
Payments for the second child: types and sizes

Parents who have decided on a second pregnancy are waiting not only for pleasant troubles and the most joyful moments of life, but also an increase in the financial burden on the family budget, associated not only with the growth of expenses for the child, but also with the release of the mother on maternity leave.

In this regard, many mothers and fathers are concerned about the question of what payments are due at the birth of the second child. Indeed, certain families will certainly not be able to do without it, while for others, payments will become a significant financial help.

Types of payments

Payments for the second child, as well as for the first, are of several types:

  • one-time;
  • benefits that are paid monthly;
  • maternal capital;
  • governor payments.

Women who are pregnant with a second baby, like the first, can rely not only on a lump sum payment at birth, but also on a one-time maternity allowance. Let's take a closer look at the last view.

One-time maternity allowance

Maternity payments are one-time in nature and have a number of features.

payments for the second child

  1. Maternity benefits for a second child are charged for the entire period of maternity leave for a pregnant woman. Their amount varies depending on the complexity of childbirth and the number of children:
    - regular birth without complications - the benefit is paid for one hundred and forty days;
    - childbirth with complications - for sixteen days;
    - if a pregnant woman has two or more children, then the allowance is calculated for 194 days.
  2. Do not worry and unemployed expectant mothers, because this payment is made for unemployed women, but in a minimal amount.
  3. The benefit amount is equal to 100 percent of the average income for women who work. Average earnings calculated on the basis of two years preceding a woman's maternity leave. That is, if a woman goes on maternity leave in 2016, then 2014 and 2015 are taken as the basis for calculating the payment.
  4. The allowance must be assigned no later than ten days after the woman leaving on maternity leave, presents the necessary documents.

Lump sum payment for women who are registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is registered with a antenatal clinic or other medical institution before the term of 12 obstetric weeks, she may apply for another one-time payment.

The size of this allowance varies annually depending on indexation. Until February 1, 2016, the amount of payment will be the same as in 2015, and will amount to 543 rubles 67 kopecks.

Lump sum payment at birth of the second child

Lump sum payments for the second child can be issued only by 1 of the parents, provided that he lives with the child. The size of such a one-time allowance is indexed by state authorities annually (from January 2015 to February 2016 this payment is 14,497.80 rubles). From February 2016, a lump sum payment will amount to 15,382.17 rubles.

payments at birth of the second child

This payment is made in the organization where one of the parents works or worked before maternity leave. To receive benefits, the mother or father must submit all the necessary documents and write a statement on the payment, then submit them to the accounting department of the organization. Unemployed people can submit documents to social protection bodies. Such a one-time allowance must be calculated within ten days after the submission of a package of documents, but no later than 6 days after the birth of the baby.

What you need to know about lump sum payments for a second child

The One-Time Payments Act also mentions that:

  1. A one-time payment is provided to any baby if his father and mother are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. This one-time payment does not depend on how many children are in the family. The amount is the same for both the first and second, third child.
  3. A family with twins or triplets is born, claims to be paid in the same amount for each baby. Thus, if in 2016 this amount is 15 382.17 rubles, then the family with two children should receive 30 764.34 rubles.

Childcare allowance for children under one and a half years

Payments for the second child, as well as for the first, up to one and a half years should be made every month in the organization in which one of the parents of the newborn works. Mother or father file a package of documents and an application for the purpose of payment.

what payments are due at the birth of the second child

Such monthly payments at the birth of the second child are calculated and issued to parents in an amount equal to 40% of the average income for the 2 years preceding the filing of documents. If the child is taken care of by other family members, relatives or guardians, then they can also receive this money.

The minimum amount of payment for caring for a second child up to one and a half years is set by state bodies annually, at the moment it is 5436.67 rubles.

Payout per child up to three years

What payments are due at the birth of the second child, except for the above one-time and monthly? Until the baby reaches the age of three, the mother claims to pay benefits in the organization in which she worked before maternity leave. This type of allowance can be received by the father or another person who actually cares for the child.

second child payout

All necessary papers are brought to the accounting department at the place of work. This allowance must be accrued and paid within ten days after the submission of a package of documents. Until the child is three years old, payment is made every month.

Who can get childcare benefits?

Childcare benefits are most often paid by the mother, but the father or other relative who cares can also do this. If a second child is born, maternity payments may be issued by such relatives:

  • relatives and parents who deduct mandatory payments;
  • relatives who are in the military contract service;
  • officially unemployed relatives or parents if they lost their place of employment due to liquidation of the organization;
  • parents who are in full-time education at the time of the birth of the baby.

second child what are the payments

Who should pay childcare

When a second child appears, maternity payments can be made:

  1. The organization where the mother worked before maternity leave, or at the place of work of the father, based on the package of documents presented. Within the statutory deadlines, the FSS reimburses this monthly allowance.
  2. If the mother at the time of the birth of the baby was not officially employed, then in this case she has the right to receive a monthly payment in the minimum amount. In this case, the social protection authorities pay this benefit on the basis of the relevant documents provided to them.

Maternal capital

What are the payments for the birth of a second child to parents other than the main lump sum and monthly? The program for providing assistance at the birth of a second child has been operating for several years since the beginning of 2007, but in 2016 the extension of maternity capital payments was in question. There is still no decision approved at the legislative level, although, based on information from the press, it is clear that payments will be made in 2016, only some changes in the order of their calculation will appear:

what are the payments at the birth of the second child

  1. The amount of maternity capital in 2016 will be 473,412 rubles.
  2. If earlier since 2007 all families received maternity capital, and their financial situation was not taken into account at all, then from January 2016 only those with low and middle incomes, as well as those who really needed better housing conditions, can count on this allowance when the second child was born.
  3. Payouts will be allowed to be spent with a wide variety. Previously, cost areas covered only the following:
    - improvement of housing conditions;
    - saving funds for future education for the child;
    - part of the pension for mom;
    from 2016 it is additionally planned to introduce:
    - rehabilitation of children with disabilities;
    - personal vehicles for the family.
  4. The deadline for extending payments is being discussed. It will be either a few years, or the program will remain operational on an ongoing basis.

Governor Payments

One more due payment at the birth of the second child is gubernatorial, they are called “Luzhkovsky”, since they began to accrue during the reign of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Living wage in each region of the Russian Federation is established at the individual level, therefore, governor's payments depend on its size. They are paid not from the federal, but from local budgets. The procedure and amount of gubernatorial payments are established by local authorities.

due payments at the birth of the second child

This type of payment at the local level is significant support for low-income families at the birth of their second baby, because its maximum amount is about 150,000 rubles. For Muscovites, for example, such payments in 2016 are at the level of 88,000 rubles - these are seven living wages.

To receive a governor's payment, one of the parents needs to have a residence permit in a certain city of the Russian Federation. The age of the person who wants to pay for themselves must be less than 30 years old. It will be necessary to submit a package of necessary papers to the relevant social protection authorities at the local level.

Documents for receiving benefits:

  • the passport of one of the parents who draws up the allowance;
  • application for payment;
  • child's birth certificate or other document confirming the appearance of the baby;
  • card number on which funds will be credited.

But there are regions in the Russian Federation that do not provide families with payments for a second child, but only for a third and subsequent children. These include the Altai Territory, Lipetsk Region, Novosibirsk, Amur Region and others.

If you had a second child, what are the payments in this case? First of all, you should contact the social security authorities in the region where you live or go to the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. If you live in a region where governor payments are not provided, then you need to find out if there is another established form of benefits paid in case you have a second child.

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