
The choice of equipment for the production of plastic bags. Find out which machine is best to buy

In the modern world, many want to open some kind of business. Many factors contribute to this desire. However, organizing your own business is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose the optimal idea that will appeal to you.

And today there are a lot of ideas. This review will focus on one of the types of entrepreneurial activity.

The need for the purchase of a technological line

selection of equipment for the production of plastic bags

Organizing your company, in some individual situations you will have to make equipment choices. For production of plastic bags, namely, to organize such an entrepreneurial idea, this rule undoubtedly applies. So, what equipment is popular today? It is possible to order certain production lines in modern conditions from China and Taiwan. These countries are popular with entrepreneurs.

List of main types of installations

Making a choice bag manufacturing equipment polyethylene, it is necessary to discuss those basic devices that must be present without fail.

  1. Extruder It is used in order to be able to process the billets entering the production in the form of balls. Subsequently, it is from this raw material that the creation of a plastic sleeve or a finished plastic film takes place.
  2. Cutting and soldering machine for the production of bags made of polyethylene. Equipment of this type accepts the film and cuts it. In this case, the device is guided by the parameters specified by the program. After this, the workpieces are sealed from a certain side. With this kind of machine you can get garbage bags or bags that don't have handles. In order to start manufacturing products with handles, you will need to purchase machines for the production of plastic bags, such as punching machines.
  3. You must purchase a flexographic device. It can provide the possibility of applying any images to already finished products. It can be logos or a trademark.

What can affect the cost?

polyethylene bag making machine

When choosing equipment for the production of plastic bags, you need to understand that the cost of the line will depend on the manufacturer of a particular site. A new device or a used one - this factor also plays its main role.

The need for additional equipment

Due to the fact that the packages have different sizes and shapes, and are also used in a variety of areas of human life, a variety of settings can be applied. This may affect the choice of equipment for the production of plastic bags.

An example is a special machine that has a ZIP-lock type lock. HDPE is used as raw material. In order to place the installation in a room, an area equal to at least 20 square meters should be available. The cost of such a system reaches 80 thousand dollars.

The main components are an extruder and a bag making machine. On blowing the sleeves, a lock is formed. The length of the finished product is limited only by the diameter that the die head has. Width can be set programmatically.

Can I buy equipment in China

composition of plastic bags

It is also worth buying a Chinese-made device.With it, you can create products of very different densities. The cost of equipment reaches 20 thousand dollars. Similar equipment can be delivered to almost any city in the country.

The main components used are a double servomotor, a control system, a liquid crystal monitor. Raw materials for the production of plastic bags are loaded quite simply. This is facilitated by the thoughtful design of all equipment as a whole. The same can be said about stamping, punching and trimming. It should be noted that such a line is fully automated.

T-shirt production

In order to produce packages that have the shape of a "shirt", you should use a special unit, the cost of which reaches 80 thousand dollars. Equipment is being manufactured in China. The composition of plastic bags in this situation includes LDPE or HDPE.

The production process is divided into several separate stages. The first stage includes blowing sleeves. At the final step, a special neck is cut down. The main advantages of such an apparatus include full automation, as well as a system for supplying finished products.

Universal installations

machines for the production of plastic bags

Packing bags are produced using Chinese equipment, the cost of which is 60 thousand dollars. The raw material is HDPE or LDPE. Such devices can be classified as universal. They are equipped with computer control. You can control the temperature and quantity of finished products. All this happens automatically. Performance is also very high.


This review examined the main types of equipment that are used to produce plastic bags. Also, additional equipment that will be required at the time of the expansion of business activities was partially described. One big drawback of such an idea is the too high cost of all the equipment. This can explain the rather low competitiveness that is observed in our country.

raw materials for the production of plastic bags

This may affect the desire of beginning entrepreneurs to engage in such a business. However, if you competently organize entrepreneurial activity of this nature, then you can start to get a fairly high profit. The business will pay off with the right approach and vigorous activity pretty quickly. And this factor should always be attributed to the merits of an organized enterprise.

I wish you good luck in becoming your entrepreneurial activity based on the creation of packages!

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