
Human Values

Life values ​​organize a person’s life. An individual can determine important concepts himself, but after that they control his behavior. This is a set of internal rules, that is, for compliance with which a person monitors independently.

Life values

Values, criteria and the basis for their growth

You can’t think that life values ​​in life always play a crucial role. Few are really guided by them. We talk about values ​​in conversations, but living every second to realize our values ​​is not easy, not everyone can do so.

From a physiological point of view, a person exists to satisfy his needs, is guided by his habits and shows emotions when faced with phenomena that do not satisfy him. The values ​​of many people exist only in words, their implementation is not carried out. For them, life is determined by simple physiological mechanisms. It is necessary to become a person, and for this you will have to develop your own values. Thus, important life values ​​require the achievement of a certain personality base.

Criteria for true intrinsic values:

  • They are dear to man; he is ready to stand up for them.
  • Awareness should be present in their choice, because the person must comply with them without reminders.
  • Positive values ​​cause pride in a person.

An important point is understanding. It is impossible to change life on his deathbed, so be aware of the interest and need for your life rules while you have time. If you probably know what you want and what you value most, fill it with every day of your life.

Human Values

Value building

If on New Year's Eve you recall everything that was in the past and dream of what you should do in the new year, then this is the best time to determine your life values. Write down everything that is important to you, and then it remains only to monitor compliance with this. A sign of a truly developed personality is if a person is guided in actions and deeds by his values. The latter determine the goals, from them grow plans and the future of man. More deliberate actions - more active growth of personality.

Everyone has their own, unique set of internal rules. Usually the formation of life values ​​occurs before the onset of twelve years. We are influenced by parents, school and teachers, the surrounding culture, etc. Values ​​can be formed after their realization and full acceptance. A full-fledged person has ordered life values. She understands what is most important and is in the first place, and what is placed below or serves to achieve other goals. Matches in the list of values ​​helps to improve relations between people, and significant deviations give rise to conflict. Life values ​​arise in childhood, thanks to the atmosphere surrounding us. The natural formation of new values ​​can occur by involving the individual in other living conditions, where a new block of values ​​is critically necessary for him.

Life values ​​in life

Value categories

What else is known about basic life values? Can they be counted? The whole list of life values ​​is extensive, but everything is subject to classification. The Sinton approach groups the basic life values ​​of a normal person into three circles:

  • Associated with work, business, business.
  • Related to relationships and personal life.
  • Responsible for their own development.

These parts can be considered in more detail.


Fun and relaxation, love, excitement. This is joy and separation, pleasure and life to the fullest. Your possible trip to the land of dreams, where you will find sea and sand, for example, or mountains and snow.Roulette game when everything is at stake, poker or debate. Romantic cozy meetings in coffee houses, taking place in the twilight with your loved one nearby.

Important life values


Children, family, mutual understanding. Long, stable relationship of a loving couple. The question of fathers and children, eternal friendship and loved ones. This category includes the value of relationships with other people in principle. In addition, there is love, but it has a different character, not passionate, but caring, affectionate and respectful. It is the joy of meeting with children and spouse after a long working day. This patient sons help elderly parents when they are unable to cope even with ordinary activities.


Comfort, money, home. This group concerns stable life and order. It refers to two concepts at once. "Comfort, money, home" are necessary for the family, and also support a good rest. Secondly, the financial issue affects the category of "Work, business, business." To furnish a new apartment, the newlyweds go to Ikea. They have to spend a lot of time there, because everything they want is too expensive, and their budget is limited.

The formation of life values


Own projects and affairs. What are you spending your day on? What do you do at work? What's in your head before you fall asleep? In this category there is everything that relates to your ideas, plans and work, your development. A teenager is interested in video and photography. He carefully sought out the best shots. Ten years later, the man achieved incredible success and shoots videos. His next step is directing.


Power, career, status. The thirst for gaining the highest position in society, new influences and open doors. The businessman is gaining more and more expensive cars, emphasizing their prestige. The model goes shopping only in branded stores. They demonstrate their position in society, because so much effort has been spent to achieve it.

Life goals and values


Further training in work, self-education. The implementation of their professional tasks is complicated without the proper level of education and the necessary experience. For this reason, qualifications affect the category "Work, business, business." Improving education and improving skills leads to the development of a person as a person. The stylist is carefully considering the appearance of celebrity on the red carpet, because it is important for him to familiarize himself with the latest trends in fashion.

Self development

The development of psychological and social skills, personality growth. Category development of individual characteristics. The growth of personality leads to informed conclusions, increased attention to loved ones and others. Social skills mean the ability to behave in society, to find a common language with different people. Psychological skills - struggle with your fears, control of emotions, clarity of thoughts. People immediately appear next to a person when he watches the manifestations of his feelings, is attentive to those around him.


Health, beauty, development in harmony. Slenderness, concern for appearance, good physical shape, ability to dance and grace - all these are physiological life values ​​that are located on the border of two categories. The development of the body and attention to its health leads to the development of the personality, therefore it is in contact with the category of self-development. These values ​​simultaneously affect relations with the opposite sex, therefore the category "Relations and personal life" develops in parallel.


Realization of goals, knowledge of the world and life principles, growth of the spiritual sphere. It is difficult for you to leave a mark for future generations if you live only for yourself and your needs. You must monitor your motives, the development of spiritual aspirations. Life goals and values ​​are not formed thanks to the purchase of fiction about spiritual practices, esotericism and the supernatural.

Define life values

So to summarize.Every day we are faced with the need to solve certain problems, we are struggling with circumstances that adversely affect us. It is important in such situations to make decisions based on their own values. Self-esteem arises only if internal rules are followed. A person’s life values ​​give him peace and stability.

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