
Pig production in Russia as a business: features, development

Pig breeding in Russia - one of the most important branches of animal husbandry. Farms specializing in fattening piglets are usually cost-effective. Pig production currently accounts for about 20% of the total gross livestock production in the Russian Federation. Support to farmers specializing in the cultivation of piglets, in our time is provided, including from the state.

How profitable is this business in Russia today

The profitability of this type of animal husbandry in the Russian Federation at the moment is determined by several factors. The imposition of sanctions against Russia, of course, has become a serious cause of all kinds of economic shocks. However, at the same time, such a political situation played well into the hands of domestic food producers. As a result of the imposition of sanctions, Russian breeders were able to occupy vacant niches in the country's food market without much labor and fierce competition.

pig breeding in Russia

The state of pig farming in Russia Recently, it has improved significantly, including thanks to the federal policy of supporting domestic producers. Farmers today can take tocredits at favorable rates, win grants and even receive free assistance from the state at the initial stages.

Small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises are formed today, usually as peasant farms. For such enterprises in the country, among other things, a rather convenient taxation system is provided.

Pig farming in Russia

Another factor determining the profitability of this type of animal husbandry in Russia is that it is traditional for our country. In PF accumulated rich experience in keeping and breeding piglets.

History of pig farming in Russia ncounts for several centuries. Piglets in the territory our country divorceyat since ancient times. There are many evidences of this. For example, the English poet Fletcher, who lived in the 16th century, mentioned in his notes that the Russians in areas bordering with Turkic lands very few livestock are kept. An exception to thism, he said are pigs, because Tatars and Turks raiding Russia, do not eat pork, they are not stolen.

development of pig farming in Russia

The beginning of rapid development of the industry

Breeding these animals in our country engaged in for centuries. However booming pig breeding in Russia, like everywhere else in the world, startedabout in the 19th century. The first industrial exhibition, at which pig products were presented, was held in St. Petersburg in 1926. According to preserved documents, at that time mainly Danish and Chinese pigs were bred in the country.

Later in Russia, domestic highly productive breeds began to be created. The livestock farmers of the southern provinces were the first to breed piglets well adapted to the harsh climate. In the 40s of the XIX century they managed to get such, for example, breeds as Mirgorod and Poltava.

Pig Production in Russia: Animal Breeding Areas

Today this industry well developed in almost all regions of Russia. But the most popular pig breeding in our country receivedabout in highly developed agricultural regions specializing in the cultivation of beets, corn and sunflowers.

The state of pig breeding in Russia

Not too much money is spent on feed in these areas. households. Pig breeding (Russia due to sanctions, a lot of domestic meat is actually required today) as a business area in the 90s of the last century, our country practically disappeared. However today this industry really experiencing a rise. This fact is also confirmed by statistical data. Meat production in Russia has grown significantly in recent years.

Distributed same livestock by district in Russia about in the following way (data for 2014):

  • Central - 8260 thousand tons of meat per year.

  • Volga - 2388 thousand tons

  • Siberian - 1631 thousand tons

  • North-West - 1124 thousand tons

  • Ural - 950 thousand tons

  • Southern - 700 thousand tons

  • North Caucasian - 220 thousand tons

  • Far Eastern - 149 thousand tons

  • Crimean - 86 thousand tons

Productivity indicators

Running a piglet breeding business in Russia is beneficial, of course, not only thanks to government support and sanctions. A high degree of profitability of pig farms and excellent productivity indicators of these animals themselves are determined. Weights of 90-110 kg of piglets reach by 6-7 months. Slaughter mass of pigs averages 75-85%. For comparison: in cattle this indicator is only about 55%.

pig breeding in Russia areas

Talso pig breeding in Russia, as in the whole world, it’s also profitable because these animals differ in a high degree of fecundity. Only a purebred uterus can bring at a time and feed up to 12-14 piglets.

Farmers profit

The main product of pig farms in Russia are meat and lard. The farmers receive profit mainly from their sale. Many farms of this specialization are also selling pedigree young animals. Pedigree pigs are very popular in the Russian Federation and buy them willingly.

In general, the profitability of a pig farm depends on the cost of feed and the price of meat. The last indicator in our country is quite high. In comparison with food products of other groups, pork is quite expensive - in the region of 200-400 rubles per 1 kg, depending on the region.

Approximate calculation for clarity

Pig production in Russia Today it can be considered quite profitable. To make sure of this, you just need to make simple calculations. One pig eats about 400 kg of compound feed before slaughter. The cost of a ton of the latter is about 20,000 rubles. Accordingly, approximately fattening will be spent 8 thousand rubles Slaughter mass of a pig is about 75%. That is, from a six-month-old piglet, you can get about 75 kg of meat. Multiplying this figure by the cost of 300 rubles, we get revenue in 22.5 thousand rubles We take into account the cost of feed and get 14.5 thousand rubles The farmer will have to allocate part of this money, of course, to staff salaries, veterinarian services, premises for rent, equipment maintenance, etc. But anyway in the end, the farmer makes a pretty good profit.

History of pig farming in Russia

The development of pig farming in Russia: prospects

The increase in pork production in Russia, as already mentioned, is already observed today. The conclusion of such domestic extras is based on graphs of recent years. The profitability of this industry has increased in Russia to 42%. Most researchers give positive forecasts regarding the further development of the industry. According to some reports, pig breeding in Russia in the next few years may reach 100% self-sufficiency.

The main goal of farms of this specialization today is not only an increase in the number of livestock, but also:

  • improving breeding qualities of animals;

  • use of new promising growing technologies;

  • use of modern equipment;

  • improving the quality of veterinary services.

Russian pig farms

Improving the breeding qualities of animals will lead to a significant increase in their productivity. After all, thoroughbred pigs with lesser feed requirements usually gain more weight than normal. The use of new growing technologies and the installation of modern equipment on farms, of course, leads to a decrease in material and labor costs for the maintenance of animals.Improving the quality of veterinary services can prevent the decline in livestock productivity due to diseases and significantly reduce losses due to death.

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