
Norms and rules of behavior in society

The world around us is constantly changing: whole epochs are passing into the past, scientific and technological progress is developing, new professions are appearing and people themselves are becoming different. This means that the rules of behavior in society also do not stand still. Today it is no longer possible to meet curtsies and nods that were relevant in the preceding 21st century. So how should you behave in modern society? Find out about it right now!

What are “rules of behavior in society” in general?

Often a person does not even think about the fact that this long-term concept has a more compact version, which is used mainly in school social studies or by sociologists - these are “social norms”. Speaking in scientific language, the meaning of this term lies in the existence of common established patterns of individual behavior that have developed over a long period of time in the course of the practical activities of society. It is this activity that develops standard models of correct, expected and socially approved behavior. This includes many different categories: customs and traditions, aesthetic, legal, religious, corporate, political and a number of other norms and, of course, the rules of behavior in society. The latter may vary depending on the country, age and even gender of a particular individual. Nevertheless, in general, there are universal rules and norms of behavior in society, following which, there is no doubt that success in communication and interaction is guaranteed!

rules of conduct in society

First meeting and acquaintance

The rules of conduct established by the company state that in the event of an acquaintance, the following should be submitted:

  • man to woman;
  • the youngest in age and position - the eldest in the same categories;
  • come later - already present.

At the same time, the person you are acquainted with is mentioned first in the address, for example: “Maria, get acquainted - Ivan!” Or “Alexander Sergeyevich, this is Artyom!”

When people get to know each other, it is recommended to briefly characterize them in order to initiate a conversation and specify who the "organizer" of the acquaintance is: "Elena, this is my brother Konstantin, he is a geologist." Then the girl will have the opportunity to continue the conversation, for example, clarifying with Konstantin the features of his profession, asking in more detail about family matters, etc.

rules and norms of behavior in society


The rules of behavior in society also govern the way people greet each other. So, men are the first to address women with a welcoming speech, and the youngest by position and / or age - to the elders.

However, it must be borne in mind that regardless of social status and age, the person entering the room should always say hello first.

When two couples meet, the girls / women are the first to greet each other, then they are greeted by men and only after that the gentlemen exchange greetings among themselves.

When shaking hands, the first to be given is the person to whom the stranger was introduced, but at the same time always a lady — a man, a senior — a junior, a leader — a subordinate, even if the worker is a woman. The rules of conduct adopted in society indicate: if a seated person is given a hand to shake, he should stand up. A man should take off his glove; for women this condition is not necessary.

If at a meeting one of the couple or company greeted the person he met, then the others are also encouraged to greet him.

rules of conduct accepted in society

Courtesy and tact

The rules of conduct in modern society also require a person to be tactful and relaxed in communication, which will allow him not to be considered unpleasant and unethical in certain circles.

So, it is highly recommended not to point a finger at a person. Do not interfere with the conversation of strangers when they discuss personal topics and are not determined to accept another interlocutor. Attentive and intelligent people will not diminish the dignity of others in communication, interrupt the talking interlocutor, raise incorrect and non-recommended topics in the conversation (for example, about political views, religion, painful moments of life, etc.). In communication with a stranger, it is especially recommended to adhere to neutral topics, such as sports, hobbies and hobbies, culinary preferences, traveling, attitudes towards cinema and music, and others - then all participants in the conversation will have a positive impression of communication.

Do not belittle the meaning of the existing so-called magic words, namely “sorry”, “please”, “thank you”, “goodbye”. Familiar appeal to "you" is not recommended for use even by successful people who have successfully realized themselves in life, because this is a sign of a lack of elementary culture and upbringing. The rules of behavior of people in society are optimal models established for everyone and everyone, regardless of their financial condition, social status, standard of living, etc.

norms and rules of human behavior in society

Correctly delivered speech

The rules of behavior in society require a person to be able to correctly express his own thoughts, because, as you know, who thinks harmoniously, he speaks exactly the same.

One should speak at a moderate pace, calmly, not too loudly, because attracting excessive attention to oneself by raising the tone is the wrong approach to business. The interlocutor should be carried away by his own erudition, breadth of views and knowledge of certain areas of life.

The use of spurious words, periodic “mooing” and pauses can ruin the overall impression of the conversation. The rules of conduct adopted in society also urge a person to take on the role of a listener rather than a speaker. Of course, the skill of successfully broadcasting to the public is a very useful skill for life, but you should not underestimate the ability to listen, because it is an equally valuable art that will be adequately appreciated in any circles.

It is unnecessary to complain about one’s problems or to “draw” an interlocutor into a frank conversation when he demonstrates a clear reluctance to share the secret, is considered a bad man.

rules of conduct established by society


In addition, the norms and rules of human behavior in society require for the period of interaction and conversation to put aside the existing life difficulties, poor mood, pessimism and a negative attitude to anything. You can only say this to a very close person. Otherwise, there is a risk of remaining an incomprehensible interlocutor, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste from the conversation. It is also not recommended to talk about bad news, otherwise there is a great chance at a subconscious level to “attach” to your person an association with everything bad, joyless, unpleasant.

What tone should be set?

Of course, a conversation in a company is best given a carefree, half-joking, half-serious tone. Too clowning around in the hope of gaining the attention of others should not be, otherwise you can forever gain a reputation as a jester with a narrow mindset and outlook on things, which later will be difficult to get rid of.

rules of behavior of people in society is

How to behave in a cultural place, at an event or at a party?

It is considered offensive to laugh out loud, to openly discuss the rest, to gaze at someone in a public place where people come to rest and relax.

It is recommended to disconnect the mobile phone in quiet places, such as cinema, theaters, museums, at speeches and lectures, etc.

When moving between rows of seated people, it is necessary to go to them face, and not vice versa.At the same time, a man passes first, a woman follows him.

With the manifestation of feelings, such as kisses or hugs, it is better to wait and not to demonstrate them in front of the public, because for some, such an open tenderness can be unpleasant.

At exhibitions, do not take pictures where it is forbidden, as well as touch the exhibits.

If a person is invited to visit, he needs to make sure that he arrives as accurately as possible at the indicated hour. To be late or to arrive too early means to be tactless and disrespectful towards the owner of the house.

rules of conduct in modern society

The optimal time frame for a visit, which should not be like snow on the head for the host, is considered to be from 12 noon to 20 pm. At the same time, you cannot stay late until they ask for it, because in this way you can simply violate the plans of another person and his time schedule. An empty-handed visit, with another, uninvited person, intoxicated - all this can cause the owner in the future, most likely, to no longer want to host such an unethical individual.

As you can see, it is not difficult to follow the simplest social rules of behavior, the main thing is to start, and then they will become a habit and, as a result, will bring a lot of benefit!

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