
Business on the beach from A to Z. Detailed instructions - from renting a beach to arranging entertainment

"Summer, sun, sea, beach, this evening will be ours!" - such words are heard in the head of most holidaymakers heading for cool water and hot sands to spend their long-awaited vacation.

Some have a luxurious ticket to foreign countries in their pocket, which gives them the opportunity to relax for a week or two in the style of all inclusive. And others rush in trains, buses or personal cars towards the coastal open spaces of our homeland. Both of them are united by a feeling of lightness and a great desire to have fun spending money earned during the year.

Therefore, residents of resort towns not only happily rent out even the smallest living space at their disposal, but also make great money on trading and organizing summer beach activities. Business on the beach is developing by leaps and bounds, annually bringing its owners a very good income.

business on the beach

Ninety days a year

Unfortunately, earnings for vacationers are seasonal. On average, only three months a year, our compatriots have the opportunity to make a profit. And only in some regions of the country the number of "income" days can be increased by a maximum of sixty.

A short, but properly organized business on the beach can bring an income sufficient to open another business. In addition, the entire working day will be held at the edge of the sea, under the warm sunlight. Such working days promise a fun and serene pastime.

On your marks!

Summer is coming, there is a desire and an opportunity to earn. Where to start? First you need to decide on the method of making a profit.

All existing ideas on how to successfully organize a business on the beach can be divided into two main categories:

  • the first does not require large investments: this includes trade in food products, renting out cells for storing things, renting umbrellas and other inexpensive beach accessories;
  • the second needs significant investments: rental equipment for leisure and water sports, attractions and other entertainment, summer cafes and restaurants, beach rental with its subsequent improvement.

beach improvement

Based on the opinion of experienced businessmen, it can be said that it takes only a thousand US dollars to organize a small business. And such tools can be found quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. It would be a desire!

Simple business ideas

Making money on the beach is not so difficult. Probably, everyone who at least once in his life was relaxing by the water, heard the screams of passing merchants: “Sunflower seeds, dried fish, hot corn!” Selling such an inexpensive product can bring a decent income. To purchase it, “pennies” will be required, and the profit will exceed the expense several times.

Unfortunately, everything has its drawbacks:

  • Such an activity is incredibly tiring, because not everyone can pass the whole day under the scorching sun with a heavy bag, and an employee can seriously let down and even run away with all the proceeds.
  • This type of business requires the permission of the SES, work without it threatens with big troubles. However, the vast majority of such merchants work illegally, since the preparation of the necessary documents is so costly that all further activities lose all meaning.

how to rent a beach

The above example describes only one of the few ways to make money on the beach without having a lot of start-up capital.In the list of low-cost methods of earning, you can find the storage chamber described above, the sale of kvass and other soft drinks. You can also organize a small massage room or provide the services of a swimming coach.

Almost everyone can translate simple business ideas into reality, you just need to find to find the most suitable. And most importantly, do not violate existing rules and laws.

Comfort for your money

business ideas on the beach

Recently, the demand for the level of comfort among our compatriots has increased significantly. And if ten years ago everyone without hesitation laid the litter directly on the sand, laid out sandwiches and cut a watermelon, today such a vacation will attract few.

Beautification of the beach has become the number one issue in most resort towns. Vacationers need modern toilets and showers. They want to drink refreshing cocktails in small cozy bars located directly on the sand, or lie on comfortable sun loungers in the shade of umbrellas. And the kids just need safe playgrounds and shallow pools with clean water. Such arrangement of beaches can bring considerable income.

This is my beach!

Legislatively established that all citizens of our country have the right to unhindered access to any water bodies and a 20-meter zone adjacent to them. That is, you cannot enclose the beaches and take money for entry. But how to rent a beach without breaking the rules?

business entertainment on the beach

In order for a legal entity to use any part of the sea, river or coastal zone for its own commercial purposes, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement. It spells out all the rules for using the leased area, what the tenant has the right to and what is strictly prohibited.

Similar documents are issued by the Federal Agency for Water Resources. Its units are located in each region of the country. Only after receiving the necessary permits, you can begin to improve the beach and take a fee for the provision of services.

Interesting, fun and profitable.

Owners of coastal attractions claim that entertainment on land and water are very popular among vacationers. This beach business can be called one of the most profitable and quick payback.

Everyone who at least once visited a well-maintained beach, without fail, rode on a water slide. This is perhaps the most striking attraction that can attract both children and adults. It is absolutely safe, does not require special skills and special physical training from the user. Therefore, for the first season of work, you can fully recoup investments in such a business.

Entertainment on the beach very often includes riding on various water vehicles. This can be a catamaran, jet ski, water skiing, banana. The use of such boats is associated with some risk to life, and the entrepreneur needs an experienced instructor on staff. Also, all customers will need to be provided with individual rescue equipment.

I walk on the water

Quite new and very attractive, from the point of view of the entrepreneur, the water attraction is zorb. It is a transparent plastic ball about two meters in diameter. A person is placed inside the tank, air is pumped in and pushed into water.

The ball moves on the surface, and at this time the client spins inside, turning upside down, or gently "steps on the water." The employee keeps the ball on the cable all the time and can quickly return it to the shore in case of an unforeseen situation.

Buying a zorb will cost one and a half thousand dollars, for its operation will require only one worker. If you place a similar ball in a crowded place, its cost will pay off in less than a month.

Me with the wind along the way

Windsurfing and kitesurfing can also be an excellent means of earning. Equipment rental for these sports is very popular.Of course, it is impossible to sail, standing on a narrow board, or fly after a parachute without preliminary preparation. Therefore, at the rental points you can always hire an instructor, and then master the skills in a few lessons.

beach rental

I'll take a piece of the sea with me

Finally, we discuss the topic of souvenirs. Each tourist seeks to bring with them a little reminder of their fun. To do this, buy nice inexpensive trinkets, decorated with images of the resort. These are mainly magnets, circles, small figurines. Such trifles are obligatory brought to all relatives, friends and colleagues. Visitors buy them in huge numbers, not counting the money spent.

A small outlet with a similar product, located in the place of gathering holidaymakers, can bring unexpectedly high income. Of course, competition in this type of activity is very high, but there are also a lot of buyers. The main thing is that there should be a wide and attractive range on the counter, and customers should be served by a smiling and contact seller.

After a cold winter and May thunderstorms, summer always comes. Tourists will come to soak up at the water's edge, and seasonal entrepreneurs will be able to get their long-awaited income.

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