
Bread business: how to open a bread stall. Is it profitable to make bread

If you are thinking about how to open a bread stall, then you understand that its location in a residential area of ​​the city or anywhere with high traffic can be a great business even for a novice entrepreneur. By betting on high turnover, over time you can achieve much more favorable conditions for cooperation with suppliers, mini-bakeries and bakeries.

How to open a bread stall

What do you need for work?

So, if you are seriously thinking about how to open a bread stall, you should know that this will require the following:

- permission for this lesson from several departments of the local administration;

- trade equipment, namely wooden trays, shelving and cash register;

- stationary kiosk, it can be new or used;

- agreement with suppliers of bakery products;

- one or two sellers of products.

Preparation process

Before you open a bread stall or tent, you need to find out from the local administration where you have the right to locate the outlet in accordance with existing rules. In some cities, the location for such outlets is very limited, so you have to proceed not from your own wishes, but from the requirements of the management bodies. When you select a specific place, it will be necessary to coordinate it with the department of architecture and urban planning, and then get permission from the department of trade.

Speaking about how to open a bread stall, a very important point should be raised - the place of trade itself. It is worth evaluating the proposals of firms engaged in the manufacture of such structures on the territory of the city or in its environs. So you will have at least some idea of ​​how much you will spend on the kiosk itself.

If it is possible to order a new one, then it’s worth doing, otherwise you can agree on the purchase of an already used stall with the owner, who will liquidate his own outlet. All costs associated with dismantling and transportation will most likely be borne by you.

How to open a bread tent


If you decide to open a bread shop, you should understand that you will need to equip it with everything you need. Equipment in this case may be the simplest - several racks and wooden trays. In addition, you need to install a fire alarm.

You need to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax service, provided that you already have the status of an individual entrepreneur, and also conclude an agreement on its maintenance. Licensing officers must accept your point-of-sale, ready-to-work. Here we are talking about Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection.

Next steps

When you already have all the necessary documents, you can collect a database of all possible suppliers of bakery and confectionery products with which you can potentially cooperate in your region. When compiling a business plan for a bread store, it should be borne in mind that many manufacturers do not work directly with retail outlets, but carry out wholesale sales to companies who then deliver the goods themselves.

It will be more convenient for you to work with wholesalers. Despite the fact that they make an additional mark-up on the goods, you do not need to independently organize the delivery of bread from the bakery or from the factory, which greatly simplifies life.

You will need a seller at the bread stall (or several). It must be reliable in every way.It is best if he has recommendations from several of his past employers. A polite and honest seller is a guarantee that your outlet will prosper in the future. It is better to change several implementers in order to find a worthy one than to constantly suffer losses from the fact that the first one who comes in will unscrupulously perform his duties.

Is the bread business profitable or not

Doing business

You need to carefully consider how your store will work. It can be just a point of sale at which bread and related products will be sold, or a place where not only sales are carried out, but also production, that is, combined with a small bakery. In the first option, the main problem is the realization of a sufficient volume of products and the control of demand, since bread is a perishable product. However, the organization of such a business requires less cost.

In the second case, production can be controlled, and fresh bread, which is produced directly in front of customers, is much more expensive. But in this case we are talking about more significant costs.

In this case, we are talking about the first option. Its cost may vary depending on the locality in which the company is organized, as well as other factors, for example, the premises that will be used.


If we talk about how to open a bread store, then it is worth saying that this business involves a number of expenses. The main ones are:

- rent retail space will cost at least 50 thousand rubles a month;

- the cost of equipment will be about 25 thousand;

- for a thousand units of purchased goods, you will need to pay about 30 thousand rubles;

- the average salary to personnel per person is 8 thousand rubles;

- coordination of various documents will cost 20 thousand;

- registration of an individual enterprise will be 20 thousand or more.

Your income will depend on the successful location of the open store. It is best placed near the residential areas of the city or transport stops in the busiest zone. Since the state controls margins on this type of product very strictly, the main profit will depend solely on sales.

Open a bread shop

Modern format bakery

If we talk about how to open a bread tent, then it is worth saying that you can make a completely unique business in your city. It may be a bakery in which customers will find a huge assortment of fresh produce. This will attract more and more customers. The bakery does not offer only bakery products, there is also a variety of pastries, cakes, cakes, gingerbread cookies, cookies, and sometimes handmade candies.

All products are extra-class, it is aimed even at the most demanding consumers. The main product here is bread, which is in high demand, because it is a top quality product. You can also think about opening your own bakery with a bakery, even if it is small.

It is quite possible to create a outlet by offering the buyer products of a level with which he is not yet familiar. Ideally, it is worth organizing your own workshop and several sales outlets where only your goods will be.

Seller in a bread stall

Bread business: profitable or not?

Organizing such an enterprise, you will come across several nuances. To equip the workshop, an area of ​​approximately 20-50 square meters will be required.

All necessary equipment will cost about two million rubles. To develop our own technology and create an original assortment will require a lot of time and money.

From a business point of view, producing only five to eight kinds of products in such a workshop is inefficient, because opening it requires quite large expenses, which may not pay off. First, you will have to somehow do without a technological workshop.

Pitfalls of business

The Russian habit of saving on everything, even when opening institutions of the highest class, can play a very cruel joke. You can give an example from life. The most elegant storefront is simply replete with delicious pastries. And to the question “Do you bake yourself?” The seller begins to tell us that the baking process takes place here, and the semi-finished products come from Germany.

By European standards, the sale of such products is considered fast food for the poor. However, for modern Russia this is already an achievement. For decades, bread cost a penny, and bought it for nothing, for cattle. It is worth noting that this product will always be bought, it is only necessary to choose a suitable place.

Now, when the buyer meets beautiful pastries on the shelves of the supermarket, even if they were frozen, they are gradually getting used to innovations. Every day, such a person glances at new products, but prefers to buy what is already customary for him, only allowing himself some liberty for the holiday. And you will come across these preconceptions if you decide to open a mini-bakery with a bakery.

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