
Profitable business: production of chipboard. Particleboard lamination technology and equipment

Production of chipboard

Furniture manufacturing is a highly profitable business that ranks second after the construction industry. However, this segment is currently very busy, so a newcomer will need a lot of energy to effectively enter the market.

If the question arises of how to start a business, it is worth saying that many entrepreneurs refuse to believe that it is much more profitable to produce raw materials for the furniture industry than finished products. At the moment, laminated particleboard (LDSP) is a very popular material, which is actively used not only for the manufacture of furniture, but also for various internal finishing works.

Of course, chipboard is inferior to wood in a number of parameters, but ease of processing and low cost are its main advantages, therefore this material is in great demand every year.

If you decide to organize the production of chipboard, you should know about one more advantage of such a solution: at the moment you will have a small number of competitors in the market. The result of this can be called drawing a large market, since almost all furniture factories are ready to purchase materials for the production of their products.

Production of chipboard - competent business organization

Even a child understands that special equipment is needed to make something. In this case, it is also needed. The production of chipboard cannot be organized without the following tools:

  • Special dryer. With its help, laminated paper is made.
  • Press. With its help, the chipboard is pressed with such paper.
  • Calibration-grinding machine (it affects the quality of the surface obtained as a result).

So, you need not only the basic equipment for laminating chipboard, but also the accompanying one. First of all, we can talk about a device intended for the preparation of an adhesive base, which is further poured into molds and pressed into plates.

How to start a business

The basis of chipboard

Particleboard, or chipboard, is a fairly popular building material, as well as the basis of chipboard used for furniture production. Particleboard is actively used in the following areas:

  • in the construction of flooring;
  • in the process of constructing a variety of wall panels;
  • for the manufacture of furniture, as already indicated;
  • as a roof sheathing material.

Such a production can be called processing, since waste from wood enterprises serves as the main raw material for the manufacture of such plates.

Production methods

Chipboards can be made in one of two ways - periodic and continuous. The periodic method involves the use of floor processes of periodic pressure, and the continuous - ejection processes.

Particleboard manufacturing features

The production process in this case is mono divided into a number of main stages:

  • Preparatory. At this stage, the preparation of raw materials is carried out by crushing wood to obtain chips of the required size. If you purchase immediately finished raw materials, then this step can be skipped.
  • The second stage involves mixing the chips with a binder, which is traditionally used glue.It is very important to adhere to strict proportions, since with excess glue, you can get a product that has deteriorated technical properties, in connection with which such plates will be considered defective.
  • Next, the prepared mixture is placed in special forms, which are then pressed into. The influence of factors such as pressure and a sufficiently high temperature allow the material to seize to form a single whole.
  • Next, the resulting blanks are placed in a special chamber for drying.
  • After this comes the stage of trimming the edges of the plates.
  • The final step is sanding the slab.

Production can be organized in a warehouse, where you can install not only a chipboard production line, but later also chipboard, but also stands on which finished products will be stored.

Necessary equipment

If we consider the production option, when all operations are carried out at your enterprise, starting with the procurement of the raw materials themselves, then a number of devices and machine tools will be required.

Preparation of raw materials implies the presence of such devices:

  1. equipment that processes logs into chips;
  2. drying chambers for chips;
  3. planer;
  4. vibrating screen.

The process of material production involves the involvement of such equipment:

  1. apparatus for mixing chips and a binder;
  2. forms where plates will be prepared;
  3. thermal press;
  4. drying or cooler for products ready for further processing.

To implement the final stage you will need:

  • a sawing machine with which you will give the sheet some specific dimensions;
  • a machine that performs grinding of the ends;
  • devices through which coarse and fine grinding is performed.

The manufacture of chipboard will require the involvement of the press in the process, which causes double-sided lamination. You may need transportation devices, for example, tape or roller.

About lamination

Initially, the production and lamination of chipboard was a very time-consuming process, which required enormous energy costs. Almost 30 years ago, completely new types of resins were mastered, with the help of which it was possible to begin the application of new processes for laminating slabs.

During production, it is very important to distribute the load as evenly as possible, which can significantly improve the quality of the plate. A product made in this way can withstand a large number of deformations and loads, which is very important.

Variants of how to properly laminate paper have been developed over the years, but now a solution has been found and it is very effective. Paper is made in impregnation machines, where it is processed with resin, which makes it possible to obtain a decorative film from it, which becomes plastic-like under a press.

In this case, a certain amount of resin is released from it. It acts like glue from the inside, and like varnish from the outside. Laminated paper under the press tightly connects to the prepared board. And if the press plate is textured, then it will be printed on the surface of the finished product, imitating some kind of texture. This is usually wood.


Such a material as chipboard has a number of indisputable advantages, among which it can be noted cost-effectiveness, ease of processing, resistance to variable humidity, as well as high mechanical strength, which is comparable to solid lumber. Therefore, chipboard furniture is so highly regarded among consumers. Particleboard is considered a safe and practical material that is used quite often.

Possible difficulties

If you take into account all the parameters of the necessary equipment, then the machine will need to spend 44,000-100,000 rubles. Certain problems may arise with impregnation-drying equipment, since it is not sold anywhere, it can be purchased exclusively by special order.

In addition, existing well-developed enterprises may not allow your business to grow, as you will take profits from them. The press will need another three to four million rubles. You will need to hire several employees, as well as give advertising.

How to laminate paper properly


Even though large competitors who are most likely not interested in your active development may already be present on the market, do not miss the opportunity to express yourself through advertising. This should be approached with maximum responsibility, since the initial starting potential for business will depend on its high-quality organization and conduct.

With a successful start, you can count on further development and prosperity. Promotion can be organized through all available methods, and first of all it is worth talking about the possibilities of the Internet: with the help of such advertising, target customers will be found from the very first day of the launch of the information campaign.

It is worth noting that the production of chipboard requires a sufficiently large initial capital, however, the invested funds will pay off in one to two years.

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Hello, I read your blog about the production of chipboard, I agree completely on the benefits of this business, there is only one problem, good machines are not so easy to find, they are either too expensive or do not inspire confidence.


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