
Own business: How to open a pet store ?!

In order to keep pets you need certain expenses. For example, about 3 thousand hryvnias (vaccinations, sand, food, accessories) should be spent on a cat per year, How to open a pet storeat the same time on a parrot about 300 hryvnias (cage, food). As a result, pet stores make good money by providing all the necessary goods for pets.
Pet stores are of three types: specialized sites and departments in supermarkets, large pet stores and small retail outlets.

According to experts, the market for goods in pet stores is growing by 40% annually, along with an increase in the number of pets. Opening even a small outlet is a justified and logical decision.
But how is it possible to open a pet store all the same, so that customers are as comfortable as possible, and as a result there is income? Below are some tips.

Before opening a store with pet products, in principle, as well as before opening any other store, you need to register a private enterprise, obtain permission from a veterinary license and the Office of Trade.
The optimal area for a pet store varies from 10 square meters. meters to 200 square meters. meter (respectively from a small stall to a full-fledged store). As for the stall, this option is not entirely convenient for visitors who are used to watching everything. The best option is to open with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters. meters a mini-shop where it is possible to present the average number of products.

Regarding the form of ownership of the pet store, it is best to purchase premises for the pet store, rather than rent, as the cost of rent is constantly growing. Today, for equipment and rental for a mini-shop with an area of ​​15 to 20 square meters. meters will have to lay out about 20-25 thousand hryvnia.

A successful start also depends on the location of the store. It is necessary to choose a crowded place with a developed transport interchange. The so-called popular rumor is very attractive to buyers - you told your family and friends, they tell their employees, and they will advise godfathers. But this method will work only with the highest quality of the services offered.

For smaller cities, you can place an ad in the telephone directory. Just as effective is posting ads for local residents and posting booklets to residents at home. Some experts advise placing outdoor advertising some time before the store opens. But the task is not to attract visitors, but also try to keep them. And this can be done not only with the help of high quality service and products, but also through the manifestation of loyalty - for example, by providing various bonuses, discounts, gifts and more.

You also need to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of a seller in a pet store: only an experienced specialist can tell visitors which medicines and feeds to prefer and only a veterinarian can write the right prescription.

The most effective layout of a small store is the classification of types of goods. For example, products for different animals are better to lay out in separate display cases, and in prominent places to lay out the most popular products, behind glass cabinets, display cases or a counter - it is better to put the goods, the choice of which requires medical advice. In order to purchase the first batch of goods will have to spend about 20 thousand hryvnia.

The most important recommendations on how to open a pet store we have posted. It is still very important to take into account the peculiarity of a particular region, the ratio of pets in different cities and regions may vary.

In pet stores of a certain location, you can expand the necessary assortment of goods, while reducing the number of less popular products. The volume of the goods offered should directly depend on the level of your visitors. The higher the standard of living of customers, the more they will spend money on keeping pets.

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Reason for complaint
This is a good type of business, many now have animals and have to spend money. I also spend a lot of money on my cat, buying food for her. I got used to them, she doesn’t need another.


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