
What you can trade in a stall. How to open a stall on wheels

what you can trade in a stallOne of the least expensive and time-consuming types of small business is its own stall, trade tent or small kiosk. It is the lack of high initial capital that attracts a large number of start-up entrepreneurs.

But before you start opening a store, you should choose a suitable niche for yourself - what you can trade in a stall. It can be everyday goods (bread, chips, newspapers) or specialized elite products (cigarettes, tea, coffee, jewelry).

But remember that retail has its drawbacks. These include high competition. To make your business profitable, you need to place a kiosk in a place with a large crowd of people. Walking accessibility, impeccable knowledge of the client’s psychology, the uniqueness of the goods sold, a convenient work schedule and an individual approach will allow you to quickly earn money and acquire regular visitors.

What about advertising? If the store is located in the central part of the city or village, then you can not worry about and spend money on outdoor advertising. The most important thing is a bright, inviting sign and correctly placed goods on the window.

Total income most often depends on the territorial location. Also of no small importance is the products on the shelves of the store. If you have not yet decided what you can trade in the stall, we suggest reading an article written specifically for beginner businessmen.

The legal side of the coin

Even opening a small kiosk requires registration with the tax office. You should register as an individual entrepreneur, register with the Pension Fund and Goskomstat. Since 2004, the registration procedure has been greatly simplified. Now it is enough to register only at the tax office. If you want to trade in low-alcohol drinks, then you will need permits from the Licensing Chamber. The procedure may take a month.

You will need to get a document from the construction and architecture department, it will need to be agreed with the trade department. During this period, you will have time to find a suitable point. You can use the services of specialists from a real estate agency, but in this case you will have to pay a commission.

A stall for trade, as a rule, is leased. Building a store is more costly and time consuming. The kiosk can be located both indoors (shopping center, train station, metro station), and on the street square.

Of course, an indoor store has advantages such as communications, security, heating and the flow of people. Among the minuses is a high fee. After you install your kiosk, you should coordinate it with the sanitary-epidemiological station (SES). Business in a stall requires a lot of effort and patience, but if you want to become the owner of life, then do not give up.

What can you trade in a stall with a small area?

You can choose food. Specialize in several product categories at once: dairy products, sausages, vegetables, fruits, bread. Do not forget about chewing gum, chocolates and other little things that young people often buy.

The business idea is quite profitable and profitable. Just keep an eye on the shelf life, as products such as milk, sausages, and yoghurt spoil quickly. If there is a hypermarket next to you, then do not bend the price and strictly monitor the quality.

Music and video discs

Doubtful business.Immediately get ready for constant checks by the regulatory authorities, because by law it is allowed to sell only licensed products, and this, accordingly, will significantly reduce profits. If you are ready for this, we recommend placing street kiosks close to shopping centers, where the patency of solvent customers is much higher.

Alcoholic beverages (beer, gin and tonic, cocktails), juices, water, chips

Such an assortment of goods is the most common and unprofitable. However, if you live on the Black Sea coast, then this niche is quite promising and can bring good income. But it’s better to establish a store closer to the coast and include kvass, corn, ice cream on sale. Everything will more than pay off for the season.

Souvenir and printed matter

Such stalls are best opened at train stations, airports and metro stations. People’s patency in these places is large, so the income will be considerable. Attract customers with bright covers, novelties and interesting souvenirs (Olympic toys, coins, hats).

How to open a stall on wheels: equipment for small items

The business organization scheme for opening a kiosk is the same for absolutely any category of goods sold. About reporting and design was written above, now we’ll talk about what equipment is needed to implement the idea. So, we immediately note that the area of ​​the commercial premises should not be less than seven square meters.

A full-fledged kiosk cannot exist without accessories:

- refrigerated display case (freezer),

- scales

- cash machine,

- shelving for products,

- furniture (chair, table).

The list of equipment directly depends on the assortment of goods. After you install everything you need, you can get to work. At first, it is better to trade yourself in order to earn capital and evaluate the correctness of the choice of a niche.

Financial component

If you have clearly decided what you can trade in the stall, then it's time to move on to the financial plan, so to speak, to draw up an estimate. Of course, compared with a large store, the investment is not so big, but they are still there.

street stalls- Paperwork - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

- Purchase of a cash register - 5-7 thousand rubles.

- Rent a kiosk - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

- Acquisition of a stall - 50-100 thousand rubles.

- Scales - from 2500 rubles.

- Refrigeration equipment - from 10,000 rubles.

- Purchase of goods - from 50,000 rubles.

As you can see, the minimum costs are quite large. To start, you must have a minimum of 150,000 rubles. This does not include employee salaries. As practice shows, retail trade brings its first profit after six months, but again, a lot depends on the patency of customers, location, schedule and goods. In the course of work, you will understand which products are more in demand and which are not in demand. Based on this, place bets.

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