
Maternity Law: Recent Amendments, Amendments

The law on maternity capital is of interest to many citizens. Especially young families and those who have several children. After all, we are talking about the form of state aid. She will never be superfluous. In Russia even more so. Indeed, it is here that the majority of families living below the poverty line, as a rule, are people with minor children. What kind of maternity capital law is this? How to get it? Who has this privilege? About all this further.maternity law


Let's start by trying to understand what is at stake. Maternal capital, as we have already found out, is a peculiar form of state support. It is given to families with children. May be federal or regional.

In other words, maternal capital is financial assistance to the family at the birth of a child. The law on maternity capital (the latest changes affected it in 2015) states that not everyone is entitled to this payment. And it is issued in a fixed amount for certain children's needs. Why exactly? This is important to know. After all, spending maternal capital for other purposes is prohibited.

For what

The federal law on maternity capital indicates several key areas that are suitable for using our payment today. After all, this is not just helping the family. It is issued for a specific child. And therefore, you can spend it only on a certain baby (who was given capital).

Firstly, parents have the right to use this support to improve their living conditions. Perhaps this is the main direction in which maternal capital is applied. Now it is allowed to use it to pay off mortgages and loans for an apartment.maternity law recent changes

Secondly, an increase in mom’s pension. Not the most popular, but very useful way to use the capital given by the state.

Thirdly, you can spend this monetary “reward” on the education of the child and his treatment. Purchase of rehabilitation means and devices, university, school needs - all this is possible with the help of maternity capital payment.

But spending it on the needs of other children in the family is prohibited. It turns out that the mothercapital is given only for a specific baby. In principle, this is correct. At the moment, the possibility of spending "at will" is not even discussed.

Who is eligible

The law on maternity capital provides for certain norms and rules for obtaining thereof. As already mentioned, not all families have a right to it. But only those in which there are children. And more than one child, to everything. Matcapital is issued for the second and subsequent babies. But only once. This applies to federal payments. Now they are 453,026 rubles.changes in the law on maternity capital

Regional support may be expressed in other amounts. They are much smaller. And issued in each region individually. Most often for each child. The average value of regional maternal capital ranges from 75 to 100 thousand rubles. You can spend it at will, but on the life of the baby or the improvement of living conditions.

It turns out that, according to the laws, large families have the right to receive state support at the birth of their second and subsequent children. The main thing is that they were born alive and not perish. Twins, twins, triplets and so on are counted. It doesn’t matter which baby you get the capital for - the second, third or fifth. The amount will not change.

What do you need

Changes in the law on maternity capital are far from rare. He constantly suffers some corrections. The only thing that does not change is the list of documents that must be submitted in order to receive support from the state.By the way, you will have to apply to the Pension Fund in your area. Bring with you:

  • passports of parents;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • SNILS of the young recipient and one of the parents (in whose name the certificate is issued);
  • TIN of the parent (optional);
  • an application of the established form (to be completed either at home in advance, or in the FIU);
  • certificates of registration and citizenship of children.

It's all. With the listed list of documents, you should contact the Pension Fund in your city to issue a certificate. After receipt, you can use it for its intended purpose.federal maternity law

The eternal question

What other mysteries does the law on maternity capital conceal? Corrections in relation to him are already quite a common thing. Firstly, an increase in payments to 1.5 million rubles is currently being discussed. This is almost 3 times more than at the moment.

Secondly, in 2016, the indexation of the capital did not occur. Although earlier this was done from year to year. In both 2015 and 2016, government support is paid in equal amounts. I had to take this step because of the rapid development of the crisis in Russia.

Thirdly, now the issue of expanding the use of maternal capital is being discussed. How exactly? Not yet known. Nevertheless, such an option takes place. Most likely, the issue of spending on any family needs related to the appearance of a child in a particular unit of society will be considered.

The last thing that worries many is the issue of stopping payments. The law on maternity capital initially stated that state support at the birth of children will be discontinued in 2017. Now the government has extended the maternity capital program until the end of 2018. It is not known how events will develop further. But for now, there is a possibility of obtaining federal assistance. Therefore, parents often agree to a second child. All in order to be able to improve housing conditions.

Adoption Features

The law on maternity capital provides one small feature. Not everyone knows about it. The thing is that in the presence of adopted children, this state support will be given to adoptive parents.maternity capital law amendments

That is, it is not necessary to give birth to your second baby. You can adopt him or adopt. At the same time, the relevant documents regulating your rights as adoptive parents will need to be attached to the above list of documents. Most likely, this was the reason that children began to be adopted more and more from orphanages.

The size of federal payments does not change. Consider this fact. That's all. Now we know everything about maternity capital for 2016. Remember: state support can end in a crisis at any moment.

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