
How to produce yogurt? Selection of equipment for the production of yogurt

In almost every store today you can find yogurt, because this product is considered very popular. Besides the fact that it has a rather pleasant taste, this fermented milk product is also useful for our body.

Yogurt - a favorite product of the whole family and the opportunity to earn

This is probably why the idea of ​​starting your own yogurt business can be considered quite good. But if you want your own yogurt production line to be productive, then you should remember some important rules for doing such a delicate and interesting business.

Selection of equipment for the production of yogurt

Milk processing industry

When you are planning to start your business for the preparation of sour-milk products, you must first of all remember that the production scheme of yogurt can work faster and better if milk is processed correctly. But do not forget that this process is quite complicated. For example, for a product such as yogurt, you will need to use all the components of milk.

What is yogurt?

The basis of yogurt is pasteurized and normalized by weight of fat milk, as well as dry substances. In addition, this may include a certain amount of sugar, flavorings, fruit and berry fillers, stabilizer, thickeners, vegetable protein and many other components.

What equipment is best to choose?

Of course, if you decide to sell yogurt, it is best to choose a frozen version, which will have a long shelf life. As with ice cream, frozen yogurt is made using special machines. And there is plenty to choose from. Equipment for the production of frozen yogurt should be as efficient as possible.

First of all, you should choose a suitable freezer. This unit not only helps to cool the product, but also mix it in such a way that it becomes truly airy and light. What brand of freezer is best to choose? Today, the American device called Taylor is very popular, which is distinguished by its clarity of operation, ease of maintenance and the presence of several rather important additional functions with which you can produce yogurt faster and better.

In addition to the freezer, you should also pay attention to the apparatus, which heats and mixes all the products needed to create yogurt. It also helps him undergo pasteurization, so it is simply indispensable in the production process. Not do without an apparatus for homogenizing the resulting mixture.

Yogurt Production Equipment

Yogurt Production Line

Of course, to create a product for sale, you must have high-quality devices. It should be understood that the choice of equipment for the production of yogurt is not the easiest in this matter. It is necessary to find the most modern technology.

Fortunately, today, thanks to rapid technological development, the creation of dairy products has become almost fully automated. The special linear equipment that is suitable for this business allows you to immediately perform several functions: add fruits or berries, do not add them, do the packaging, apply all the necessary information to the packaging.

The choice of equipment for the production of yogurt is highly dependent on its cost. But, as a rule, you can find a fairly democratic solution and spend an average of about 2 million rubles on cars. And you can find more expensive.It all depends on how much money you are willing to invest in developing your future business.

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