
Barriers to entry, unique language, artifacts: proven ways to manage the community of brand fans

Entrepreneurs and companies that create a base of regular customers will be able to survive even in severe crisis conditions. They focus only on the target audience, and also constantly bring new customers represented by acquaintances, relatives or friends. Therefore, such companies devote a lot of attention and money to creating their brand and good reputation. They use different methods to manage the community, and people become not just buyers, but real fans of a particular organization.

1. Motivation of buyers through their mission

All well-known companies have their own mission or significant goal. They share their tasks with direct customers, which positively affects the loyalty and commitment of people.

Brand followers must be aware of what to strive for. It is important to attract and arouse the attention of customers who will become real fans of the company, recognizing the importance and usefulness of its goals.

2. Inspired by its history of origin

To truly attract a large audience, you need to inspire potential buyers with a unique and inspiring story about the organization's origins. It is important to talk about the following points:

  • who was the founder of the enterprise;
  • What iconic goals the company pursues;
  • what difficulties did you encounter at the beginning of the work;
  • how the company dealt with various problems;
  • how numerous barriers were overcome;
  • how the story of creation is intertwined with the mission of the firm.

Sometimes companies intentionally invent different stories that are interesting and attractive to potential buyers. At the same time, the activities of any company should be closely linked with charity and assistance to poor citizens.

3. Creating your own unique language

Firms must create their brand based on a specific archetype that characterizes all representatives of the target audience. In this case, you can develop different slogans specifically for these people. Next, you need to develop your own unique language, which is important and interesting for buyers.

This allows you to create a unique perception of the entire company. People will begin to perceive such an organization as a close friend and ally. Sometimes, to create such an atmosphere, it is enough to regularly conduct flash mobs in which buyers participate. Such events should focus not only on increasing the profits of the organization, but also on the rest of the adherents. It is interesting events that allow you to manage the community, use compelling manifestos, and also add value to the enterprise.

4. Creating barriers to entry

Before you make a customer a regular customer, it is important to evaluate its characteristics and capabilities. This will lead to the fact that people themselves will try to meet the requirements of the company in order to become part of its community. It is advisable to create elite groups, the entrance to which will be quite complex and specific.

If a person encounters some barriers in the process of joining a certain community, then membership will be more valuable and significant for him. It is most important to use any useful actions that should be performed by potential participants as a barrier.For example, in some Western companies, only a person who donated a large sum to charity can become a member of the elite community.

5. Member Identification

People who are members of the brand's community of fans always want to have proof of their status. Therefore, you need to use certain identifiers. For this, special bracelets, jewelry or badges can be used.

It should be decided how community members will be able to earn such artifacts that should be presented as any achievements, and not be bought for a certain amount of money. For example, Harley Davidson provides its customers with leather jackets with special patches, which can only be earned on various motorcycle rides. Therefore, it is important to combine the receipt of such artifacts with any entertainment or trips.

6. Insider Offer

Customers appreciate if firms offer them a good understanding of the enterprise. Therefore, it is advisable to offer insider access. For example, the well-known company Johnny Cupcakes makes huge profits on the sale of clothing and accessories, limited edition. The company refused to attract intermediaries represented by retailers, so customers appreciate that they buy truly unique wardrobe items that cannot be found in ordinary stores or malls.

Each organization can use its unique insider status. To do this, you can create unique content, issue special ads for the target audience, or use brochures.

7. Establishment of rituals

The presence of various unusual rituals is the key to good development of the company and the community of fans of the brand. The company should receive as much information from its customers as possible in order to be able to congratulate them on anniversaries or other celebrations.

If each buyer will participate in such interesting rituals, then he will not think about the need to move to another company.

8. Providing exceptional experiences

Companies that care about their reputation and brand should constantly offer their customers various unusual opportunities. An excellent solution is to provide an unusual experience. For this, various social events are held, to which only ardent brand followers are invited.

At such events, you can offer various unusual activities, such as riding a snowmobile, climbing to the top of a mountain, or performing other unusual activities. Due to this proposal, customer loyalty can be significantly improved. But companies must prepare for quite substantial expenses, so events are carried out only in the presence of large retained earnings.


Each large company seeks to form a large base of regular customers. For this, various measures are being taken to increase loyalty and commitment. Firms for these purposes use different methods, represented by the creation of various distinctive signs, the holding of public events or the formation of barriers to entry. The more followers and fans the company has, the more profit it will be able to expect.

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