
Fire and explosion hazardous objects: classification, examples. Rules of conduct for fire and explosion hazardous facilities

Currently, fires in buildings and structures of social, residential, industrial and cultural purposes are far from rare. Moreover, these disasters cause great financial damage every year. However, particularly serious consequences entail accidents at fire and explosion hazard facilities. They are not only expressed in serious material damage, but also are accompanied by harm to human health and life. These objects are considered sources of increased threat. The personnel involved in them are particularly at high risk. Let us further consider in detail what kind of fire and explosion hazard facilities are.

fire and explosion hazardous objects


Fire and explosion hazardous facilities, examples of which will be given below, are structures, buildings, structures on which production is carried out, storage of products acquiring the ability to ignite under certain conditions. This category also includes pipelines and railways. They transport goods that pose a threat to the population and nature. In almost every sector of the economy, fire and explosion hazard facilities are involved. A nuclear power plant is considered a source of increased danger. In this regard, the installation, as a rule, is located far beyond the boundaries of settlements. Meanwhile, within the boundaries of municipalities there is a fairly large number of structures that also pose a threat to the population, nature or property. So, in every municipal district there are fire and explosion hazardous facilities - housing and communal services enterprises, combines, factories and other organizations. In these facilities, the processing, production, storage of materials and substances that can ignite is carried out. accidents at fire and explosion hazard facilities


Fire and explosion hazardous objects are divided into five categories:

  • A - oil refineries, oil product depots, pipelines, chemical plants.
  • B - workshops for the preparation and transportation of wood flour, coal dust, powdered sugar, as well as flour mills.
  • In - woodworking, sawmills, furniture, carpentry.
  • D - enterprises and warehouses where the processing of non-combustible compounds in the hot state is carried out. Gaseous, solid, liquid fuels are also burned at these facilities.
  • D - organizations and warehouses for storage of non-combustible materials and compounds in the cold state. In particular, these are fish, meat and other factories.

The most common are fire and explosion hazardous objects of categories A-B. fire and explosion hazard objects

Types of substances

Fire and explosion hazard objects are places for processing, storage, transportation of various compounds. They are divided into 2 main categories. Explosive (explosive) and explosives (explosives) are isolated. The latter category includes compounds of the condensed type. For example, hexogen, trinitrotoluene, dynamite. The first category includes fuel-air compounds, dust, gases. An explosive hazard is dust of naphthalene and sugar at a concentration of 15 g / cu. m, dyes and peat - 15-65 g / cu. m. Flammable liquids are divided into 2 classes - LVZH and GZh. The first - flammable compounds - flare up at temperatures below 45 degrees. They include kerosene, gasoline. Flammable liquids flare up at temperatures above 45 degrees. They are various oils, fuel oil.

Causes of Disasters

Fire and explosion hazardous facilities become a source of threat:

  1. In case of violations during the design and construction of structures.
  2. Failure to comply with safety measures by personnel.
  3. Careless handling of fire.
  4. Violation of fire safety rules of a technological nature in the process of activity of an industrial enterprise. In particular, the norms can be ignored when welding.
  5. Violation of the operation of electrical installations and electrical equipment.
  6. The use of faulty appliances in the manufacturing process. accidents at fire and explosion hazard facilities

Striking factors

  1. Sparks and open flame. In practice, cases of direct exposure to direct fire on a person are quite rare. As a rule, the defeat comes from streams that move away from the flame.
  2. Heated air. When inhaled, it affects the upper respiratory tract, causes suffocation and death. At an air temperature of 100 degrees a person dies within a few minutes.
  3. Toxic products and smoke. The construction of modern buildings is carried out using synthetic and polymeric materials. When they ignite, toxic compounds begin to be released. The greatest threat is carbon monoxide.
  4. Low oxygen concentration. In a fire, the oxygen content in the air decreases significantly. With a decrease in concentration, even by 3%, the motor ability of the body deteriorates. Life threatening is considered to be less than 14% oxygen.
  5. Falling elements of structures, installations, units. rules of conduct for fire and explosion hazardous facilities


The main damaging factors of the explosion include:

  1. Shock wave. It is considered the most powerful damaging factor. The formation of the wave is due to the large amount of energy concentrated in the focus of the explosion. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in temperature and pressure.
  2. Fragmented fields. They are created by flying parts of exploding objects. Their damaging effect is determined by the quantity, as well as the radius of expansion and kinetic energy.


Personnel must strictly observe the rules of conduct at fire and explosion hazardous facilities. For employees involved in such industries, special instructions are developed and conducted briefings. Fire Prevention includes a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at eliminating the causes, preventing situations in which a threat to personnel and property is created. The key to this is the observance of the operation of electrical appliances and electrical networks.

To avoid a short circuit, do not use self-made fuses. For the timely detection of fire premises are equipped with an automatic alarm. All employees must be familiarized with the rules of conduct. Periodically, a knowledge test should be conducted. Particular attention in the instructions must be paid to the rules of interaction with fire and explosion hazardous substances. PPE must be present in production premises, information posters should be hung out. rules of conduct in case of accident at fire and explosion hazardous facilities

Rules of conduct in case of accident at fire and explosion hazardous facilities

Extinguishing process is divided into localization and elimination of fire. The first is a set of actions aimed at preventing the spread of flame. At the same time, conditions are being created for eliminating the fire. It, in turn, involves measures to completely eliminate the fire and prevent re-ignition. When localizing and eliminating a fire, a variety of means can be used. They are divided into henchmen (sand, for example) and time sheets (ax). The latter, in particular, include a fire extinguisher. To bring it into action it is necessary:

  1. Bring a fire extinguisher to a source of flame.
  2. Raise the handle by throwing it all the way.
  3. Turn the fire extinguisher upside down and shake.
  4. To direct a stream to the center. fire and explosion hazardous facilities of the housing and communal services enterprise

Fire extinguishers come in various types. Each of them should have its own instruction. In case of fire, the evacuation of people is mandatory. When withdrawing citizens, it is necessary to remain calm and prevent panic among people. Evacuation is carried out to specially equipped exits.

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