
Themed pharmacy style bar

Themed pharmacy style barMore than once I was convinced that the freshness of thinking brings a huge income. An innovative idea will always be held in high esteem, and be profitable. People always want new experiences and they are willing to pay for it. It does not matter whether it is useful or not, whether people need it or not, the main thing is to convince them that it is fashionable and everyone does it.
A theme bar in the style of a pharmacy of the 19th century has opened in New York, a feature of which is its novelty. This is an exciting sight, because it is a retro style. An unusual time that captures with your head. The era of great discoveries and brilliant breakthroughs in all areas. Changing the foundations of life and introducing miracle machines into people's lives.
The unusualness of this bar is not only in its features of its stylistic design, but also in the location of this bar, as well as in the features of the preparation and names of drinks. Themed bar in the style of a pharmacy will not offer you the famous cocktail or “Mojito”, so only “medicines” are sold. The menu is designed in the form of recipes, where you will need to choose some medicine for yourself. The owner of such a bar says that medications help everyone, the main thing is to choose the right one. Medicines are prepared in a special bowl. Similar to the one used in pharmacies of the 19th century.
The author of the thematic bar also says that the location of this bar played a large part in the success of this project. After all, it is located in a mysterious area, where gang clashes took place in the 1920s. And this street is famous in itself. A pharmacy-themed bar is the perfect complement.
This is the freshness of thinking and creativity of the idea in the best combination. After all, when you say that someone went to a theme bar in the style of a pharmacy, then the maximum guest will think that the bar will have a pharmacy interior, but when he sees the menu and the method of preparing medicines, he will be pleasantly surprised.
This business idea worked in America, but I'm not sure that it will work for us. But everything can be, if you adapt it to our realities and do it wisely, you can earn decent money on this. After all, we also love the freshness of thinking and new ideas that promise to always try to bring to life.

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Reason for complaint
Tatyana Asterixa
Cafe “Aibolit under the tree” is suitable for us - come to him for treatment! He will heal everyone, give them a drink and treat them. Of course with health benefits and possibly with an alternative to alcohol.


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