
Business plan online store | All pitfalls

Business plan online storeEveryone wants to live with dignity: relax in expensive resorts, drive a prestigious car and occupy a high position in society. How to achieve success when there is no finance, how to "start" your business? Thanks to the Internet, it became possible to conduct an online business about which we will now talk. I present to you the business plan of an online store - this particular type of business is one of the most profitable and is closely related to the offline market.

The usefulness of an online store

For the buyer, first of all, favorable prices compared to stationary points of sale, there is not a large number of sellers who need to pay a salary. Also, the rental of premises makes significant adjustments to the price. For a business owner, the ability to automate a business process. Having agreed with the courier service on the reception, dispatch of goods and storage in their warehouses and with an outsourcing company about a manager for taking orders and sending them to the courier service, you transfer the work of the same type to companies specializing in it.

First you need:

Own site 30 thousand

Payment for manager services 15 thousand

Payment for left-luggage offices at a courier company 15 thousand

3500 phone charge

Advertising costs 30 thousand

Purchase of goods 20 thousand

I do not take into account a computer and you can use a printer at home.

The business plan of the online store includes fixed costs

Payment of hosting 1500

Payment for manager services 15 thousand

The fee for the storage of your goods is 15 thousand.

The monthly fee for the phone is 1500.

Advertising 30 thousand

Purchase of goods 20 thousand

Total 120 thousand. at the initial stage and order 85 thousand. during work.

Significant costs can be avoided by outsourcing some business processes, shooting a 1m camera3 much cheaper than renting a warehouse, albeit small. Also, tax savings for salaries to employees you simply will not have them.

You can save on the site, you do not have to order from well-known companies, you can just order from freelancers. The cost of the order will be about 6-10 thousand.

Work with providers

Suppliers for your online store will be divided into 2 groups overseas and "home". The scheme of working with foreigners is simple ordered, paid, delivered. There are options with our suppliers:

The supplier gives information about the availability of goods in stock, you publish it on your website and leave a small deposit to the manager for the purchase and further delivery of the client.

The most profitable option is to take the goods for sale, after signing some securities. Everyone just takes the goods, sells and after that transfers the money, the goods that have not been sold, send back.

Work with wholesale suppliers will depend on your agreement on the quantity of goods for a minimum order.

Online store business plan: legal side

For convenience, you need to open an IP or LLC, it will be enough IP. There are no pitfalls, in short: pay a fee, register with a notary public a statement. Transfer the documents to the tax office and after a couple of working days, you will be issued a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs. After that you can open an account and get a seal, and feel free to work.

Underwater rocks

Success depends on building business processes. Starting from the receipt of the order, delivery and packaging to receiving payment.

A very popular method of delivery using cash on delivery, in the business plan you need to lay 5-15% of non-payment.

You can’t sell everything you want in the online store, you need to choose a niche.

It is necessary to take into account the seasonality of the goods sold, establish a competent purchase.

You can not compete only at the price - this is the path to failure.

Do not delay the start of tomorrow business niches fill up very quickly.

I hope online store business plan will help at the beginning of your business. If you have an offline business, do not let your competitors get around, open your online store earlier and get more customers.

How to create for free

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Reason for complaint
I also think that an online store can be created with a minimum of cost. As already mentioned hosting and domain. The main desire and determination.
The online store is a very serious and responsible business, in order to achieve great results in it, you need to make a lot of effort, as well as you said money, so there are big risks to burn out ... But the game is worth the candle)))
At one time I had an online store, and the only cost is a domain and hosting. I did everything else myself. Now it is managed by a friend of mine who has expanded the circle of employees to 2 people.
What am I doing? And to the fact that even an online store can be made and promoted with minimal cost.
In fact, nothing complicated, especially if at the first stage you do everything yourself


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