
Five minutes and bankrupt: historical photos of the four largest crashes of the US stock market

We appreciate photographs for the ability of authors to capture a historical moment, to capture the emotions of people caught in the frame. Most of us are familiar with how the stock market functions. Its ups and downs affect the life of every average resident of the country. We bring to your attention 10 pictures that illustrate the four largest collapse of the American stock market.

1929 year

The collapse of Wall Street went down in history as the beginning of the Great Depression in US history. A landslide drop in stock prices occurred on October 24, overnight, people lost their money, which they saved up for many years. This day became known as Black Thursday. And it was followed by Black Friday, etc. In the picture, a little higher is the line to the Al Capone dining room for free distribution of soup.

Following the ruin of thousands of investors who lost about $ 30 billion, banks began to close, which led to a halt in the activities of many enterprises and companies. Unemployment has taken unprecedented forms. In the photo at the beginning of the article, the crowd gathered at the Brooklyn branch of the US Bank.

The crisis has gained worldwide proportions, drawing the Old World countries into its orbit. Most strongly, he touched Britain and Germany.

1987 year

The largest drop in the history of the Dow Jones Index (22.6%) occurred on October 19. The day was remembered as Black Monday. Following the United States, stock exchanges in Australia (41.8%), Hong Kong (45.8%), the UK (26.4%), and Canada (22.5%) lost.

In the picture a little higher we see a cluster of cars at the gas station. The United States is facing a gas shortage.

And this is how the stock market looked like some time before the breakdown in prices.

year 2000

Yahoo's decision to acquire GeoCities is one of the absurd decisions of 1999. The collapse of the stock market in 2000 is largely due to the bankruptcy of a number of Internet companies whose stocks soared fabulously on the eve of the price.

2008 year

A new collapse in the US stock market was preceded by a mortgage crisis (2007). The cheapening of the dollar led to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, whose assets amounted to 639 billion dollars with a debt of 613 billion. A total decline in stock prices began.

In the picture a little higher we see employees of a bankrupt investment bank.

A protest rally with slogans calling for the capture of Wall Street.

The feeling that with the help of the photographs presented, we touched the history of the United States and began to better understand how money rules the world today.

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