
Business is a dream come true

Business is a dream come trueA childhood dream of adulthood is talking, going to work like them. This, in fact, every child’s dream, sooner or later such thoughts appear in every child. Only after the passage of years do we realize that adults have a lot of difficulties. It is impossible to become an adult here and now, but you can help your child feel like an adult and independent. Business on the realization of a childhood dream is possible.

Javier Ancona is a Mexican businessman who came up with a brilliant idea for making money. In 1999, Javier created the "city of children" or the so-called kidzoland. In this city, children provided very interesting services. Children could feel like adults and feel independent.

This park is unique in its kind; its improved copies are in Indonesia, Japan, China, South Korea, Portugal and the United Arab Emirates. It can be seen that this is a very profitable business since it was undertaken to implement it in so many countries.

In Kizoland, the children themselves do everything. Parents are not allowed into the city; children themselves must do everything. At the entrance, the children wear a bracelet that tracks the position of the child. Also, the child is given a little kizo (this is the local currency), for which he can ride on attractions. When a child runs out of kizo, then he needs to replenish them. A child can get kizo only by working. The child will need to work and earn more kizo with his labor. Everything is like in real life, as adults do. The more the child works, the more kizo he will have.

For work, the child is given a professional uniform, and he performs certain actions. This is presented to the child as a game, but indirectly, he begins to understand the basics of real life, where you need to work in order to receive money. A child can easily change many professions in a short time. Many adults would envy such an opportunity.

Business on the realization of a childhood dream is very profitable. Organizing such a business is not easy. It will require great financial opportunities and many connections. In a metropolis, such an amusement park will be very popular due to its uniqueness. Firstly, parents will bring their children for the whole day, and they themselves can go shopping. Secondly, parents will strive to send their children to such a park so that they get a new experience and understand more about real life.

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Reason for complaint
Tatyana Asterixa
The idea is gorgeous, but often parents want to keep everything under control, and here is complete freedom, and even kinzo independence.
An interesting idea, and most importantly useful.
Olga Kannunikova
If only we would do something similar!


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