
Neighbors pour in from above - what to do? If neighbors pour on top, where to go?

The rhythm of modern working life is so intense that after work a person wants to come home and relax. But not always your own home becomes a fortress. A very frequent stumbling block with other residents is household issues. For example, pour neighbors from above. What to do if an ugly yellow water stain appears on the ceiling? Each resident of a multi-storey building may face such a situation. When water is pouring, it is very difficult to pack up and take at least some measures.

pour neighbors on top what to do

First aid

Each person will find it useful to know what to do if the neighbors flooded from above. What to do, where to turn and to whom to run? If you are at home during flooding, immediately turn off the electricity to prevent a short circuit. If you did not get a call and were warned immediately, and the floor is already several centimeters flooded with water, you should not risk it and touch the electric meter. This can be a health hazard.

Then everything must be done so that the water stops flowing. If the neighbors are at home, they urgently need to be informed so that they can correct the situation on their own. Maybe they forgot to turn off the tap, and you remind them of it. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, such situations are far from rare. If a breakdown occurs, they may be able to fix it on their own. Therefore, if the owners of the house soon come to the rescue, we can assume that at least in this you are lucky. And also the neighbors should get rid of the water on the floor as much as possible in order to do less harm to the people who live under them.

Report to appropriate authorities?

If neighbors are flooding on top - what should I do? The second important point is a call to the management company or housing office. Be sure to make a call to a specialist who will come, assess the situation and block the water. He can also fix everything and explain what happened after all.

Particularly terrifying are situations when you are flooded from the top apartment, in which no one lives. How to open the door of this impregnable fortress?

If the master has not arrived yet, and water continues to run from above, try to move the furniture onto which the water drips, fold up the rugs and carpets and put them aside. Do your best to preserve your property as much as possible.

flooded neighbors from above what to do where to go

Gather evidence!

What to do if neighbors are constantly pouring from above, and you have an unfriendly relationship with them? Take a camera or a camera and shoot everything that happens, namely:

  • Date, time and address of what is happening.
  • Furniture condition, water level.
  • Where does the water run from? If necessary, exit the porch, knock on the door to the neighbors and take pictures of what is happening in their house.
  • Condition of walls, electric meter.
  • Shoot everything that the master from the management company will do.

What to do if neighbors are poured from above? What to do? If possible, it is necessary to turn to all nearby living people and draw their attention to the situation. You need to show them what is happening in your apartment. It is important that there are as many witnesses as possible. This is done for the court. If everything gets so bad that you have to file a lawsuit, photos, videos and neighbors can convince the judges of your innocence.

Drawing up an act

This is the next stage, which is also mandatory if the neighbors are poured from above. What to do in this situation? It is necessary to write a written appeal to the management company and draw up an act of what happened.The document must indicate: date, address of the flooded apartment, as well as the one from which the water is pouring. It is necessary to indicate what exactly caused the flooding and describe the damage caused.

Documents must be prepared in any case, even if the neighbors promise to pay everything voluntarily. After all, tomorrow people can refuse, and you will not have any evidence of this nightmare in your hands.

Damage assessment

After the water was shut off, photos and videos recorded the damage caused, you can clean and dry the apartment. Open the windows or at least the vents - let the room "breathe" fresh air, ventilate and dry.

Do not panic if the apartment was flooded by neighbors from above. What to do in this situation? Evaluate what is happening on your own. Perhaps the damage is not so great. Sometimes it’s enough to change a suspended ceiling or a couple of pieces of furniture. Talk to your neighbors from above. Often they turn out to be decent people and compensate for the cost of damage.

If, after all, the loss is huge, expensive equipment or antiques are poured, then you will have to invite an expert, pay him a fee, calculate and make up the amount of damage caused. Sometimes, through no fault of their own, neighbors pour in from above. What if the blame rests with other people? The management company could unscrupulously change pipes or taps, and carry out poor-quality repairs. As a rule, a few days after this an unpleasant situation occurs.


In this case, it is necessary to call a technical commission from the management company so that they draw up an act of damage and describe specifically who is to blame and how to get out of this situation.

After everything dries up, another document is drawn up, which describes the condition of the property after drying. Perhaps it will get worse, or maybe the harm will be completely invisible.

When you have acts, photographs and witnesses of what happened, but no one wants to repair the damage, feel free to write a complaint to the culprit of the flood. If compensation for the harm caused does not follow, you can go to court and legally resolve the issue.

what to do if you are flooded with neighbors

How to punish dishonest neighbors?

What to do if neighbors regularly pour on top? What to do? It is necessary to punish them seriously a couple of times and recover a fine or compensation for harm caused from them in court. Perhaps after such a measure they will think and begin to handle water more carefully. They will also understand that it’s not worth contacting you, and you will still achieve your goal.

Perhaps, after such events, the neighbors will understand that they do not live alone in the house and should think not only about themselves, but also about the neighbors below and at least try not to drown you. In order to file a lawsuit, you can contact a specialist or draw up a document yourself, describing the problem. Here you will need all the pre-made photos, videos and neighbors who can confirm what happened in court.

Be patient!

Thus, we can conclude that there are several specific measures and rules. It is important to clearly understand what to do if you are flooded with neighbors. Without documents and evidence, the likelihood of recovering compensation for damage in court is reduced to zero.

It is necessary to choose a certain tactic of communication with neighbors, to make them understand that in any case they will pay for the harm. Maybe then they will no longer have the desire to dishonestly deal with such serious issues. It is necessary to be patient, to show all the perseverance of fortitude and strength of character in order to achieve justice in such an unpleasant situation.

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