
How to open a flower salon? Find out where to start a flower business

If you want to start your own business, while you love nature and are not devoid of a sense of beauty, then creating a floristic salon can be an excellent solution for you.

But how to open a flower shop, if there are already a lot of florist shops? Do not worry! It is important to remember that flowers are a product for which there is a demand at any time of the year, in addition it is a perishable product. Birthdays, March 8, September 1, weddings, concerts, holidays and just a desire to please your loved one with a beautiful bouquet - all this is only part of the events that are inextricably linked with the acquisition of flowers.

So the relevance of flower shops practically does not fall, depending on the time of year. It is also worth considering that in big cities the margin for flowers can be in the range of 100-300%, that is, buying one rose for 20 rubles, you can sell it for 40-50 rubles.

In this situation, even taking into account all the associated costs, you can expect a good profit from the flower business. So where to start a flower business? The article will disclose as much as possible all the stages and nuances of this process, so that in the end you will be well informed and ready to start a new business.

how to open a flower salon

Types of flower shops

Thinking about how to open a flower salon, you first need to decide on the type of store you want to create. The simplest and smallest flower shop is a pavilion or kiosk, which can be located in large shopping centers, markets and streets. Another way to run a flower business is to open an online floristry store.

But then only Internet users will be your customers. If possible, such online trading is best combined with a regular store. It will even bring a big profit to the owner. The largest and most profitable is considered a flower salon or boutique.

Depending on the size of your city and financial abilities, you can open one large salon in the center or organize a whole network of flower shops. In the case of a successful business, you can even go beyond the boundaries of one city. But before that you still have a lot of work to do. So you need to start from one store. And when things go well, you can decide whether to expand or not.

Flower shop services

Before you begin to understand in detail how to open a flower salon, it's time to decide what your store will offer. Flower services are not limited to the collection of beautiful bouquets; they imply a wide space for creative ideas and ideas.

First of all, this is the compilation of floral arrangements. Not bouquets, namely compositions, and they can be made on a water basis, that is, short-lived, and on the ground (in pots and flowerpots), which will imply the long-term existence of the created work.

where to start a flower business

In addition, there is such a kind of compositions as floral toys and figures. They are made from fresh flowers, fixed on a special surface that holds moisture well. With the right approach to the creation and proper care of such compositions can last about two weeks.

It is also possible to organize such type of services as flower decoration of premises. It can be a magnificent wedding decoration, and an additional design in the home. Ideally, this should be done by a professional who has studied design, and then satisfied customers will contact you again.

To increase its competitiveness, flower delivery can be added to the list of salon services.And the creation of discount discount cards for regular customers and customers with large orders will additionally raise your rating against competing firms.

 flower business business plan

Flower Business Plan

Before you open a flower salon, you should thoroughly prepare for theoretical soil. Examine the flower market, the demand for various floristic services, calculate future expenses and more. Simply put, you need to draw up a business plan for the flower salon. It is necessary to describe in an accessible way the idea of ​​your future occupation, to consider the available ways to achieve it, and to choose the optimal one, having analyzed all the influencing factors. This will help you easily start a flower business from scratch.

Basically, a business plan should cover many aspects, such as:

  • A summary of the business plan, which is a brief summary of the work.
  • Tasks and goals that you want to achieve.
  • Form of incorporation - it will be necessary to decide what type of enterprise you will open.
  • Analysis of the selected industry and the laws of its development.
  • Target audience, potential consumers.
  • Ways to attract customers.
  • Competitors.
  • Plan and sales strategy.
  • Workers, wages.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Possible risks.
  • Description of the offered products, prices.
  • Financial plan.

How to open a flower salon

After drawing up a business plan and choosing a path for its implementation, you can proceed to open your store. So where to start a flower business? The first step is to register your case and notify the relevant organizations. This can be done both personally in special state organizations and by hiring a lawyer, which will significantly save your time and effort.

