
Chemically hazardous objects. Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities

One of the worst tragedies that can happen in our time are considered accidents at chemically hazardous facilities. Recently, the level of use of chemicals at enterprises of various kinds is so high that the danger of such accidents is quite real. Chemically hazardous facilities have been built and continue to be built throughout Russia and other countries, so it is important for people to know what such an accident is, what it threatens and what measures need to be taken to protect it. In this article, we briefly introduce the reader to information on the topic.

Chemically hazardous objects (XOO)

chemically hazardous objectsFirst you need to understand what is XOO. First of all, it is an object on which processes of use, storage, processing or transportation of substances belonging to the category of hazardous chemicals occur. Due to erroneous actions of workers, natural disasters or other unforeseen reasons, during the work process chemicals may be released into the atmosphere. This release leads to numerous casualties among people and animals. Each chemically hazardous production facility is under the scrutiny of the authorities. This is done in order to respond in time to dangerous situation and prevent a large number of victims.

Types of accidents

accidents at chemically hazardous facilitiesChemically hazardous objects are different, and the processes for using hazardous substances differ at different enterprises. In this regard, the nature of accidents is also distinguished:

  • release of hazardous chemicals. substances (AHOV) at the facility while working with them (production, processing, storage);
  • splash of substances in the process of transporting them from one place to another;
  • unforeseen release of AHOV as a reaction to misuse;
  • actions related to work on chemical weapons.

In any case, whatever the causes of the accident and the release of substances, the result is always the same, which means that safety measures must be taken accordingly. Depending on what substances an enterprise is dealing with, measures are being developed to protect the population.

Classification of industrial facilities and cities of the Russian Federation

chemically hazardous objects consequencesThere are different categories of enterprises that work with hazardous substances. All these objects are assigned a certain degree of danger. The degree depends on the region in which the facility is located and how many people may be affected by the accident. There are four such degrees:

  1. The number of residents living in the danger zone is more than seventy-five thousand.
  2. Forty to seventy-four thousand people live in the affected area.
  3. The number of residents does not exceed a threshold of forty thousand.
  4. The object is far from settlements, or the affected area is so small that there is no danger to the population.

Cities with hazardous facilities are also subject to separate classification. Here, the degree directly depends on how many residents live in the city and how dangerous the object is:

  1. The population of the city is more than fifty thousand.
  2. Residents of at least thirty, but not more than fifty thousand.
  3. A small town with a population of ten to thirty thousand.
  4. Residents no more than ten thousand.

It is believed that the most dangerous areas of the Russian Federation are:

  • Volga region;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Central;
  • West Siberian;
  • Northwestern;
  • Ural
  • Volga-Vyatka;
  • Northern.

Chemical exposure mechanism

consequences of accidents at chemically hazardous facilitiesIn order to develop the right measures to save the population, you need to know what substances a person may encounter in the event of an accident. There are four groups of substances according to the level of hazardous effects on the human body in case of contact:

  1. Strong level.
  2. Tall.
  3. Average.
  4. Weak.

Substances have different properties and, accordingly, act differently on the body. So, all chemically hazardous substances are divided into:

  • poisonous of a general nature;
  • asphyxiating substances;
  • poisons having a paralyzing effect;
  • substances that change the metabolism.

On what element was released into the atmosphere as a result of the accident, a person’s condition and rescue measures depend. Most often, upon contact with toxic substances, a person begins to feel dizzy, difficulty breathing, vomiting, weakness, and other symptoms. Poisoning can occur due to the ingress of poisons into the respiratory system, on the skin, mucous membranes, and in the digestive tract.

Public protection

chemically hazardous production facilityCities in which chemically hazardous facilities are located or close to should be ready at any time to evacuate the population and apply basic necessities. To ensure the safety of people, there are some activities that are carried out constantly and in advance:

  • regular monitoring of the content level harmful substance in air, water, earth;
  • verification of public warning systems;
  • training activities for the evacuation of people;
  • checking the status of shelters and the integrity of protective clothing;
  • regular monitoring of compliance with all measures for the safe use of hazardous substances.

In the event of an accident, the relevant services should be prepared to take measures to protect the public from chemical damage:

  • to inform the population about the danger;
  • organize the evacuation of the population outside the affected area;
  • supply of all protective equipment in the danger zone;
  • provision of shelters in case there is no possibility of evacuation;
  • organization of medical assistance to victims;
  • measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

The life of the people and the condition of the region over the years depend on how correctly and quickly the city leadership works.

Chemically hazardous objects: consequences

Depending on the category and level of danger, the magnitude of the consequences after the accident may differ. It is generally accepted that the consequences of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities are a combination of harmful effects on people, flora and fauna of a given region. The time of exposure and the period of restoration of the environment until complete recovery are also taken into account.

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