability of such a business is quite high. Nevertheless, the competition is also high, so the chosen production technology plays a big role, which we will definitely talk about. The main difficulty lies in the fact that even within just one deposit of raw materials, its indicators, such as density, humidity and hardness, vary over a wide range.

Since cement can be produced in three ways (dry, wet and combined), the equipment is purchased separately for each of them. Therefore, you must first decide on what technology we will produce the goods, and then already purchase equipment. To begin, let's make the right choice of equipment for the production of cement. Despite the many nuances, it is quite simple.

selection of equipment for cement production

Selection of equipment for cement production

It should be noted right away that clay and limestone are used as raw materials, and these materials need preliminary crushing. Therefore, we need a crusher (roll, jaw, etc.). In addition, we need to purchase a special mill-mixer, in which clay with the addition of water will be crushed.

Also important equipment is a fine grinding ball mill. The cost of such an installation is about 3,000,000 rubles. To get clinker, we need to burn the mixture in a rotary kiln. But that is not all. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that clinker for the production of cement can be obtained in ball mills. To cool it, you need a special refrigerator. Next comes the secondary equipment, which is used for packaging, unloading and loading of goods.

cement clinker

Wet cement technology

I would like to say right away that if raw materials with a high moisture content are mined, then using the dry method of manufacturing the product is not practical. The wet process technology itself is quite simple. It consists in the fact that the raw materials are crushed in crushers, while a small amount of water is added.

The mixture is mixed until homogeneous. The resulting slurry is averaged and fed to the furnace. In more detail, limestone can be crushed in several stages. The fraction should be approximately 8-10 mm. This is followed by rolling. But this does not end there. The extracted clay also undergoes crushing, the size of the lumps should not exceed 100 millimeters, after which it enters the talkers, where it is soaked.

Cement Production: Stage 2

After we got sludge from clay with a humidity of 70%, we need to mix the raw materials with limestone. At the end of the process, the amount of moisture is reduced to 40%. Here comes one of the most important production stages. Sludge enters the central basin, where the composition is adjusted.

As a result, we obtain a constant chemical formula.After firing, we get a clinker, which is subjected to grinding in special mills, as already mentioned above. Drying is carried out right there. So we got the finished product, which is transported to a warehouse, where it is packed and stored.

But first, the brand of cement is determined. Now let's talk a little about the dry method, which also has a place to be, but only if the original raw material has a small percentage of moisture. Here the technology is a little different.

cement additives

Dry cement production

After limestone and clay come from the quarry, the raw materials are ground. This is followed by mixing and drying, as well as grinding in a separator mill. At the next stage, the resulting mixture with the help of pneumatic units moves to the mixing apparatus, where the adjustment is made.

If we talk about the use of the clay component, it is necessary to feed the raw materials to the screws, where water is moistened up to 10-11%. Otherwise, the production of cement by a dry method is no different from the above.

The only thing that can be said on this topic is that here the process of preparing raw materials is extremely important. Firing can be carried out not only in rotary kilns, but also in shaft furnaces, etc. Naturally, the choice of equipment for the production of cement affects the method by which the work will be carried out.

dry cement production

Which method is better?

It is unlikely to give a definite answer here. The thing is that with the wet method, the raw mixture is obtained an order of magnitude easier and faster, and this is a great advantage. It is because of this that it is used more often. As already noted above, it is rational to use it when the raw material has high humidity.

Another important indicator is the presence of extraneous impurities in the clay. If there are many, then the wet method is definitely better. But there is one significant drawback, which is that when firing a large amount of fuel is required, which is expensive.

The dry method is good in that it is an order of magnitude cheaper, since less coal is required. It is for this simple reason that it is becoming more widespread. As you can see, the advantages and disadvantages are equally divided. Although it is more preferable to use wet production. This is due to the fact that there is much less industrial dust, and the quality of the goods is excellent.

wet cement production

A few important points

It should be noted that there are special additives for the production of cement. As a rule, they have a mineral (hydraulic) base and can be either artificial or natural. If we talk about additives of natural origin, then these are various sedimentary rocks, as well as volcanic rocks.

As for artificial ones, this is a variety of industrial wastes, such as slags, fuel ashes, etc. As for the results that are obtained due to the inclusion of special additives, this is a reduced cost price, as well as the acquisition of various hydraulic properties by cement: high speed of solidification , sulfate resistance, etc. All this makes it possible to use a binder in any conditions, for example, at low or excessively high temperatures.

how to produce cement


Now you know what factors influence the choice of equipment for cement production. As for the costs, all the equipment will cost about 4 million rubles. This is taking into account the monthly rental of the premises and the initial costs. You probably noticed that the production itself is quite complicated, but this kind of business brings a good income, so the business will pay off in a year.

The modern market is able to absorb all the goods released by you, the main thing is to find a buyer. To produce cement There are several ways, you can choose the one that will bring more profit. Here, perhaps, is all the useful information on this topic.As you can see, there are a lot of nuances that relate directly to technology and equipment selection.

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