At the same time, you should find and rent a room for the salon. For successful trading, the place of your future store should be in crowded, frequently visited places. If necessary, it is necessary to repair the future store and do the design of its appearance, consider the design.

flower business from scratch

Equipment for the flower salon

If you open a small kiosk, it will be enough for him to purchase only a few display cases and small equipment to create products. But in the case of a large salon, the quality of equipment and its purpose is changing, it implies a larger amount of inventory. In addition to shop windows, you may need special refrigerators that help flowers last longer.

Also, in the plan, how to open a flower salon, you need to take into account the place for the seller and the cash register, the organization of a corner for buyers, where they can see the catalog of your products. You should also consider what equipment your craftsmen will need to create bouquets, compositions and toys, and purchase it in sufficient quantities. In addition to flowers, you can also simultaneously trade in seeds, flowerpots, pots, vases and other accompanying things related to floristry.

Interior design

All purchased equipment and goods should be harmoniously placed on the territory of your store. Everything should be conveniently arranged to provide maximum comfort for customers, as well as show the assortment of goods offered as widely as possible. The appearance and overall impression of your store will affect the number of customers, and comfort and pleasant service will help you to turn to you again for services and recommend to your friends and acquaintances.

equipment for a flower salon

Catalog of services and products

For a large salon, a useful addition would be to create a printed catalog with a list of all the services and products that the flower shop offers. If you have an online platform along with a regular store, then you can place an electronic version of the catalog available for download there.

In the main store, buyers should be able to familiarize themselves with the catalog in convenient conditions, get advice on it, which will help them more likely to make a choice if they initially did not have time to decide what they need.

The catalog should be designed in such a way that information is perceived easily, not to spare space on photos of product examples, a detailed description and approximate prices. Open sales will be a pleasant surprise for your customers.

Flower purchase

The most important thing in your business is, of course, flowers. After you decide on the assortment of floral products, you need to choose a good supplier. At the same time, you need to try to optimally combine the three important foundations of any service delivery: quality, speed and cost. Usually, in this triangle, a clear advantage of only two parameters is possible. For example, high quality and low price will slow down the job. In the flower business, it is better to choose quality and speed indicators, and the price for a good product will pay off.

Among the suppliers distinguish wholesale entrepreneurs and manufacturers themselves. Who will be more convenient to make purchases is up to you, carefully studying the terms of the deal with one and the other and drawing on the opinions of other people who have already worked with your potential supplier.

A beneficial step would also be cooperation not with one supplier, but with several. Then in case of any delays or other troubles with one of the deliveries, you will receive the other two, and your losses will be minimized.

flower shop advertising

Flower Shop Advertising

You can achieve great success only if your store is widely known. The role of advertising in the promotion of a business is important, and you should not forget about it. There are several approaches to advertising your new store. The best choice would be a combination of all of them in order to successfully start and continue flower production no less productively.

The most famous way is advertising in print media and on the Internet. When choosing a resource, you need to pay attention to its popularity among readers in order to inform a larger number of people. Next, not far from the salon itself, you need to place billboards and posters that will direct potential buyers to the store.

They should attract attention and cause a desire to look into your domain. The store itself needs to be decorated with an attractive sign, window dressing is beautiful. Also, the city will not hurt to place several billboards in areas remote from the salon to attract people from there.

Working staff

The face of your store, among other things, will be the staff you hired. Therefore, you need to hire sociable and professional workers. Pleasant handling and quality work will delight customers, which will contribute to their return to your store and its services.

flower salon

A few words in the end

Even before you started reading this article, you were just starting to think about how to open a flower salon. But now you probably know where to start a flower business. And, applying the advice and knowledge that was obtained from the above material, you can easily start your own business, from which you will enjoy and profit.

If you are worried about the amount of funds that you will have to initially invest in your business, then do not forget that all the initial capital will be quickly paid back. The main thing is do not stop striving to improve your professional qualities and the skills of your employees. The ability to work with people, listen to them and understand will provide you with satisfied customers and loyal employees. All this together will help you achieve great success in any undertaking and, of course, in the flower business.

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