
The choice of equipment for the production of primers: what you need to know?

This is not the first year that a profitable investment has been considered production of paints and varnishes. Finishing compounds continue to remain popular, although competition in the segment remains not so high. So a new business has every chance of becoming successful.

What exactly will have to be purchased?

When production just goes through the stage of formation, experienced specialists do not advise chasing a wide range, but focus on the quality of the goods. The choice of equipment for the production of primers should also take this rule into account. First, you need a few things:

  1. A garage with an area of ​​at least three square meters, where there is a voltage of 200 V, a water storage and plumbing.
  2. Purchase of components, pigments and fillers.
  3. Packaging for finished products.

A little about the primers themselves

It is important that the choice of equipment for the production of primers takes into account the surface on which the material will be used. For example, she herself can be plastered, metal, wood, mineral and so on. In addition, it is important to consider the method of further decoration, especially the room where the primer is used.

It most often serves to improve adhesion between the finishing layers or for primary surface preparation.

Composition and some characteristics

Drying accelerators, pigments and dyes are the main elements that make up any composition of this type, acrylic production primers are not complete without them. In addition, a number of additional elements are used to give certain properties. The basis are alkyd, acrylic, mineral and other compounds.

deep penetration primer production

Cement acts as the main binder, when it comes to soils with a mineral base. Products of this type are best suited to carry out initial accelerated processing, preliminary alignment of the walls, if they themselves are based on minerals: expanded clay and gas-silicate blocks, brick, lightweight concrete, its usual type, plaster.

A little more about the varieties

Universal water-based primers have recently become widespread. They are made on the basis of acrylic copolymers. Deep penetration primer production can also bring big profits.

Deep Penetration Compounds

acrylic primer production

Not all surfaces requiring the application of special compositions are clean and even. Quite often there is a need to restore some part of the material.

Dismantling is not always the solution. It is better to try to return to their original form, using formulations with narrow-profile purpose.

For example, you can use a variety of primers with hydrophobic properties. They prevent the formation of capillary moisture, condensate, and prevent the penetration of liquids inside. It is worth noting not only the waterproof properties, but also the ability, in general, to improve the surface.

Any primer of deep penetration is capable of impregnating and gluing the surface. This is achieved due to the presence of the appropriate type of additive. At the same time, the surface gets rid of dust particles and prepares for the further processing process. Recently, new compositions have appeared that immediately allow not only priming, but also filling the surface to be treated. Such a mixture is thicker than usual, largely because of this it fills even the smallest cracks and smoothes out irregularities.Surfaces along with smoothness receive additional protection.

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