
What to do if a neighbor listens loudly to music during the day?

What to do if a neighbor listens to music loudly? How to explain to a person through the wall that silence is the key not only to establish respectable relations, but also the only way to avoid unnecessary problems and misunderstandings?

How to deal with noisy neighbors?

Perhaps the confrontation between neighbors is one of the most painful topics for residents of apartment buildings. How loud can you listen to music or do repairs? Perhaps the answer to this question is not so simple.

what to do if a neighbor listens to music loudly

Without a doubt, not every noisy neighbor is a pest whose actions are aimed at deliberately causing concern to others. However, it is still worthwhile to understand in detail what to do if the neighbors listen to music loudly during the day.

Do not look for too easy ways to solve the problem. It is enough to consider the available options that will allow to resolve the trouble and make amends to the conflict without scandal.

Sometimes, to change the situation, it is enough to call neighbors to conscience. Well, if a normal human conversation does not produce results, in this case, you can try to achieve moral compensation in court.

Noise pollution

People familiar with the concept of environmental protection often use a term such as noise pollution. It turns out that exceeding the permissible noise norm, which is about 45 dB, reduces the life of others more than passive smoking, due to subconscious emotional stress. Therefore, if the neighbors are constantly listening to music loudly, the first place here is not only the moral side of the issue.

Alas, the main part of the day, environmental noise indicators in large cities are significantly higher than the permissible medical requirements. The reason for this is the insufficient noise isolation of most city apartments. Unfortunately, the building traditions of the last century practically did not take into account the needs and comfort of a person.

Noise restrictions

Regulatory provisions on noise protection arose at the end of the last century, and their clauses initially dealt exclusively with the noise level produced by utilities. As a solution to the problem, the most sophisticated methods were used, for example, a simple increase in the thickness of floors and walls.

New provisions on the permissible noise level in residential premises have already appeared in the modern state. According to such articles, residents of apartment buildings should not listen to music loudly at night, or exceed the permissible noise level during the day.

However, the root of troubles is often the frivolity of the residents themselves, who do not want to spend money on creating high-quality sound insulation, because such an initiative leads not only to additional waste, but also significantly reduces the precious centimeters of living space. However, if the problem of soundproofing the premises is not solved immediately, it will become much more difficult to deal with it later.

Household Noise Types

a neighbor listens to music very loudly

Acoustics experts identify several types of household noise. The sounds that we reproduce in our own apartments have a conditional separation:

  1. Airborne noise - sound waves propagate through the air. This may include cases when a neighbor listens to music very loudly, plays musical instruments, cannot calm a crying child, and so on.
  2. Impact type noise spreads across floors.This includes the sounds of tramp and footsteps, noise from working tools moving on the floor and sliding furniture, etc. Usually, the greatest discomfort is caused by shock noise, during the spread of which discomfort is felt not only by neighbors through the wall, but also by residents from above and below.

How to reduce household noise?

The use of modern insulation materials allows you to protect the housing from the spread of any noise and reduce their level by more than 40 dB. In particular, the use of the technology of the so-called floating floor is an excellent option for reliable isolation of the apartment from the spread of household noise.

The bearing walls of apartment buildings are thick enough to provide adequate soundproofing. However, not all walls are load-bearing.

neighbors listen to music loudly

If the arrangement of professional sound insulation is not possible, the correct selection of insulating materials will reduce the level of household noise. To eliminate the problem of annoying noise propagation makes it possible to insulate walls with drywall constructions.

You can increase the insulation level from above by installing reliable stretch ceilings. However, the harder the materials used, the better conductors they are.

Ways to deal with annoying neighbors

If the neighbor below is listening loudly to music, and the neighbors through the wall are worried about repairs, have parties and do not make contact, in this case, you can resort to common methods of influence.

It is best to immediately contact the law enforcement authorities with a collective complaint from several apartment owners. Employees of ZHEK can also take appropriate measures. However, a complaint can give a result if the permissible noise level is exceeded at an unspecified time, starting from 8 a.m. and ending at 20 p.m. As for noisy home holidays, they can last no more than 23:00 on weekends.

a neighbor from below listens loudly to music

What should I do if my neighbor listens loudly to music, cries are constantly heard and a clatter of footsteps is heard, but the floors of the house obviously do not meet soundproof standards? In this case, you can try to get peace through a court, the decision of which will be an examination, identified and eliminated the shortcomings made during the construction of the house.

What can law enforcement do?

When the neighbors listen to music loudly at night and don’t persuade, the next time you need to urgently call the police. Such violations of public order are usually qualified as an administrative offense, and the solution to the problem lies with the precinct.

True, the first call of law enforcement officers on the occasion of exceeding household noise standards at an unspecified time usually leads only to verbal warning of the offender, and only a rather unpleasant explanatory conversation can serve as punishment.

What should I do if my neighbor listens loudly to music, but the policeman has no influence? In this case, you can contact the prosecutor's office, detailing the nature of the situation in a written statement. Naturally, there is no guarantee of one hundred percent result, but surely the neighbor will calm down for a while.

Judicial decision

Making neighbors reduce household noise will help with the adoption of an appropriate court decision. According to current legislation, the owner of a house in an apartment building has every right to demand the urgent removal of obstacles to the normal disposal of his property.

If we consider the problem from a legal point of view, then the household noise produced by neighbors can be fully considered as an obstacle to the use of living space at any time of the day.In other words, when the noise from the neighboring apartment does not allow you to relax normally, watch TV or interfere with communication, then the subjective right to use the property comes into effect. Another thing is whether there is enough evidence and how the court will react to the case.


The provisions of the Housing Code provide for the right to use residential premises, taking into account the legitimate interests and rights of residents. According to the norms of the current legislation, no neighbor has an exceptional opportunity to violate the rights of neighbors and impede public peace.

What to do if a neighbor listens loudly to music, deliberately makes noise, has parties and does not want to make contact? If a neighbor abuses generally established rules and simply interferes with a quiet existence, use the recommendations provided in this material, choosing those that are most appropriate for the situation.

To begin with, it is worth turning to the district police officer, in no case leaving the violation unattended, because the law is implemented exclusively with the active assistance of citizens. Reluctance to further aggravate relations with neighbors necessarily leads to inaction of legislative norms. It is for this reason that most offenders go unpunished.

Using legal methods to deal with noisy neighbors is not only possible, but above all, necessary. It is worth noting only that it is better to solve the problem collectively. If only one tenant expresses constant dissatisfaction with the violation of public order, his efforts will most likely remain without due attention or be perceived by others as usual intrigues. Be that as it may, you should not remain inactive, because the landlord always has the right to a healthy rest and peace in his own home.

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Reason for complaint
Lucien Lucien
Our neighbors appeared noisy. Young, headless, you can’t say otherwise. Yes, and even with a child with a disability. Music plays loudly, drunk cries and plus again the child is disabled with crying. Madhouse full. We made a statement + there is a protocol drawn up by police officers. And not one. We are waiting results.


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